Configuring COGNOSCS database scripts manually

The database scripts required for creating the COGNOSCS database for IBM® Cognos® Business Intelligence are shipped on the installation media and are copied to the application server during IBM Business Monitor server installation. These database scripts can be customized manually so that you can create the databases before server installation or profile creation.


To edit the database script files manually, complete the following steps:

  1. Using a text editor, open the database script file for your database software.
    • For DB2® for z/OS®, the createDatabase_Cognos.sql script creates the database.
    • For all other databases, the createDatabase.sql script creates the database.
    By default, the file is located in the following directories: where
    • app_server_root is the directory where IBM Business Monitor is installed
  2. Edit the following variables in the database script files for your database software:
    • For DB2 for z/OS, the default schema for the database user will be used. Edit the following variables:
      Represents the DB2 storage group name (for example, SYSDEFLT).
      Represents the name of the IBM Business Monitor database (for example, COGNOSCS).
    • For all other databases, the default schema and table space for the database user will be used. Edit the following variables:
      Represents the name of the IBM Business Monitor database (for example, COGNOSCS).
      Represents the runtime IBM Business Monitor database user.
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. For DB2 for z/OS only:
    1. On DB2 for z/OS, you must create the table spaces using the IBM Cognos BI scripts tablespace_db2zOS.sql and NC_TABLESPACES.sql. See the full instructions in the IBM Cognos BI information center:
    2. The first time IBM Cognos BI starts, it creates the tables using the following scripts:
      • COGNOS_location/configuration/schemas/content/db2zOS/dbInitTest_db2zOS.sql
      • COGNOS_location/configuration/schemas/content/db2zOS/dbInitScript_db2zOS.sql
      • COGNOS_location/configuration/schemas/content/db2zOS/dbInitLock_db2zOS.sql
      • COGNOS_location/configuration/schemas/content/db2zOS/dbInitMeta_db2zOS.sql
      • COGNOS_location/configuration/schemas/delivery/zosdb2/NC_CREATE_DB2.sql
      For network deployment (ND) environments, the initial server startup will first copy these files from the master IBM Cognos BI installation location to the server location. Make sure that you have replaced the environment-specific variables in these files before the IBM Cognos BI server starts; otherwise the table creation scripts will fail when the server starts. To determine your COGNOS_location, see Locating your runtime IBM Cognos BI root directory.