Creating custom images for Heritage Process Portal spaces

You can create custom images to customize the appearance of controls, backgrounds, and borders in your space.

About this task

Many of the images that are used for controls, borders, and backgrounds are combined into a sprite. Grouping the images together in a sprite reduces the number of server requests that are required to populate the page with images. The default sprite, Sprite_01.png, is provided and is found in the WebDAV folder at public/themes/bspaceTheme/images.

The images in a sprite can be related to each other, dependent upon each other, or independent of each other. When you customize a sprite, you do not need to update all the images that are related to each other. However, dependent images must be updated together. For example, a scalable button might consist of three parts (left, right, and center) all of which must be updated together.

The Sprite_01.png file contains images for tabbed navigation and widget toolbar icons. This file contains a number of images that are part of the space theme. Any modifications that you make to this file will apply to all spaces and styles across the space. If you want to modify the look of all spaces, create a theme rather than directly modifying any of the elements of the theme.

To create custom images to use in your spaces, it is advisable to keep them together in a sprite. The simplest method is to copy the source for an existing sprite, such as Sprite_01.psd, modify it, and save the modified file in .png format. In the sprite, modify the CSS rules for that part of the user interface to ensure that the changes apply only to the related style.

The following table describes the images in the Sprite_01.png file. Images that are dependent upon or related to other images are noted in the description.

Table 1. Contents of the Sprite_01.png file
Image Description
Mode tab chevron-down

01 - Mode tab chevron - down - [Related to image 02]

Mode tab chevron - up

02 - Mode tab chevron - up - [Related to image 01]

Mode tab left (bidi LTR)

03 - Mode tab left (bidi LTR) - [Dependency on image 04, 05, 06, 07]

Mode tab right (bidi LTR

04 - Mode tab right (bidi LTR) - [Dependency on image 03, 05, 06, 07]

Mode tab center, repeating

05 - Mode tab center, repeating - [Dependency on image 03, 04, 06, 07]

Mode tab right (bidi RTL)

06 - Mode tab right (bidi RTL) - [Dependency on image 03, 04, 05, 07]

Mode tab left (bidi RTL)

07 - Mode tab left (bidi RTL) - [Dependency on image 03, 04, 05, 06, 07]

Add page icon - normal

08 - Add page icon - normal - [Related to image 09]

Add page icon - hover

09 - Add page icon - hover - [Related to image 08]

Page tab section background

10 - Page tab section background

11 - Page tab dropdown - hover - [Related to image 12]

Page tab dropdown - normal

12 - Page tab dropdown - normal - [Related to image 11]

Selected page tab - left (bidi LTR)

13 - Selected page tab - left (bidi LTR) - [Dependency on image 15, 17]

Selected temporary page tab - left (bidi LTR)

14 - Selected temporary page tab - left (bidi LTR) - [Dependency on image 16, 17]

Selected page tab - center, repeating

15 - Selected page tab - center, repeating - [Dependency on image 13, 16]

Selected temporary page tab - center, repeating

16 - Selected temporary page tab - center, repeating - [Dependency on image 14, 18]

Selected page tab - right (bidi LTR)

17 - Selected page tab - right (bidi LTR) - [Dependency on image 15, 13]

Selected temporary page tab - right (bidi LTR)

18 - Selected temporary page tab - right (bidi LTR) - [Dependency on image 16, 14]

Page tab divider

19 - Page tab divider

Actions menu dropdown twistie - normal

20 - Actions menu dropdown twistie - normal - [Related to image 21]

Actions menu dropdown twistie - hover

21 - Actions menu dropdown twistie - hover - [Related to image 20]

Widget menu dropdown twistie - widget border focused

22 - Widget menu dropdown twistie - widget border focused - [Related to image 23, 24, 25]

Widget menu dropdown twistie - normal

23 - Widget menu dropdown twistie - normal - [Related to image 22, 24, 25]

Widget menu dropdown twistie - hover

24 - Widget menu dropdown twistie - hover - [Related to image 22, 23, 25]

Widget menu dropdown twistie - pressed

25 - Widget menu dropdown twistie - pressed - [Related to image 22, 23, 24]

