IBM BPM version 8570 cumulative fix 2016.06

Tuning authorization performance for Process Portal

Authorization for many actions in REST API based clients, such as Process Portal, is determined by the security groups and teams that a user belongs to. If users belong to many (thousands of) security groups and teams, they might experience performance issues because of frequent authorization lookups. You can improve performance in these situations to restrict authorization lookups to the groups and teams that are relevant in a specific context.

About this task

Important: The following information applies to both Heritage Process Portal and Process Portal.

Group membership lookups are done for both user actions, such as claiming a task, and system actions, such as refreshing the task list in the Work dashboard. To optimize the lookup behavior, add the optimize-group-membership-lookups property to the 100Custom.xml configuration file.

Important: Make all required modifications to the 100Custom.xml file. Do not edit the 99Local.xml file.


  1. Stop the IBM® Process Center server and the process server.
  2. Open the 100Custom.xml file, and copy and paste the following section from the 99Local.xml file to the 100Custom.xml file.
    <common merge="mergeChildren">
       <security merge="mergeChildren">
          <optimize-group-membership-lookups merge="replace">true</optimize-group-membership-lookups>
  3. Save your changes in the 100Custom.xml file.
  4. Start the Process Center server and the process server.