Business Flow Manager API Summary

The following table lists all generic API operations provided by the Business Flow Manager component.

Java Interface BusinessFlowManagerService
Web Service
WSDL Port Type BFMJAXWSPortType (V7)
HTTP or JMS Transport Layer
JMS (deprecated)
WSDL Port Type BFMIF (V6)
HTTP Base URL /rest/bpm/bfm
Call Process - Synchronously call a request-response operation provided by a business process.
ClientObjectWrapper call( String processTemplateName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
ClientObjectWrapper call( String vtid, String atid, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
ClientObjectWrapper call( VTID vtid, ATID atid, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
ClientObjectWrapper call( String processTemplateName, String nameSpace, String portType, String operation, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage ) [WSDL: call]
Operation call
- Input element call contents:
-- Element processTemplateName of type xsd:string
-- Element portType of type xsd:QName (0..1)
-- Element operation of type xsd:string (0..1)
-- Element input of type bct:UserDataType
-- Element processInstanceName of type xsd:string (0..1)
- Output element callResponse contents:
-- Element output of type bct:UserDataType (0..1)
Operation call
- Input element call contents:
-- Element processTemplateName of type xsd:string
-- Element portType of type xsd:QName (0..1)
-- Element operation of type xsd:string (0..1)
-- Element wildcard xsd:any (namespace ##other)
-- Element processInstanceName of type xsd:string (0..1)
- Output element callResponse contents:
-- Element wildcard xsd:any (0..1) (namespace ##any)
POST /rest/bpm/bfm/process?action=call&processTemplateName={processTemplateName}&portType={portType}&operation={operation}
- Request message (XML): user-defined schema
- Response message (XML): BFM Process Fault
Call Process With Callback - Asynchronously call a request-response operation provided by a business process.
void callWithReplyContext( String processTemplateName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage, ReplyContextWrapper replyContext )
void callWithReplyContext( String processTemplateName, String processInstanceName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage, ReplyContextWrapper replyContext )
void callWithReplyContext( String processTemplateName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage, ReplyContextWrapper replyContext, int invocationCount, String requestId )
void callWithReplyContext( String processTemplateName, String processInstanceName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage, ReplyContextWrapper replyContext, int invocationCount, String requestId )
void callServiceWithReplyContext( String vtid, String atid, String processInstanceName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage, ReplyContextWrapper replyContext, int invocationCount, String requestId )
void callServiceWithReplyContext( VTID vtid, ATID atid, String processInstanceName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage, ReplyContextWrapper replyContext, int invocationCount, String requestId )
Operation callAsync
- Input element callAsync contents:
-- Element processTemplateName of type xsd:string
-- Element portType of type xsd:QName
-- Element operation of type xsd:string
-- Element input of type bct:UserDataType
-- Element replyTo of type bct:ReplyToType
-- Element processInstanceName of type xsd:string (0..1)
- Output element callAsyncResponse contents:
-- (none)
Call With UI Settings - Synchronously call a request-response operation provided by a business process and also return UI settings.
ProcessResponseWrapper callWithUISettings( String processTemplateName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
ProcessResponseWrapper callWithUISettings( String vtid, String atid, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
ProcessResponseWrapper callWithUISettings( VTID vtid, ATID atid, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
Cancel A Claimed Task - Cancels a claimed human task associated with an activity instance.
void cancelClaim( String aiid )
void cancelClaim( AIID aiid )
void cancelClaim( String aiid, boolean keepData )
void cancelClaim( AIID aiid, boolean keepData )
Cancel A Skip Request - Cancels a skip request for the specified activity name or activity instance.
void cancelSkipRequest( String piid, String activityName )
void cancelSkipRequest( PIID piid, String activityName )
void cancelSkipRequest( String aiid )
void cancelSkipRequest( AIID aiid )
PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}?action=cancelSkip&activityName={activityName}

PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}?action=cancelSkip
Claim - Claims a ready human task associated with an activity instance.
ClientObjectWrapper claim( String aiid )
ClientObjectWrapper claim( AIID aiid )
ActivityInstanceData claim( String whereClause, String orderByClause, java.util.TimeZone timeZone )
Claim Process Ownership - Claims the ownership for the specified process instance.
void claimProcessOwnership( String piid )
void claimProcessOwnership( PIID piid )
Complete - Completes a human task associated with an activity instance.
void complete( String aiid )
void complete( AIID aiid )
void complete( AIID aiid, ClientObjectWrapper output )
void complete( String aiid, ClientObjectWrapper output )
void complete( AIID aiid, ClientObjectWrapper faultMessage, String faultName )
void complete( String aiid, ClientObjectWrapper faultMessage, String faultName )
Complete And Claim Successor - Completes a claimed human task associated with an activity instance and claims the task for a successor activity.
CompleteAndClaimSuccessorResult completeAndClaimSuccessor( String aiid, ClientObjectWrapper output ) [WSDL: completeAndClaimSuccessor]
CompleteAndClaimSuccessorResult completeAndClaimSuccessor( AIID aiid, ClientObjectWrapper output )
Operation completeAndClaimSuccessor
- Input element completeAndClaimSuccessor contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element output of type bct:UserDataType
- Output element completeAndClaimSuccessorResponse contents:
-- Element completeAndClaimSuccessorResult of type bpt:CompleteAndClaimSuccessorResultType
Operation completeAndClaimSuccessor
- Input element completeAndClaimSuccessor contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element wildcard xsd:any (namespace ##any)
- Output element completeAndClaimSuccessorResponse contents:
-- Element completeAndClaimSuccessorResult of type bons1:CompleteAndClaimSuccessorResultType
PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}?action=completeAndClaimSuccessor
- Request message (optional) (XML): user-defined schema
- Response message (XML): BFM Complete And Claim Successor Result
Complete And Jump - Completes a claimed human task associated with an activity instance and continues navigation at the specified target activity.
void completeAndJump( String aiid, String targetActivityName )
void completeAndJump( AIID aiid, String targetActivityName )
void completeAndJump( String aiid, ClientObjectWrapper output, String targetActivityName )
void completeAndJump( AIID aiid, ClientObjectWrapper output, String targetActivityName )
PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}?action=completeAndJump&targetActivityName={targetActivityName}
- Request message (optional) (XML): user-defined schema
Create Message - Creates a message defined by the specified process template, process instance, activity instance, or event handler template.
ClientObjectWrapper createMessage( String identifier, String messageTypeName )
ClientObjectWrapper createMessage( PTID ptid, String messageTypeName )
ClientObjectWrapper createMessage( PIID piid, String messageTypeName )
ClientObjectWrapper createMessage( AIID aiid, String messageTypeName )
ClientObjectWrapper createMessage( EHTID ehtid, String messageTypeName )
ClientObjectWrapper createMessage( String vtid, String atid, String messageTypeName )
ClientObjectWrapper createMessage( VTID vtid, ATID atid, String messageTypeName )
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}/input?new=true
- Response message (XML): user-defined schema

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}/output?new=true
- Response message (XML): user-defined schema

