In the TIMINGINTERVALVALUE view, a row is recorded each time a timing interval is traversed. When autotracking is enabled, a row is recorded each time an autotracked task is run.

The TIMINGINTERVALVALUE view includes the following columns:

Column Description
TIMING_INTERVAL_ID The primary key of the timing interval. This column links to the TIMINGINTERVALS view.
START_TRACKING_POINT_ID The primary key of the tracking point that marks the beginning of the timing interval. This column links to the TRACKINGPOINTS view.
END_TRACKING_POINT_ID The primary key of the tracking point that marks the end of the timing interval. This column links to the TRACKINGPOINTS view.
START_TIME The date and time that the timing interval started.
END_TIME The date and time that the timing interval ended.
DURATION The duration of the timing interval in milliseconds.
START_TASK_ID The primary key in the Business Performance Data Warehouse of the task where this timing interval began. This column links to the TASKS view.
END_TASK_ID The primary key in the Business Performance Data Warehouse of the task where this timing interval ended. This column links to the TASKS view.
FUNCTIONAL_TASK_ID The primary key in the Business Performance Data Warehouse of the BPD instance that started this timing interval. This column links to the TASKS view.
START_SNAPSHOT The snapshot (version) of the tracking point that marks the beginning of the timing interval. If no snapshots exist, a Null value is stored in this column.
END_SNAPSHOT The snapshot (version) of the tracking point that marks the end of the timing interval. If no snapshots exist, a Null value is stored in this column.