Deploying monitor models

You can deploy monitor models using the fast path method or using the detailed method. Use the fast path method if you want to deploy a monitor model with default settings and a minimum amount of monitor model customization. Use the detailed method if you want to modify monitor model settings during the deployment.

Before you begin

Before beginning this task, you must have completed the following tasks:
  • Backed up the IBM® Business Monitor database
  • Verified that the name of the monitor model is short
  • Verified that the path to the IBM Business Monitor server is a short path
    Important: Windows path-length restrictions can be exceeded when long application names are used or when the WebSphere® Application Server is installed in a deep directory structure. Be careful to keep both the model name and the path as short as possible to avoid possible problems.
  • Logged into the WebSphere Application Server administrative console
  • Prepared the monitor model for a production environment
  • Assigned the Administrator role to any user who deploys and undeploys monitor model applications. Administrative privileges are required for these actions. In addition to deploying monitor model applications, other operations that are performed automatically require administrative privileges.
Note: When a server is running in development mode, you cannot have multiple versions of a monitor model deployed to the server. If you attempt to deploy a new version of a monitor model, an error will be thrown and you will need to uninstall the existing version of your application.