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}/fault?new=true&faultName={faultName}
- Response message (XML): user-defined schema
Create Message With Correlation Sets - Creates a message and sets correlation set data.
ClientObjectWrapper createMessageWithCorrelationSets( String aiid, String messageTypeName )
ClientObjectWrapper createMessageWithCorrelationSets( AIID aiid, String messageTypeName )
ClientObjectWrapper createMessageWithCorrelationSets( String vtid, String atid, String piid, String messageTypeName )
ClientObjectWrapper createMessageWithCorrelationSets( VTID vtid, ATID atid, PIID piid, String messageTypeName )
ClientObjectWrapper createMessageWithCorrelationSetsForEventHandler( String ehtid, String piid )
ClientObjectWrapper createMessageWithCorrelationSetsForEventHandler( EHTID ehtid, PIID piid )
Create Stored Query - Creates a query definition and persistently stores it in the database for general usage.
void createStoredQuery( String storedQueryName, String selectClause, String whereClause, String orderByClause, Integer threshold, java.util.TimeZone timeZone )
void createStoredQuery( String storedQueryName, String selectClause, String whereClause, String orderByClause, Integer threshold, java.util.TimeZone timeZone, java.util.List storedQueryProperties, String clientType ) [WSDL: createStoredQuery]
void createStoredQuery( String userID, String storedQueryName, String selectClause, String whereClause, String orderByClause, Integer threshold, java.util.TimeZone timeZone, java.util.List storedQueryProperties, String clientType )
Operation createStoredQuery
- Input element createStoredQuery contents:
-- Element storedQuery of type bct:StoredQueryType
- Output element createStoredQueryResponse contents:
-- (none)
Operation createStoredQuery
- Input element createStoredQuery contents:
-- Element storedQuery of type bons2:StoredQueryType
- Output element createStoredQueryResponse contents:
-- (none)
Create Work Item - Creates a work item for processes or activities.
void createWorkItem( String identifier, int assignmentReason, String userID )
void createWorkItem( PIID piid, int assignmentReason, String userID )
void createWorkItem( AIID aiid, int assignmentReason, String userID )
Delete - Deletes a process instance.
void delete( String piid ) [WSDL: delete]
void delete( PIID piid )
Operation delete
- Input element delete contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element deleteResponse contents:
-- (none)
Operation delete
- Input element delete contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element deleteResponse contents:
-- (none)
DELETE /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}
Delete Stored Query - Deletes the specified stored query.
void deleteStoredQuery( String storedQueryName ) [WSDL: deleteStoredQuery]
void deleteStoredQuery( String userID, String storedQueryName )
Operation deleteStoredQuery
- Input element deleteStoredQuery contents:
-- Element storedQueryName of type xsd:string
- Output element deleteStoredQueryResponse contents:
-- (none)
Operation deleteStoredQuery
- Input element deleteStoredQuery contents:
-- Element storedQueryName of type xsd:string
- Output element deleteStoredQueryResponse contents:
-- (none)
Delete Work Item - Deletes the specified work item.
void deleteWorkItem( String identifier, int assignmentReason, String userID )
void deleteWorkItem( PIID piid, int assignmentReason, String userID )
void deleteWorkItem( AIID aiid, int assignmentReason, String userID )
Find Query Table Metadata - Queries the metadata of query tables.
List findQueryTableMetaData( MetaDataOptions metaDataOptions )
Operation findQueryTableMetaData
- Input element findQueryTableMetaData contents:
-- Element metaDataOptions of type bct:MetaDataOptionsType
- Output element findQueryTableMetaDataResponse contents:
-- Element queryTableMetaDataSet of type bct:QueryTableMetaDataSetType
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/processTemplates/queryTables[?sourceAttributes={sourceAttributes}][&userParametersAllowed={userParametersAllowed}][&authorizationType={authorizationType}][&kind={kind}]
- Response message (JSON): BFM Query Table List

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/processes/queries[?sourceAttributes={sourceAttributes}][&content={content}][&userParametersAllowed={userParametersAllowed}][&authorizationType={authorizationType}][&kind={kind}]
- Response message (JSON): BFM Queries

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activities/queryTables[?sourceAttributes={sourceAttributes}][&userParametersAllowed={userParametersAllowed}][&authorizationType={authorizationType}][&kind={kind}]
- Response message (JSON): BFM Query Table List
Force Complete - Forces the completion of an activity instance with output or fault data.
void forceComplete( String aiid, boolean continueOnError ) [WSDL: forceComplete]
void forceComplete( AIID aiid, boolean continueOnError )
void forceComplete( String aiid, ClientObjectWrapper output, boolean continueOnError ) [WSDL: forceCompleteWithOutput]
void forceComplete( AIID aiid, ClientObjectWrapper output, boolean continueOnError )
void forceComplete( String aiid, ClientObjectWrapper message, String faultName, boolean continueOnError ) [WSDL: forceCompleteWithFault]
void forceComplete( AIID aiid, ClientObjectWrapper message, String faultName, boolean continueOnError )
Operation forceComplete
- Input element forceComplete contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element continueOnError of type xsd:boolean
- Output element forceCompleteResponse contents:
-- (none)

Operation forceCompleteWithOutput
- Input element forceCompleteWithOutput contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element output of type bct:UserDataType
-- Element continueOnError of type xsd:boolean
- Output element forceCompleteWithOutputResponse contents:
-- (none)

Operation forceCompleteWithFault
- Input element forceCompleteWithFault contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element fault of type bct:UserDataType
-- Element faultName of type xsd:QName
-- Element continueOnError of type xsd:boolean
- Output element forceCompleteWithFaultResponse contents:
-- (none)
Operation forceComplete
- Input element forceComplete contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element continueOnError of type xsd:boolean
- Output element forceCompleteResponse contents:
-- (none)

Operation forceCompleteWithOutput
- Input element forceCompleteWithOutput contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element wildcard xsd:any (namespace ##any)
-- Element continueOnError of type xsd:boolean
- Output element forceCompleteWithOutputResponse contents:
-- (none)

Operation forceCompleteWithFault
- Input element forceCompleteWithFault contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element wildcard xsd:any (namespace ##any)
-- Element faultName of type xsd:QName
-- Element continueOnError of type xsd:boolean
- Output element forceCompleteWithFaultResponse contents:
-- (none)
PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}?action=forceComplete[&faultName={faultName}]&continueOnError={continueOnError}
- Request message (optional) (XML): user-defined schema
Force Complete And Jump - Forces the completion of an activity instance and continues navigation at the specified target activity.
void forceCompleteAndJump( String aiid, ClientObjectWrapper output, String targetActivityName )
void forceCompleteAndJump( AIID aiid, ClientObjectWrapper output, String targetActivityName )
Force ForEach Counter Values - Forces the setting of counter values associated with a forEach activity.
void forceForEachCounterValues( String aiid, int startCounter, int finalCounter, Integer maxCompletedBranches )
void forceForEachCounterValues( AIID aiid, int startCounter, int finalCounter, Integer maxCompletedBranches )
Force Join Condition - Forces the result of a join condition for an activity.
void forceJoinCondition( String aiid, boolean conditionValue )
void forceJoinCondition( AIID aiid, boolean conditionValue )
Force Loop Condition - Forces the result of a loop condition for a while or repeatUntil activity.
void forceLoopCondition( String aiid, boolean conditionValue )
void forceLoopCondition( AIID aiid, boolean conditionValue )
Force Navigate - Forces the navigation of links leaving the specified activity instance.
void forceNavigate( String aiid, String[] linksToBeFollowed )
void forceNavigate( AIID aiid, String[] linksToBeFollowed )
void forceNavigate( String aiid, int positionOfBranch )
void forceNavigate( AIID aiid, int positionOfBranch )
Force Retry - Forces the repetition of an activity instance.
void forceRetry( String aiid, boolean continueOnError ) [WSDL: forceRetry]
void forceRetry( AIID aiid, boolean continueOnError )
void forceRetry( String aiid, boolean continueOnError, int timerBehavior )
void forceRetry( AIID aiid, boolean continueOnError, int timerBehavior )
void forceRetry( String aiid, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage, boolean continueOnError ) [WSDL: forceRetryWithInput]
void forceRetry( AIID aiid, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage, boolean continueOnError )
void forceRetry( String aiid, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage, boolean continueOnError, int timerBehavior )
void forceRetry( AIID aiid, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage, boolean continueOnError, int timerBehavior )
Operation forceRetry
- Input element forceRetry contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element continueOnError of type xsd:boolean
- Output element forceRetryResponse contents:
-- (none)

Operation forceRetryWithInput
- Input element forceRetryWithInput contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element input of type bct:UserDataType
-- Element continueOnError of type xsd:boolean
- Output element forceRetryWithInputResponse contents:
-- (none)
Operation forceRetry
- Input element forceRetry contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element continueOnError of type xsd:boolean
- Output element forceRetryResponse contents:
-- (none)

