Configuring your environment with the IBM BPM Configuration editor

The IBM BPM Configuration editor is a browser-based interface for configuring your new deployment environment. You can graphically edit the configuration properties file that was exported from your source environment by the BPMConfig -export command. After you modify the properties file in the editor, you can use the BPMConfig -create command to create a new deployment environment that is based on the modified file.

Before you begin

The IBM BPM Configuration editor supports the following Linux products:
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 or later
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6.0 or later
If you do not have IBM BPM installed on a version of an operating system that is supported by the IBM BPM Configuration editor, you can copy the file to another machine that is running a supported operating system and then use the editor there.

About this task

The following image and corresponding table describe the parts of the Configuration editor that you interact with when you configure your new deployment environment.
Screen capture of the Configuration editor. The parts are described in the following table.
Table 1. Description of labeled areas on the Configuration editor image
Label Part Description
A Topology Edit the properties of all available components, such as cells, nodes, and deployment environments. Some properties were automatically modified during export and others require manual input. Components that are incorrectly configured are shaded gray. Properties that have missing or invalid values are surrounded with a red border and are flagged with a red exclamation mark icon.
B Security Edit the properties for LDAP. Edit the customizations from WebSphere® Lombardi Edition files, including Process Admin Console, Process Server, and other custom properties. The information that you see on this tab depends on your source configuration.
C Performance Edit the properties for data sources, thread pools, activation specifications, work managers, JVM settings, connection factories, ORB data, web containers, and messaging engines.
D Summary Scroll through all available properties before you save the configuration properties file. Make further edits.
E Configuration assistance Show the context-sensitive help panel.
1 Cell Edit the cell properties, such as the cell name. Map the cell administrator role to an authentication alias.
2 Deployment environment Edit the deployment environment properties, such as the IBM BPM type. For Process Server, you can also change the Process Center connectivity properties.
3 Databases Edit the database properties or map database roles to user aliases.
4 Deployment manager Edit the deployment manager properties, such as the host name, node, profile name, and SOAP port.
5 Node Edit the properties for each node, such as the node name, host name, port, and profile name.
6 Cluster Edit the properties for each cluster.
7 Cluster member Edit the properties for each cluster member.
8 Aliases Edit the authentication alias mappings for the deployment environment administrator, database administrator, and other aliases to users and passwords.
9 Bus Edit the bus properties, such as the databases that they refer to.
10 Validation messages Correct incomplete or incorrect properties by clicking the messages in this table.


  1. To install the IBM BPM Configuration editor, complete the following steps:
    1. Extract the configuration editor package to a directory. The package is in install_root/BPM/config/ui/.
    2. Make sure that the following files in the package are executable:
      • install_root/BPM/config/ui/
      • install_root/BPM/config/ui/validation/
    3. Edit the configEditor.ini file to set the JAVA_HOME location. You can optionally change the port that the editor uses.

      If you do not change the port, the default port 8888 is used. However, if you run the configEditor command and port 8888 is already being used by a different process, you will receive the error Error: listen EADDRINUSE. If you receive the error, you can either stop the process that is already using port 8888 or you can specify a new port number in the configEditor.ini file (such as port 9999).

    4. Start the server.
      • In the directory where the executable is located, run the command. The BPMConfigEditor.log file is written to the same directory where you run the command.
    5. If a browser does not automatically open to run the configuration editor, manually open a browser. The configuration editor allows only local access. On the computer where the editor is installed, specify the following URL:
      Change the port number if you changed it in the configEditor.ini file.
  2. Click Browse and select the properties file that was created when you ran BPMConfig -export. For example, Click Open Editor to start configuring your new environment.
  3. Configure your target environment.
    • Keep track of the database properties that you choose when you are adding new database capabilities. You will create the required new databases in the next step.
      Tip: In IBM® BPM V8.6.0, the common database is split into two pieces. One is cell-scoped and is used for the entire cell. The other, which includes event sequencing and the failed event manager, is deployment-environment-scoped, and must be configured for each deployment environment.
    • The target environment will use the same databases as the source environment unless you change the defaults. If you are using cloned databases, back up the exported BPMConfig properties file so that you can restore the correct database properties after you finish. Then, update the database information in the file to use the cloned databases.
    • If you use a file-based user registry in the source environment, use the same primary administrative user name for the cell administrator as you used in the source environment. Reusing the administrative user name as the cell administrator ensures that the data in the database has the same security context and can still work with the same user after exportation.
    • If you are exporting more than one deployment environment, make sure that the name of the authentication alias for each database is different if there is a different user name in each deployment environment. Otherwise, the creation of the second deployment environment will fail because the authentication alias uses a different user name.
      For example, your first deployment environment has the authentication alias BPM_DB_ALIAS with user1 as the user name.
      Before you create the second deployment environment, check the BPMConfig properties file to make sure that the same authentication alias does not exist with a different user name. If so, change the name of the authentication alias. For example:
    • Fix all validation errors to ensure a correct and complete target environment.
    • Click Save to save the configuration properties file.
      Important: Save the properties file to the same location (where you created it when you ran BPMConfig -export), because there are cross-references between it and other exported configuration files. If you cannot save the file in the same location using the same name as the exported properties file, you should edit the output properties file and change the name and location manually.
      Tip: If you see an error that is similar to properties_file can't be downloaded, click Retry to save the file.

What to do next

When you start the IBM BPM Configuration editor, it creates a process that runs in the background. If you close the browser that is running the Configuration editor, the background process will continue to run. To stop the process, load the following URL in the browser: