This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration.

SCA bindings

Service Component Architecture (SCA) bindings are used for SCA invocations between modules running in the same runtime cell. This binding is simple to configure and provides seamless integration between modules.

The SCA binding lets your service communicate with other services in other modules. You can use an import with an SCA binding to access a service in another SCA module. You can use an export with an SCA binding to offer a service to other modules.

All imports and exports need bindings. Within the assembly editor, by default, a runtime process applies an SCA binding to an export with no binding.

If modules are running on the same server, an SCA binding is the easiest and fastest binding to use. The same is also true of modules deployed in the same cluster. If you want a service to be published as a web service and to be available to other modules in the same cluster, consider using two exports, one with a web service binding and one with an SCA binding.

An SCA binding on an import specifies an SCA-bound export in another module. That export can be connected to either a component or an import. As a result, the SCA import binding requires only two pieces of information: the name of the export it is calling and the module containing that export. The export must also have an SCA export binding. If the export has any export binding other than SCA, you cannot import it in another module with the SCA import binding. You must import it with the corresponding import binding type.