Operation forceRetryWithInput
- Input element forceRetryWithInput contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element wildcard xsd:any (namespace ##any)
-- Element continueOnError of type xsd:boolean
- Output element forceRetryWithInputResponse contents:
-- (none)
PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}?action=forceRetry&continueOnError={continueOnError}
- Request message (optional) (XML): user-defined schema
Force Terminate - Terminates the specified top-level process instance, its non-autonomous subprocesses, and its running, claimed, or waiting activities.
void forceTerminate( String identifier )
void forceTerminate( PIID piid )
void forceTerminate( String identifier, int invokeCompensation )
void forceTerminate( PIID piid, int invokeCompensation ) [WSDL: forceTerminate]
Operation forceTerminate
- Input element forceTerminate contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
-- Element invokeCompensation of type xsd:integer
- Output element forceTerminateResponse contents:
-- (none)
Operation forceTerminate
- Input element forceTerminate contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
-- Element invokeCompensation of type xsd:integer
- Output element forceTerminateResponse contents:
-- (none)
PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}?action=forceTerminate[&invokeCompensation={invokeCompensation}]
Get Active Event Handlers - Retrieves the active event handlers of the specified process instance.
EventHandlerTemplateData[] getActiveEventHandlers( String piid ) [WSDL: getActiveEventHandlers]
EventHandlerTemplateData[] getActiveEventHandlers( PIID piid )
Operation getActiveEventHandlers
- Input element getActiveEventHandlers contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element getActiveEventHandlersResponse contents:
-- Element inboundOperationTemplates of type bpt:InboundOperationTemplatesType (0..1)
Operation getActiveEventHandlers
- Input element getActiveEventHandlers contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element getActiveEventHandlersResponse contents:
-- Element reference bons1:InboundOperationTemplate (0..N)
Get Activity Instance - Retrieves the specified activity instance.
ActivityInstanceData getActivityInstance( String aiid )
ActivityInstanceData getActivityInstance( AIID aiid ) [WSDL: getActivityInstance]
ActivityInstanceData getActivityInstance( String piid, String activityTemplateName )
ActivityInstanceData getActivityInstance( PIID piid, String activityTemplateName )
Operation getActivityInstance
- Input element getActivityInstance contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
- Output element getActivityInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element activityInstance of type bpt:ActivityInstanceType
Operation getActivityInstance
- Input element getActivityInstance contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
- Output element getActivityInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element activityInstance of type bons1:ActivityInstanceType
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}
- Response message (JSON): BFM Activity
Get Activity Service Template - Retrieves the specified activity service template.
ActivityServiceTemplateData getActivityServiceTemplate( String vtid, String atid )
ActivityServiceTemplateData getActivityServiceTemplate( VTID vtid, ATID atid )
Get All Activities - Queries pre-defined activity instance properties of activities directly contained in the specified process instance
QueryResultSet getAllActivities( String piid, java.util.TimeZone timezone )
QueryResultSet getAllActivities( PIID piid, java.util.TimeZone timezone )
Get All Basic Activity Names - Retrieves the names of all basic activities that are part of the specified process instance.
List getAllBasicActivityNames( String piid )
List getAllBasicActivityNames( PIID piid )
Get All Custom Properties - Retrieves all custom properties of the specified process template or process instance.
List getAllCustomProperties( String identifier )
List getAllCustomProperties( PTID ptid )
List getAllCustomProperties( PIID piid )
Get All Query Properties - Retrieves the query properties of all process templates.
List getAllQueryProperties( String propertyNameFilter, Integer threshold )
Get All Variable Names - Retrieves a list of variable names for a specified process or activity.
List getAllVariableNames( String piid, String activityName )
List getAllVariableNames( PIID piid, String activityName )
List getAllVariableNames( String identifier )
List getAllVariableNames( PIID piid )
List getAllVariableNames( AIID aiid )
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}/variables?activityName={activityName}[&disposition={disposition}]
- Response message (JSON): BFM Variable List

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}/variables[?disposition={disposition}]
- Response message (JSON): BFM Variable List
Get All Work Items - Retrieves all work item assignments associated to the specified process or activity instance.
WorkItemData[] getAllWorkItems( String identifier )
WorkItemData[] getAllWorkItems( PIID piid )
WorkItemData[] getAllWorkItems( AIID aiid )
Get Available Action Flags - Returns indicators to state the actions that can be called in the current process instance states or in the current activity instance states by the logged-on user.
boolean[][] getAvailableActionFlags( String[] identifiers )
boolean[][] getAvailableActionFlags( PIID[] piids )
boolean[][] getAvailableActionFlags( AIID[] aiids )
Get BFM Configuration - Returns configuration settings of the Business Flow Manager.
BfmConfiguration getBfmConfiguration( )
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/systems
- Response message (JSON): BFM Systems
Get Binary Custom Property - Retrieves the named binary custom property of the specified process or activity instance.
BinaryCustomProperty getBinaryCustomProperty( String identifier, String propertyName )
BinaryCustomProperty getBinaryCustomProperty( PIID piid, String propertyName )
BinaryCustomProperty getBinaryCustomProperty( AIID aiid, String propertyName )
BinaryCustomProperty getBinaryCustomProperty( String piid, String activityName, String propertyName )
BinaryCustomProperty getBinaryCustomProperty( PIID piid, String activityName, String propertyName )
Get Binary Custom Property Names - Retrieves the names of all binary custom properties of the specified process or activity instance.
List getBinaryCustomPropertyNames( String identifier )
List getBinaryCustomPropertyNames( PIID piid )
List getBinaryCustomPropertyNames( AIID aiid )
List getBinaryCustomPropertyNames( String piid, String activityName )
List getBinaryCustomPropertyNames( PIID piid, String activityName )
Get Branches - Retrieves information about the branches of the specified switch activity instance.
BranchTemplateData[] getBranches( String aiid )
BranchTemplateData[] getBranches( AIID aiid )
Get Client UI Settings - Retrieves client interface settings for the specified process template, process instance, or activity instance.
CustomClientSettings getClientUISettings( String identifier )
CustomClientSettings getClientUISettings( PTID ptid )
CustomClientSettings getClientUISettings( PIID piid )
CustomClientSettings getClientUISettings( AIID aiid )
CustomClientSettings getClientUISettings( String vtid, String atid )
CustomClientSettings getClientUISettings( VTID vtid, ATID atid )
Get Correlation Set Instances - Retrieves correlation set instance values.
List getCorrelationSetInstances( String piid )
List getCorrelationSetInstances( PIID piid )
List getCorrelationSetInstances( String aiid, String messageTypeName )
List getCorrelationSetInstances( AIID aiid, String messageTypeName )
Get Custom Properties - Retrieves the custom properties of the specified process template, process instance, or activity instance.
List getCustomProperties( String identifier )
List getCustomProperties( PTID ptid ) [WSDL: getCustomPropertiesOfProcessTemplate]
List getCustomProperties( PIID piid ) [WSDL: getCustomPropertiesOfProcessInstance]
List getCustomProperties( AIID aiid ) [WSDL: getCustomPropertiesOfActivityInstance]
List getCustomProperties( PIID piid, String activityName )
List getCustomProperties( String identifier, String activityName )
String getCustomProperty( String identifier, String propertyName )
String getCustomProperty( PTID ptid, String propertyName )
String getCustomProperty( PIID piid, String propertyName )
String getCustomProperty( AIID aiid, String propertyName )
String getCustomProperty( String piid, String activityName, String propertyValue )
String getCustomProperty( PIID piid, String activityName, String propertyName )
Operation getCustomPropertiesOfProcessTemplate
- Input element getCustomPropertiesOfProcessTemplate contents:
-- Element ptid of type xsd:string
- Output element getCustomPropertiesOfProcessTemplateResponse contents:
-- Element customProperties of type bct:CustomPropertiesType (0..1)

Operation getCustomPropertiesOfProcessInstance
- Input element getCustomPropertiesOfProcessInstance contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element getCustomPropertiesOfProcessInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element customProperties of type bct:CustomPropertiesType (0..1)