Maximize Widget - widget border focused

26 - Maximize Widget - widget border focused - [Related to image 27, 28]

Maximize Widget - normal

27 - Maximize Widget - normal - [Related to image 26, 28]

Maximize Widget - hover

28 - Maximize Widget - hover - [Related to image 26, 27]

Minimize Widget - widget border focused

29 - Minimize Widget - widget border focused - [Related to image 30, 31]

Minimize Widget - normal

30 - Minimize Widget - normal - [Related to image 29, 31]

Minimize Widget - hover

31 - Minimize Widget - hover - [Related to image 29, 30]

Restore Widget - widget border focused

32 - Restore Widget - widget border focused - [Related to image 33, 34, 35, 36, 37]

Restore Widget - normal

33 - Restore Widget - normal - [Related to image 32, 34, 35, 36, 37]

Restore Widget - normal (bidi RTL)

34 - Restore Widget - normal (bidi RTL) - [Related to image 32, 33, 35, 36, 37]

Restore Widget - hover

35 - Restore Widget - hover - [Related to image 32, 33, 34, 36, 37]

Restore Widget - hover (bidi RTL)

36 - Restore Widget - hover (bidi RTL) - [Related to image 32, 33, 34, 35, 37]

Restore Widget - widget border focused (bidi RTL)

37 - Restore Widget - widget border focused (bidi RTL) - [Related to image 32, 33, 34, 35, 36]

Widget control divider - widget border focused

38 - Widget control divider - widget border focused - [Related to image 39]

Widget control divider - normal

39 - Widget control divider - normal - [Related to image 38]

Blank page button - left - hover

40 - Blank page button - left - hover - [Dependency on image 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48]

Blank page button - left - normal

41 - Blank page button - left - normal - [Dependency on image 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48]

Blank page button - left - pressed

42 - Blank page button - left - pressed - [Dependency on image 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48]

Blank page button - center - hover

43 - Blank page button - center - hover - [Dependency on image 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48]

Blank page button - center - normal

44 - Blank page button - center - normal - [Dependency on image 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48]

Blank page button - center - pressed

45 - Blank page button - center - pressed - [Dependency on image 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48]

Blank page button - right- hover

46 - Blank page button - right- hover - [Dependency on image 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48]

Blank page button - right- normal

47 - Blank page button - right- normal - [Dependency on image 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48]

Blank page button - right- pressed

48 - Blank page button - right- pressed - [Dependency on image 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47]

The following table describes the images in the Sprite_Style.png file. This file contains images for the banner area, widget toolbar, and horizontal portions of the widget border.

Table 2. Contents of the Sprite_Style.png file
Image Description

01 - Footer

Banner action link separator

02 - Banner action link separator

Repeating banner image - lower left banner section

03 - Repeating banner image - lower left banner section

Non-repeating image - lower right banner section

04 - Non-repeating image - lower right banner section

Repeating banner image - upper left banner section

05 - Repeating banner image - upper left banner section

Non-repeating image - upper right banner section

06 - Non-repeating image - upper right banner section

Widget border - lower left corner

07 - Widget border - lower left corner

Widget border - lower horizontal

08 - Widget border - lower horizontal

Widget border - lower right corner

09 - Widget border - lower right corner

Widget border - header - focus/hover state

10 - Widget border - header - focus/hover state

Widget border - upper left corner

11 - Widget border - upper left corner

Widget border - header - normal state

12 - Widget border - header - normal state

Widget border - upper right corner

13 - Widget border - upper right corner

The following table describes the images in the Sprite_Style_vertical.png file. This file contains images for vertical portions of the widget border.

Table 3. Contents of the Sprite_Style_vertical.png file
Image Description
Widget border Vertical Left

01 - Widget border Vertical Left

Widget border Vertical Right

02 - Widget border Vertical Right

Sprite_Style.png and Sprite_Style_vertical.png are specific to a space theme, and should be modified for each style. Styles are found in the WebDAV folder at /public/themes/bspaceTheme/spaceStyles. By convention, the name of the style is included in the name of the sprite. For example, in the banking style folder, the sprite files are called Sprite_Banking.png and Sprite_Banking_vertical.png.