Required entries for the proxy-config.xml file to configure widgets to work with WebSphere Portal

Use the examples of required entries for the proxy-config.xml file to configure the Ajax proxy on the WebSphere® Portal server. To allow remote URLs to your product server from the WebSphere Portal server, you must configure the Ajax proxy.

The following XML snippet shows the proxy policy required for business process management products. This must be set for all remote URLs that you intend to open with the WebSphere Portal proxy, for example, the Business Space server and your business process management server. Replace <REMOTE_BPM_URL> with the remote URL that needs to be opened with the WebSphere Portal proxy.

  • The socket-timeout value is set to 10 seconds by default. Business Space uses a proxy component to connect to your Representational State Transfer (REST) services. If REST services are not responsive, change the socket-timeout value to an appropriate value for your situation (for example, 30 seconds). See Changing the timeout settings for the Business Space Ajax proxy.
  • The max-connections-per-host value is set to 5 by default. Consider a larger number for this value (for example, 10) if you receive the following error:

    HTTP 503 The number of available connections for the requested remote host exceeded.

If you have multiple remote servers or URLs that need to be allowed with the proxy for the WebSphere Portal server, customize the proxy configuration by using dynamic policy entries. The proxy policy will differ from one deployment to the other. Refer to WebSphere Portal documentation for different ways to configure the WebSphere Portal server proxy.

The proxy-config.xml is located at WebSphere_Portal_install_root\base\wp.proxy.config\installableApps\wp.proxy.config.ear\wp.proxy.config.war\WEB-INF.
Important: The updated proxy-config.xml must be reviewed and approved by your WebSphere Portal administrators before being checked into WebSphere Portal.
The following example is for use with WebSphere Portal V7.0.0.2 Cumulative Fix Pack 12 or later:
<!-- BPM/Business Space proxy policy -->

<proxy:policy url="<REMOTE_BPM_URL>" acf="none">


The following example is for use with WebSphere Portal V8.0 with the WebSphere Portal V7.0.0.2 theme:
<!-- BPM/Business Space proxy policy -->
<!-- Please make sure the tags shown below match the tags in the existing proxy policy xml being edited on your deployment. Also, edit the entry <policy url> below and change REMOTE_BPM_URL to the allowed BPM URL -->

<policy url="<REMOTE_BPM_URL>" acf="none">