Operation getCustomPropertiesOfActivityInstance
- Input element getCustomPropertiesOfActivityInstance contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
- Output element getCustomPropertiesOfActivityInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element customProperties of type bct:CustomPropertiesType (0..1)
Operation getCustomPropertiesOfProcessTemplate
- Input element getCustomPropertiesOfProcessTemplate contents:
-- Element ptid of type xsd:string
- Output element getCustomPropertiesOfProcessTemplateResponse contents:
-- Element reference bons2:CustomProperty (0..N)

Operation getCustomPropertiesOfProcessInstance
- Input element getCustomPropertiesOfProcessInstance contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element getCustomPropertiesOfProcessInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element reference bons2:CustomProperty (0..N)

Operation getCustomPropertiesOfActivityInstance
- Input element getCustomPropertiesOfActivityInstance contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
- Output element getCustomPropertiesOfActivityInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element reference bons2:CustomProperty (0..N)
Get Custom Property Info - Retrieves information about custom properties.
List getCustomPropertyInfo( int objectType, String nameFilter, Integer threshold )
Get Custom Property Names - Retrieves the custom property names of the specified process template, process instance, or activity instance.
List getCustomPropertyNames( String identifier )
List getCustomPropertyNames( PTID ptid )
List getCustomPropertyNames( PIID piid )
List getCustomPropertyNames( AIID aiid )
List getCustomPropertyNames( String identifier, String activityName )
List getCustomPropertyNames( PIID piid, String activityName )
Get Fault Message - Retrieves the fault message of the specified process or activity instance.
ClientObjectWrapper getFaultMessage( String identifier )
ClientObjectWrapper getFaultMessage( PIID piid ) [WSDL: getFaultMessageForProcessInstance]
ClientObjectWrapper getFaultMessage( AIID aiid ) [WSDL: getFaultMessageForActivityInstance]
Operation getFaultMessageForProcessInstance
- Input element getFaultMessageForProcessInstance contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element getFaultMessageForProcessInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element fault of type bct:UserDataType

Operation getFaultMessageForActivityInstance
- Input element getFaultMessageForActivityInstance contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
- Output element getFaultMessageForActivityInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element fault of type bct:UserDataType
Operation getFaultMessageForProcessInstance
- Input element getFaultMessageForProcessInstance contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element getFaultMessageForProcessInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element wildcard xsd:any (namespace ##any)

Operation getFaultMessageForActivityInstance
- Input element getFaultMessageForActivityInstance contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
- Output element getFaultMessageForActivityInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element wildcard xsd:any (namespace ##any)
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}/fault
- Response message (XML): user-defined schema

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}/fault?new=false&faultName={faultName}
- Response message (XML): user-defined schema
Get Fault Names - Retrieves the fault names defined for the specified activity instance.
List getFaultNames( String aiid ) [WSDL: getFaults]
List getFaultNames( AIID aiid )
Operation getFaults
- Input element getFaults contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
- Output element getFaultsResponse contents:
-- Element faults of type bct:FaultsType (0..1)
Operation getFaults
- Input element getFaults contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
- Output element getFaultsResponse contents:
-- Element reference bons2:Fault (0..N)
Get Graphics - Retrieves a graphical representation of the specified process template.
byte[] getGraphics( String identifier )
byte[] getGraphics( PTID ptid )
Get Initial Variable Value - Retrieves the initial value of the specified variable visible by the specified activity.
ClientObjectWrapper getInitialVariableValue( String piid, String activityName, String variableName )
ClientObjectWrapper getInitialVariableValue( PIID piid, String activityName, String variableName )
ClientObjectWrapper getInitialVariableValue( String identifier, String variableName )
ClientObjectWrapper getInitialVariableValue( PIID piid, String variableName )
ClientObjectWrapper getInitialVariableValue( AIID aiid, String variableName )
Get Inline Custom Property - Retrieves the named inline custom property of the specified process template or process instance.
InlineCustomProperty getInlineCustomProperty( String identifier, String propertyName )
InlineCustomProperty getInlineCustomProperty( PTID ptid, String propertyName )
InlineCustomProperty getInlineCustomProperty( PIID piid, String propertyName )
Get Input Client UI Settings - Retrieves client interface settings for the input message of the specified process instance.
CustomClientSettings getInputClientUISettings( String piid )
CustomClientSettings getInputClientUISettings( PIID piid )
Get Input Message - Retrieves the input message of the specified process or activity instance.
ClientObjectWrapper getInputMessage( String identifier )
ClientObjectWrapper getInputMessage( PIID piid ) [WSDL: getInputMessageForProcessInstance]
ClientObjectWrapper getInputMessage( AIID aiid ) [WSDL: getInputMessageForActivityInstance]
Operation getInputMessageForProcessInstance
- Input element getInputMessageForProcessInstance contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element getInputMessageForProcessInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element input of type bct:UserDataType

Operation getInputMessageForActivityInstance
- Input element getInputMessageForActivityInstance contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
- Output element getInputMessageForActivityInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element input of type bct:UserDataType
Operation getInputMessageForProcessInstance
- Input element getInputMessageForProcessInstance contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element getInputMessageForProcessInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element wildcard xsd:any (namespace ##any)

Operation getInputMessageForActivityInstance
- Input element getInputMessageForActivityInstance contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
- Output element getInputMessageForActivityInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element wildcard xsd:any (namespace ##any)
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}/input
- Response message (XML): user-defined schema

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}/input?new=false
- Response message (XML): user-defined schema
Get Input Variable Names - Retrieves the names of the input variables for the specified activity.
List getInputVariableNames( String piid, String activityName )
List getInputVariableNames( PIID piid, String activityName )
List getInputVariableNames( String aiid )
List getInputVariableNames( AIID aiid )
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}/variables?activityName={activityName}&disposition=referenced
- Response message (JSON): BFM Variable List

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}/variables?disposition=referenced
- Response message (JSON): BFM Variable List
Get Jump Target Names - Retrieves the names of all activities that can be jumped to from the specified activity instance.
List getJumpTargetNames( String aiid )
List getJumpTargetNames( AIID aiid )
Get Mapping To Graphics - Retrieves the descriptive information of the graphical representation of the specified process template.
byte[] getMappingToGraphics( String identifier )
byte[] getMappingToGraphics( PTID ptid )
Get Message Text Of Exception - Retrieves the message text associated to the specified message key and locale.
String getMessageTextOfException( Locale locale, String messageKey, Object[] variableValues ) [WSDL: getMessageTextOfException]
Operation getMessageTextOfException
- Input element getMessageTextOfException contents:
-- Element locale of type xsd:string
-- Element messageKey of type xsd:string
-- Element messageParameters of type bct:MessageParametersType (0..1)
- Output element getMessageTextOfExceptionResponse contents:
-- Element messageText of type xsd:string
Operation getMessageTextOfException
- Input element getMessageTextOfException contents:
-- Element locale of type xsd:string
-- Element messageKey of type xsd:string
-- Element messageParameter of type xsd:string (0..N)
- Output element getMessageTextOfExceptionResponse contents:
-- Element messageText of type xsd:string
Get Migration Targets - Retrieves the object IDs of all process templates that can be migration targets for a process instance derived from the specified process template.
List getMigrationTargets( String ptid )
List getMigrationTargets( PTID ptid )
Get Operation Mode - Indicates whether the business flow manager database is used as an archive.
int getOperationMode( )
Get Outgoing Links - Retrieves information about the links starting at the specified activity instance.
LinkTemplateData[] getOutgoingLinks( String aiid )
LinkTemplateData[] getOutgoingLinks( AIID aiid )
Get Output Client UI Settings - Retrieves client interface settings for the output message of the specified process instance.
CustomClientSettings getOutputClientUISettings( String piid )
CustomClientSettings getOutputClientUISettings( PIID piid )
Get Output Message - Retrieves the output message of the specified process or activity instance.
ClientObjectWrapper getOutputMessage( String identifier )
ClientObjectWrapper getOutputMessage( PIID piid ) [WSDL: getOutputMessageForProcessInstance]
ClientObjectWrapper getOutputMessage( AIID aiid ) [WSDL: getOutputMessageForActivityInstance]
Operation getOutputMessageForProcessInstance
- Input element getOutputMessageForProcessInstance contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element getOutputMessageForProcessInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element output of type bct:UserDataType

