Uninstalling IBM Business Process Manager silently

You can use the command-line mode of the Installation Manager to uninstall IBM® Business Process Manager.

Before you begin

Stop the deployment environment, node agent, and deployment manager. Close all programs that you used Installation Manager to install.

About this task

To uninstall, you must log in to the system using the same user account that you used to install.


To silently uninstall IBM Business Process Manager, complete the following steps:

  1. Open a command prompt, and change directories to the /eclipse/tools directory under Installation Manager.
    Important: If you are running Windows, start your command prompt by right-clicking and selecting Run as administrator.
  2. Make the appropriate replacements and run the following command:
    imcl uninstall list_of_package_IDs -installationDirectory installationDirectory -log logLocation -properties optionalProperties
    1. Replace list_of_package_IDs with a list of the IDs for the products you want to uninstall, separated by spaces.
      Important: The DB2 Express installation might be used by multiple products, including products on a remote system. If you uninstall DB2 Express, all DB2 Express databases and database assets are deleted.
      Table 1. Package IDs
      Product Package ID
      IBM BPM Advanced com.ibm.bpm.ADV.v85
      IBM BPM Advanced: Process Server com.ibm.bpm.PS.v85
      IBM BPM Standard com.ibm.bpm.STD.v85
      IBM BPM Express com.ibm.bpm.EXP.v85
      IBM Process Designer com.ibm.bpm.pdesigner.v85
      WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment com.ibm.websphere.ND.v85
      WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Linux on POWER Little Endian (LE) com.ibm.websphere.ND.le.v85
      Installation Manager com.ibm.cic.agent
      DB2 for Linux 64-bit com.ibm.ws.DB2EXP.linuxia64
      DB2 for Windows 64-bit com.ibm.ws.DB2EXP.winia64
    2. Replace installationDirectory with the location where you installed the product.
    3. Replace logLocation with the location and file name to log the information.


Installation Manager uninstalls the list of products and writes a log file to the directory that you specified.


The following example uninstalls IBM Business Process Manager Advanced, WebSphere Application Server ND, and DB2 Express from Windows.

C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\tools>imcl uninstall com.ibm.bpm.ADV.v85 com.ibm.websphere.ND.v85 com.ibm.ws.DB2EXP.winia64 -installationDirectory C:\IBM\BPM85 -log uninstalllog.txt

What to do next

After you uninstall, you can optionally delete files that remain in the file system, for example, in the profiles\profilename\logs directory. Also, if Installation Manager is not being used by any other products, you can uninstall it.