Verifying that the web service is working

First check that the web service is working. The web service must be working before you can call it from a business process.

About this task

These steps let you determine if you have a proper, working URL containing the expected WSDL file.

You can see the following steps with screen captures from a previous version in this technote.


  1. Verify that you have a live WSDL URL.
  2. Paste the URL into a browser window. You may need to add ?WSDL to the end or your URL. If the URL is not working, you are likely lacking the correct network configuration to access the web service.
  3. Install soapUI using the default configuration.
  4. Right-click Projects and click New soapUI Project.
  5. Paste your WSDL URL into the box labeled Initial WSDL/WADL. Do not change the other values and options and click OK. You should now have a sample call for your web service where you can make sample calls based on XML input.
  6. Test the web service by replacing question marks with actual data inputs and press Play. There are hints that are provided by soapUI in places where repeated entries or optional entries exist. For these entries, deleting items should not be a problem.