Operation getOutputMessageForActivityInstance
- Input element getOutputMessageForActivityInstance contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
- Output element getOutputMessageForActivityInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element output of type bct:UserDataType
Operation getOutputMessageForProcessInstance
- Input element getOutputMessageForProcessInstance contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element getOutputMessageForProcessInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element wildcard xsd:any (namespace ##any)

Operation getOutputMessageForActivityInstance
- Input element getOutputMessageForActivityInstance contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
- Output element getOutputMessageForActivityInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element wildcard xsd:any (namespace ##any)
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}/output
- Response message (XML): user-defined schema

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}/output?new=false
- Response message (XML): user-defined schema
Get Output Variable Names - Retrieves the names of the output variables for the specified activity.
List getOutputVariableNames( String piid, String activityName )
List getOutputVariableNames( PIID piid, String activityName )
List getOutputVariableNames( String identifier )
List getOutputVariableNames( AIID aiid )
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}/variables?activityName={activityName}&disposition=referenced
- Response message (JSON): BFM Variable List

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}/variables?disposition=referenced
- Response message (JSON): BFM Variable List
Get Participating TaskID - Retrieves the object ID of the task instance associated to the specified human task activity.
TKIID getParticipatingTaskID( String aiid )
TKIID getParticipatingTaskID( AIID aiid ) [WSDL: getParticipatingTaskID]
Operation getParticipatingTaskID
- Input element getParticipatingTaskID contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
- Output element getParticipatingTaskIDResponse contents:
-- Element tkiid of type xsd:string
Operation getParticipatingTaskID
- Input element getParticipatingTaskID contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
- Output element getParticipatingTaskIDResponse contents:
-- Element tkiid of type xsd:string
Get Process Instance - Retrieves the specified process instance.
ProcessInstanceData getProcessInstance( String identifier )
ProcessInstanceData getProcessInstance( PIID piid ) [WSDL: getProcessInstance]
Operation getProcessInstance
- Input element getProcessInstance contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element getProcessInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element processInstance of type bpt:ProcessInstanceType
Operation getProcessInstance
- Input element getProcessInstance contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element getProcessInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element processInstance of type bons1:ProcessInstanceType
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}
- Response message (JSON): BFM Process
Get Process Template - Retrieves the specified process template.
ProcessTemplateData getProcessTemplate( PTID ptid )
ProcessTemplateData getProcessTemplate( String identifier ) [WSDL: getProcessTemplate]
Operation getProcessTemplate
- Input element getProcessTemplate contents:
-- Element identifier of type xsd:string
- Output element getProcessTemplateResponse contents:
-- Element processTemplate of type bpt:ProcessTemplateType
Operation getProcessTemplate
- Input element getProcessTemplate contents:
-- Element identifier of type xsd:string
- Output element getProcessTemplateResponse contents:
-- Element processTemplate of type bons1:ProcessTemplateType
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/processTemplate/{ptid}
- Response message (JSON): BFM Process Template
Get Query Properties - Retrieves the query properties of the specified process template.
List getQueryProperties( String identifier )
List getQueryProperties( PTID ptid ) [WSDL: getQueryProperties]
Operation getQueryProperties
- Input element getQueryProperties contents:
-- Element ptid of type xsd:string
- Output element getQueryPropertiesResponse contents:
-- Element queryProperties of type bpt:QueryPropertiesType (0..1)
Operation getQueryProperties
- Input element getQueryProperties contents:
-- Element ptid of type xsd:string
- Output element getQueryPropertiesResponse contents:
-- Element reference bons1:QueryProperty (0..N)
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/processTemplate/{ptid}/queryProperties
- Response message (JSON): BFM Query Property List
Get Query Table Metadata - Returns the definition of the specified query table.
QueryTableMetaData getQueryTableMetaData( String queryTableName, Locale locale )
Operation getQueryTableMetaData
- Input element getQueryTableMetaData contents:
-- Element queryTableName of type xsd:string
-- Element locale of type xsd:string
- Output element getQueryTableMetaDataResponse contents:
-- Element queryTableMetaData of type bct:QueryTableMetaDataType
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/processTemplates/queryTable/{queryTable}/attributes
- Response message (JSON): BFM Query Table Attribute List

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/processes/query/{query}/attributes
- Response message (JSON): BFM Query Attribute List

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activities/queryTable/{queryTable}/attributes
- Response message (JSON): BFM Query Table Attribute List
Get Start Activities - Retrieves information about activities that can start a process instance from the specified process template.
ActivityServiceTemplateData[] getStartActivities( String ptid ) [WSDL: getStartActivities]
ActivityServiceTemplateData[] getStartActivities( PTID ptid )
Operation getStartActivities
- Input element getStartActivities contents:
-- Element ptid of type xsd:string
- Output element getStartActivitiesResponse contents:
-- Element inboundOperationTemplates of type bpt:InboundOperationTemplatesType (0..1)
Operation getStartActivities
- Input element getStartActivities contents:
-- Element ptid of type xsd:string
- Output element getStartActivitiesResponse contents:
-- Element reference bons1:InboundOperationTemplate (0..N)
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/processTemplate/{ptid}/operationTemplates?type=start
- Response message (JSON): BFM Process Operation List
Get Stored Query - Retrieves the specified stored query definition.
StoredQueryData getStoredQuery( String storedQueryName ) [WSDL: getStoredQuery]
StoredQueryData getStoredQuery( String userID, String storedQueryName )
StoredQueryData getStoredQuery( int kind, String storedQueryName )
Operation getStoredQuery
- Input element getStoredQuery contents:
-- Element storedQueryName of type xsd:string
- Output element getStoredQueryResponse contents:
-- Element storedQuery of type bct:StoredQueryType
Operation getStoredQuery
- Input element getStoredQuery contents:
-- Element storedQueryName of type xsd:string
- Output element getStoredQueryResponse contents:
-- Element storedQuery of type bons2:StoredQueryType
Get Stored Query Names - Retrieves the names of stored queries.
String[] getStoredQueryNames( ) [WSDL: getStoredQueryNames]
String[] getStoredQueryNames( String userID )
String[] getStoredQueryNames( int kind )
Operation getStoredQueryNames
- Input element getStoredQueryNames contents:
-- (none)
- Output element getStoredQueryNamesResponse contents:
-- Element storedQueryNames of type bct:StoredQueryNamesType (0..1)
Operation getStoredQueryNames
- Input element getStoredQueryNames contents:
-- (none)
- Output element getStoredQueryNamesResponse contents:
-- Element reference bons2:StringParameter (0..N)
Get Users In Role - Retrieves the users that are members of the specified role for the specified process or activity instance.
StaffResultSet getUsersInRole( String identifier, int role )
StaffResultSet getUsersInRole( PIID piid, int role )
StaffResultSet getUsersInRole( AIID aiid, int role )
Get Variable - Retrieves the specified variable visible from the specified activity.
ClientObjectWrapper getVariable( String piid, String activityName, String variableName )
ClientObjectWrapper getVariable( PIID piid, String activityName, String variableName )
ClientObjectWrapper getVariable( String identifier, String variableName )
ClientObjectWrapper getVariable( PIID piid, String variableName ) [WSDL: getVariableOfProcessInstance]
ClientObjectWrapper getVariable( AIID aiid, String variableName ) [WSDL: getVariableOfActivityInstance]
Operation getVariableOfProcessInstance
- Input element getVariableOfProcessInstance contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
-- Element variableName of type xsd:string
- Output element getVariableOfProcessInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element variableData of type bpt:VariableDataType

