Customizing the login page

You can customize the login page of Process Portal so that it has the logo and colors of your company.

Before you begin

You must have administrator privileges to complete this task.

Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) provides a network protocol for creating interoperable, collaborative applications. You must have access rights to the WebDAV folder to design and customize styles. In certain cases, you might need to restart the server.

Tip: For many changes, use a web development tool, such as Mozilla Firebug, that can edit cascading style sheet (CSS) files. For simple changes, such as replacing images with other images of the same size, a web development tool is not necessary.

About this task

Image files provide the elements for the login screen and a CSS file controls their usage and positioning. The default style settings are in the login.css file. You customize the login page by overriding these settings in a different CSS file that you have modified.


  1. Connect to the WebDav folder and navigate to the /login directory. See Connecting to the WebDav folder to customize Process Portal spaces.
  2. Make a local copy of the bspace folder and contents, and rename it.
  3. Your new folder contains an images directory. Add any new image files to this folder that you want displayed on the login page.
  4. Modify your copy of the login.css file to change the appearance of your login page, such as the background color or images that are displayed. For examples of the types of changes you can make to the login.css, see Example: Login page customizations for Process Portal.
  5. Copy your new folder to the webDAV login folder so that it contains both the original and new folders. Your WebDAV folder directory now contains the following folders:
    where folderName is the name of your folder.
  6. Locate the file.
    For a stand-alone server:
    For a cluster:
  7. Change the value of folder name for the property to the folder that contains the copy of the bspace folder, WebDAV_folder/login/folderName.
  8. Run the updatePropertyConfig command using the wsadmin scripting client to update the configuration.
    • For a stand-alone server:
      The following example uses Jython:
      AdminTask.updatePropertyConfig('[-serverName server_name -nodeName node_name -propertyFileName "profile_root/BusinessSpace/node_name/server_name/" -prefix "Mashups_"]')
      The following example uses Jacl:
      $AdminTask updatePropertyConfig {-serverName server_name -nodeName node_name -propertyFileName "profile_root/BusinessSpace/node_name/server_name/" -prefix "Mashups_"}
      $AdminConfig save
    • For a cluster:
      The following example uses Jython:
      AdminTask.updatePropertyConfig('[-clusterName cluster_name -propertyFileName "dmgr_profile_root/BusinessSpace/cluster_name/" -prefix "Mashups_"]')
      The following example uses Jacl:
      $AdminTask updatePropertyConfig {-clusterName cluster_name -propertyFileName "dmgr_profile_root/BusinessSpace/cluster_name/" -prefix "Mashups_"}
      $AdminConfig save
  9. Clear your browser cache, and then log in to Process Portal. You can now see the updated login page.