Operation getVariableOfActivityInstance
- Input element getVariableOfActivityInstance contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element variableName of type xsd:string
- Output element getVariableOfActivityInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element variableData of type bpt:VariableDataType
Operation getVariableOfProcessInstance
- Input element getVariableOfProcessInstance contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
-- Element variableName of type xsd:string
- Output element getVariableOfProcessInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element reference bons1:VariableData

Operation getVariableOfActivityInstance
- Input element getVariableOfActivityInstance contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element variableName of type xsd:string
- Output element getVariableOfActivityInstanceResponse contents:
-- Element reference bons1:VariableData
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}/variable/{name}
- Response message (XML): user-defined schema

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}/variable/{name}
- Response message (XML): user-defined schema
Get Variable Names - Retrieves the names of the variables for the specified activity.
List getVariableNames( String piid, String activityName )
List getVariableNames( PIID piid, String activityName )
List getVariableNames( String identifier )
List getVariableNames( AIID aiid )
List getVariableNames( EHTID ehtid )
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}/variables?activityName={activityName}&disposition=referenced
- Response message (JSON): BFM Variable List

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}/variables?disposition=referenced
- Response message (JSON): BFM Variable List
Get Waiting Activities - Retrieves information about activities of a process instance that are in the waiting execution state.
ActivityServiceTemplateData[] getWaitingActivities( String piid )
ActivityServiceTemplateData[] getWaitingActivities( PIID piid ) [WSDL: getWaitingActivities]
Operation getWaitingActivities
- Input element getWaitingActivities contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element getWaitingActivitiesResponse contents:
-- Element inboundOperationTemplates of type bpt:InboundOperationTemplatesType (0..1)
Operation getWaitingActivities
- Input element getWaitingActivities contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element getWaitingActivitiesResponse contents:
-- Element reference bons1:InboundOperationTemplate (0..N)
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}/operationTemplates?type=waiting
- Response message (JSON): BFM Process Operation List
Get Work Items - Retrieves work item assignments for the logged-on user and a process or activity instance.
WorkItemData[] getWorkItems( String identifier )
WorkItemData[] getWorkItems( AIID aiid )
WorkItemData[] getWorkItems( PIID piid )
Initialize Correlation Set - Initializes a correlation set.
void initializeCorrelationSet( String piid, CorrelationSetInstanceData correlationSetInstance )
void initializeCorrelationSet( PIID piid, CorrelationSetInstanceData correlationSetInstance )
Initiate - Creates a process instance from the specified process template, passes the specified input message, and initiates processing of the process instance.
PIID initiate( String processTemplateName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
PIID initiate( String processTemplateName, String processInstanceName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
PIID initiate( String vtid, String atid, String processInstanceName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
PIID initiate( VTID vtid, ATID atid, String processInstanceName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
Initiate And Claim First - Creates a process instance from the specified process template and claims the first inline human task for the logged-on user.
InitiateAndClaimFirstResult initiateAndClaimFirst( String processTemplateName, String processInstanceName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
InitiateAndClaimFirstResult initiateAndClaimFirst( String processTemplateName, String nameSpace, String portType, String operation, String processInstanceName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
InitiateAndClaimFirstResult initiateAndClaimFirst( String vtid, String atid, String processInstanceName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
InitiateAndClaimFirstResult initiateAndClaimFirst( VTID vtid, ATID atid, String processInstanceName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
Operation initiateAndClaimFirst
- Input element initiateAndClaimFirst contents:
-- Element processTemplateName of type xsd:string
-- Element processInstanceName of type xsd:string (0..1)
-- Element input of type bct:UserDataType
- Output element initiateAndClaimFirstResponse contents:
-- Element initiateAndClaimFirstResult of type bpt:InitiateAndClaimFirstResultType
Initiate And Suspend - Creates a process instance from the specified process template and immediately suspends navigation of the process instance.
PIID initiateAndSuspend( String processTemplateName, String processInstanceName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
PIID initiateAndSuspend( String processTemplateName, String nameSpace, String portType, String operation, String processInstanceName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
PIID initiateAndSuspend( String vtid, String atid, String processInstanceName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
PIID initiateAndSuspend( VTID vtid, ATID atid, String processInstanceName, ClientObjectWrapper inputMessage )
Is Business Process Administrator - Indicates whether the logged-on user is a business process administrator.
boolean isBusinessProcessAdministrator( )
Is Business Process Monitor - Indicates whether the logged-on user is a business process monitor.
boolean isBusinessProcessMonitor( )
Jump - Jumps from an activity instance to the specified target activity.
void jump( String aiid, String targetActivityName )
void jump( AIID aiid, String targetActivityName )
Migrate - Migrates the process instance identified by a string representation of the process instance ID to an instance of the specified process template.
ProcessInstanceData migrate( String piid, String ptid )
ProcessInstanceData migrate( PIID piid, PTID ptid )
Query - Retrieves selected object (REST: processes or activities) properties persistently stored in the database.
QueryResultSet query( String selectClause, String whereClause, String orderByClause, Integer threshold, java.util.TimeZone timeZone )
QueryResultSet query( String selectClause, String whereClause, String orderByClause, Integer skipTuples, Integer threshold, java.util.TimeZone timeZone ) [WSDL: query]
QueryResultSet query( String storedQueryName, Integer skipTuples, List parameters )
QueryResultSet query( String storedQueryName, Integer skipTuples, Integer threshold, List parameters ) [WSDL: executeStoredQuery]
QueryResultSet query( String userID, String storedQueryName, Integer skipTuples, Integer threshold, List parameters )
QueryResultSet query( int kind, String storedQueryName, Integer skipTuples, Integer threshold, List parameters )
Operation executeStoredQuery
- Input element executeStoredQuery contents:
-- Element storedQueryName of type xsd:string
-- Element skipTuples of type xsd:integer
-- Element threshold of type xsd:integer
-- Element parameters of type bct:ParametersType (0..1)
- Output element executeStoredQueryResponse contents:
-- Element queryResultSet of type bct:QueryResultSetType

Operation query
- Input element query contents:
-- Element selectClause of type xsd:string
-- Element whereClause of type xsd:string
-- Element orderByClause of type xsd:string
-- Element skipTuples of type xsd:integer
-- Element threshold of type xsd:integer
-- Element timeZone of type xsd:string
- Output element queryResponse contents:
-- Element queryResultSet of type bct:QueryResultSetType
Operation executeStoredQuery
- Input element executeStoredQuery contents:
-- Element storedQueryName of type xsd:string
-- Element skipTuples of type xsd:integer
-- Element threshold of type xsd:integer
-- Element reference bons2:StringParameter (0..N)
- Output element executeStoredQueryResponse contents:
-- Element queryResultSet of type bons2:QueryResultSetType

Operation query
- Input element query contents:
-- Element selectClause of type xsd:string
-- Element whereClause of type xsd:string
-- Element orderByClause of type xsd:string
-- Element skipTuples of type xsd:integer
-- Element threshold of type xsd:integer
-- Element timeZone of type xsd:string
- Output element queryResponse contents:
-- Element queryResultSet of type bons2:QueryResultSetType
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/processes/filter[?whereClause={whereClause}][&orderByClause={orderByClause}][&offset={offset}][&size={size}]
- Response message (JSON): BFM Process List

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activities/filter[?whereClause={whereClause}][&orderByClause={orderByClause}][&offset={offset}][&size={size}]
- Response message (JSON): BFM Activity List
Query All - Retrieves selected object properties of all objects persistently stored in the database and allows for retrieving a specified set of data only.
QueryResultSet queryAll( String selectClause, String whereClause, String orderByClause, Integer skipTuples, Integer threshold, java.util.TimeZone timeZone ) [WSDL: queryAll]
Operation queryAll
- Input element queryAll contents:
-- Element selectClause of type xsd:string
-- Element whereClause of type xsd:string
-- Element orderByClause of type xsd:string
-- Element skipTuples of type xsd:integer
-- Element threshold of type xsd:integer
-- Element timeZone of type xsd:string
- Output element queryAllResponse contents:
-- Element queryResultSet of type bct:QueryResultSetType
Operation queryAll
- Input element queryAll contents:
-- Element selectClause of type xsd:string
-- Element whereClause of type xsd:string
-- Element orderByClause of type xsd:string
-- Element skipTuples of type xsd:integer
-- Element threshold of type xsd:integer
-- Element timeZone of type xsd:string
- Output element queryAllResponse contents:
-- Element queryResultSet of type bons2:QueryResultSetType
Query Entities - Queries entities of a query table.
EntityResultSet queryEntities( String queryTableName, FilterOptions filterOptions, AuthorizationOptions authorizationOptions, List parameters )
Operation queryEntities
- Input element queryEntities contents:
-- Element queryTableName of type xsd:string
-- Element filterOptions of type bct:FilterOptionsType
-- Element authorizationOptions of type bct:AuthorizationOptionsType
-- Element parameters of type bct:QueryTableParametersType
- Output element queryEntitiesResponse contents:
-- Element entityResultSet of type bct:EntityResultSetType
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/processTemplates/query?queryTableName={queryTableName}[&selectedAttributes={selectedAttributes}][&queryFilter={queryFilter}][&sortAttributes={sortAttributes}][&offset={offset}][&size={size}][&admin={admin}]
- Response message (JSON): BFM Entity Result Set

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/processes/query/{query}[?selectedAttributes={selectedAttributes}][&queryFilter={queryFilter}][&sortAttributes={sortAttributes}][&offset={offset}][&size={size}][&everybody={everybody}][&individual={individual}][&group={group}][&inherited={inherited}][&admin={admin}][&onBehalfUser={onBehalfUser}]
- Response message (JSON): BFM Query Result Set

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activities/query?queryTableName={queryTableName}[&selectedAttributes={selectedAttributes}][&queryFilter={queryFilter}][&sortAttributes={sortAttributes}][&offset={offset}][&size={size}][&everybody={everybody}][&individual={individual}][&group={group}][&inherited={inherited}][&admin={admin}][&onBehalfUser={onBehalfUser}]
- Response message (JSON): BFM Entity Result Set
Query Entity Count - Counts qualifying entities of a potential query for entities.
int queryEntityCount( String queryTableName, FilterOptions filterOptions, AuthorizationOptions authorizationOptions, List parameters )
Operation queryEntityCount
- Input element queryEntityCount contents:
-- Element queryTableName of type xsd:string
-- Element filterOptions of type bct:FilterOptionsType
-- Element authorizationOptions of type bct:AuthorizationOptionsType
-- Element parameters of type bct:QueryTableParametersType
- Output element queryEntityCountResponse contents:
-- Element entityCount of type xsd:integer
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/processTemplates/queryCount?queryTableName={queryTableName}[&queryFilter={queryFilter}][&admin={admin}]
- Response message (JSON): BFM Entity Result Set Count

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/processes/query/{query}/count[?queryFilter={queryFilter}][&everybody={everybody}][&individual={individual}][&group={group}][&inherited={inherited}][&admin={admin}][&onBehalfUser={onBehalfUser}]
- Response message (JSON): BFM Query Result Set Count

GET /rest/bpm/bfm/activities/queryCount?queryTableName={queryTableName}[&queryFilter={queryFilter}][&everybody={everybody}][&individual={individual}][&group={group}][&inherited={inherited}][&admin={admin}][&onBehalfUser={onBehalfUser}]
- Response message (JSON): BFM Entity Result Set Count
Query Process Templates - Retrieves process templates persistently stored in the database.
ProcessTemplateData[] queryProcessTemplates( String whereClause, String orderByClause, Integer threshold, java.util.TimeZone timeZone ) [WSDL: queryProcessTemplates]
Operation queryProcessTemplates
- Input element queryProcessTemplates contents:
-- Element whereClause of type xsd:string
-- Element orderByClause of type xsd:string
-- Element threshold of type xsd:integer
-- Element timeZone of type xsd:string
- Output element queryProcessTemplatesResponse contents:
-- Element processTemplates of type bpt:ProcessTemplatesType (0..1)
Operation queryProcessTemplates
- Input element queryProcessTemplates contents:
-- Element whereClause of type xsd:string
-- Element orderByClause of type xsd:string
-- Element threshold of type xsd:integer
-- Element timeZone of type xsd:string
- Output element queryProcessTemplatesResponse contents:
-- Element reference bons1:ProcessTemplate (0..N)
GET /rest/bpm/bfm/processTemplates/filter[?whereClause={whereClause}][&orderByClause={orderByClause}][&size={size}]
- Response message (JSON): BFM Process Template List
Query Rows - Queries selected attributes of a query table.
RowResultSet queryRows( String queryTableName, FilterOptions filterOptions, AuthorizationOptions authorizationOptions, List parameters )
Query Row Count - Counts qualifying objects of a potential query table query.
int queryRowCount( String queryTableName, FilterOptions filterOptions, AuthorizationOptions authorizationOptions, List parameters )
Reschedule Timer - Reschedule a timer for a wait or onAlarm.
void rescheduleTimer( String aiid, TimerSpecification timerSpecification )
void rescheduleTimer( AIID aiid, TimerSpecification timerSpecification )
Restart - Restarts the specified top-level process instance and its non-autonomous subprocesses.
void restart( PIID piid ) [WSDL: restart]
void restart( String piid )
Operation restart
- Input element restart contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element restartResponse contents:
-- (none)
Operation restart
- Input element restart contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element restartResponse contents:
-- (none)
PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}?action=restart
Resume - Resumes the specified top-level process instance and its non-autonomous subprocesses.
void resume( PIID piid ) [WSDL: resume]
void resume( String piid )
Operation resume
- Input element resume contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element resumeResponse contents:
-- (none)
Operation resume
- Input element resume contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element resumeResponse contents:
-- (none)
PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}?action=resume
Send Message - Sends the specified message to a process.
PIID sendMessage( String vtid, String atid, ClientObjectWrapper message )
PIID sendMessage( VTID vtid, ATID atid, ClientObjectWrapper message )
void sendMessage( String piid, String vtid, String atid, ClientObjectWrapper message )
void sendMessage( PIID piid, VTID vtid, ATID atid, ClientObjectWrapper message )
PIID sendMessage( String processTemplateName, String nameSpace, String portType, String operation, ClientObjectWrapper message ) [WSDL: sendMessage]
PIID sendMessage( PTID ptid, String nameSpace, String portType, String operation, ClientObjectWrapper message )
void sendMessage( String processTemplateName, String nameSpace, String portType, String operation, ClientObjectWrapper message, ReplyContextWrapper replyContext )
void sendMessage( String processTemplateName, String nameSpace, String portType, String operation, ClientObjectWrapper message, ReplyContextWrapper replyContext, int invocationCount, String requestId )
Operation sendMessage
- Input element sendMessage contents:
-- Element processTemplateName of type xsd:string
-- Element portType of type xsd:QName
-- Element operation of type xsd:string
-- Element input of type bct:UserDataType
-- Element processInstanceName of type xsd:string (0..1)
- Output element sendMessageResponse contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
Operation sendMessage
- Input element sendMessage contents:
-- Element processTemplateName of type xsd:string
-- Element portType of type xsd:QName
-- Element operation of type xsd:string
-- Element wildcard xsd:any (namespace ##any)
-- Element processInstanceName of type xsd:string (0..1)
- Output element sendMessageResponse contents:
-- Element pIID of type xsd:string
POST /rest/bpm/bfm/process?action=sendMessage&processTemplateName={processTemplateName}&portType={portType}&operation={operation}
- Request message (XML): user-defined schema
- Response message (JSON): BFM Process
Set Binary Custom Property - Stores custom-specific binary values for the specified process or activity instance.
void setBinaryCustomProperty( String identifier, BinaryCustomProperty property )
void setBinaryCustomProperty( PIID piid, BinaryCustomProperty property )
void setBinaryCustomProperty( AIID aiid, BinaryCustomProperty property )
void setBinaryCustomProperty( String piid, String activityName, BinaryCustomProperty property )
void setBinaryCustomProperty( PIID piid, String activityName, BinaryCustomProperty property )
Set Custom Property - Stores custom-specific values for the specified process or activity instance.
void setCustomProperty( String identifier, String propertyName, String propertyValue )
void setCustomProperty( PIID piid, String propertyName, String propertyValue ) [WSDL: setCustomPropertyForProcessInstance]
void setCustomProperty( AIID aiid, String propertyName, String propertyValue ) [WSDL: setCustomPropertyForActivityInstance]
void setCustomProperty( String identifier, String activityName, String propertyName, String propertyValue )
void setCustomProperty( PIID piid, String activityName, String propertyName, String propertyValue ) [WSDL: setCustomPropertyUsingActivityName]
Operation setCustomPropertyForProcessInstance
- Input element setCustomPropertyForProcessInstance contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
-- Element propertyName of type xsd:string
-- Element propertyValue of type xsd:string
- Output element setCustomPropertyForProcessInstanceResponse contents:
-- (none)

Operation setCustomPropertyForActivityInstance
- Input element setCustomPropertyForActivityInstance contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element propertyName of type xsd:string
-- Element propertyValue of type xsd:string
- Output element setCustomPropertyForActivityInstanceResponse contents:
-- (none)

Operation setCustomPropertyUsingActivityName
- Input element setCustomPropertyUsingActivityName contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
-- Element activityName of type xsd:string
-- Element propertyName of type xsd:string
-- Element propertyValue of type xsd:string
- Output element setCustomPropertyUsingActivityNameResponse contents:
-- (none)
Operation setCustomPropertyForProcessInstance
- Input element setCustomPropertyForProcessInstance contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
-- Element propertyName of type xsd:string
-- Element propertyValue of type xsd:string
- Output element setCustomPropertyForProcessInstanceResponse contents:
-- (none)

Operation setCustomPropertyForActivityInstance
- Input element setCustomPropertyForActivityInstance contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element propertyName of type xsd:string
-- Element propertyValue of type xsd:string
- Output element setCustomPropertyForActivityInstanceResponse contents:
-- (none)

Operation setCustomPropertyUsingActivityName
- Input element setCustomPropertyUsingActivityName contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
-- Element activityName of type xsd:string
-- Element propertyName of type xsd:string
-- Element propertyValue of type xsd:string
- Output element setCustomPropertyUsingActivityNameResponse contents:
-- (none)
Set Fault Message - Stores the specified fault message for the specified activity instance into the database.
void setFaultMessage( String aiid, String faultName, ClientObjectWrapper faultMessage )
void setFaultMessage( AIID aiid, String faultName, ClientObjectWrapper faultMessage )
PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}/fault?faultName={faultName}
- Request message (XML): user-defined schema
Set Inline Custom Properties - Stores custom-specific values for the specified process instance.
void setInlineCustomProperties( String piid, List customProperties )
void setInlineCustomProperties( PIID piid, List customProperties )
void setInlineCustomProperty( String piid, InlineCustomProperty property )
void setInlineCustomProperty( PIID piid, InlineCustomProperty property )
List setInlineCustomProperty( String[] piids, InlineCustomProperty property )
List setInlineCustomProperty( PIID[] piids, InlineCustomProperty property )
Set Output Message - Stores the output message of the specified activity instance into the database.
void setOutputMessage( String aiid, ClientObjectWrapper outputMessage )
void setOutputMessage( AIID aiid, ClientObjectWrapper outputMessage )
PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}/output
- Request message (XML): user-defined schema
Set Variable - Sets the specified process variable or a variable visible by the specified activity.
void setVariable( String piid, String activityName, String variableName, ClientObjectWrapper message )
void setVariable( PIID piid, String activityName, String variableName, ClientObjectWrapper message )
void setVariable( String identifier, String variableName, ClientObjectWrapper message )
void setVariable( PIID piid, String variableName, ClientObjectWrapper message ) [WSDL: setVariableForProcessInstance]
void setVariable( AIID aiid, String variableName, ClientObjectWrapper message ) [WSDL: setVariableForActivityInstance]
Operation setVariableForProcessInstance
- Input element setVariableForProcessInstance contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
-- Element variableName of type xsd:string
-- Element variableData of type bpt:VariableDataType
- Output element setVariableForProcessInstanceResponse contents:
-- (none)

Operation setVariableForActivityInstance
- Input element setVariableForActivityInstance contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element variableName of type xsd:string
-- Element variableData of type bpt:VariableDataType
- Output element setVariableForActivityInstanceResponse contents:
-- (none)
Operation setVariableForProcessInstance
- Input element setVariableForProcessInstance contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
-- Element variableName of type xsd:string
-- Element variableValue of type bons1:VariableDataType
- Output element setVariableForProcessInstanceResponse contents:
-- (none)

Operation setVariableForActivityInstance
- Input element setVariableForActivityInstance contents:
-- Element aiid of type xsd:string
-- Element variableName of type xsd:string
-- Element variableValue of type bons1:VariableDataType
- Output element setVariableForActivityInstanceResponse contents:
-- (none)
PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}/variable/{name}
- Request message (XML): user-defined schema

PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}/variable/{name}
- Request message (XML): user-defined schema
Skip - Skips the specified activity instance.
void skip( String piid, String activityName )
void skip( PIID piid, String activityName )
void skip( String aiid )
void skip( AIID aiid )
PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}?action=skip&activityName={activityName}

PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}?action=skip
Skip And Jump - Skips the activity instance and continues navigation at the specified target activity.
void skipAndJump( String aiid, String targetActivityName )
void skipAndJump( AIID aiid, String targetActivityName )
PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/activity/{aiid}?action=skipAndJump&targetActivityName={targetActivityName}
Suspend - Suspends the specified top-level process instance and its non-autonomous subprocesses.
void suspend( String piid ) [WSDL: suspend]
void suspend( PIID piid )
void suspend( String piid, int duration )
void suspend( PIID piid, int duration ) [WSDL: suspendFor]
void suspend( String piid, Calendar deadline )
void suspend( PIID piid, Calendar deadline ) [WSDL: suspendUntil]
void suspend( String piid, String timeoutExpression, String calendarName, String JNDINameOfCalendar )
void suspend( PIID piid, String timeoutExpression, String calendarName, String JNDINameOfCalendar )
Operation suspend
- Input element suspend contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element suspendResponse contents:
-- (none)

Operation suspendFor
- Input element suspendFor contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
-- Element duration of type xsd:duration
- Output element suspendForResponse contents:
-- (none)

Operation suspendUntil
- Input element suspendUntil contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
-- Element deadline of type xsd:dateTime
- Output element suspendUntilResponse contents:
-- (none)
Operation suspend
- Input element suspend contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
- Output element suspendResponse contents:
-- (none)

Operation suspendFor
- Input element suspendFor contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
-- Element duration of type xsd:duration
- Output element suspendForResponse contents:
-- (none)

Operation suspendUntil
- Input element suspendUntil contents:
-- Element piid of type xsd:string
-- Element deadline of type xsd:dateTime
- Output element suspendUntilResponse contents:
-- (none)
PUT /rest/bpm/bfm/process/{piid}?action=suspend[&deadline={deadline}][&duration={duration}]
Test Migration - Checks whether the process instance identified by the process instance ID can be migrated to an instance of the specified process template.
boolean testMigration( String piid, String ptid )
boolean testMigration( PIID piid, PTID ptid )
Transfer Work Item - Transfers the specified work item for a process or activity instance.
void transferWorkItem( String identifier, int assignmentReason, String fromOwner, String toOwner )
void transferWorkItem( PIID piid, int assignmentReason, String fromOwner, String toOwner )
void transferWorkItem( AIID aiid, int assignmentReason, String fromOwner, String toOwner )
Uninitialize Correlation Set - Uninitializes a correlation set.
void uninitializeCorrelationSet( String piid, String correlationSetName )
void uninitializeCorrelationSet( PIID piid, String correlationSetName )