Adding lanes to a BPD

A Business Process Definition (BPD) needs to include a lane for each system or group of users who participates in a process. A lane is the container for all the activities to be performed by a specific group of users or system.


Using the BPD created in the preceding task, follow these steps to change the names of the default lanes and add additional lanes:

  1. Click the Participant lane and in the Name field (in the Properties) enter Employees:
    This screen shot shows the properties for a lane.
    This lane will contain activities that corporate employees will perform.
  2. Leave the System lane as is for the sample Expense Reimbursement BPD. System lanes hold activities that are to be completed by an IBM® Business Process Manager system. During implementation, a developer creates a service or writes the JavaScript necessary to complete the activities.
  3. Drag a Lane component from the palette to the diagram so that the new lane is positioned beneath the System lane. You can right-click the new lane and select Move Lane Down until it is positioned where you want it.
  4. Click on the new lane in the diagram (named Untitled 1 by default) and in the Name field in the properties, enter Manager .
  5. Repeat steps 3 through 5 to add two lanes (Accounts Payable and Monitor) beneath the Manager lane as shown in the following image:
    This screen capture shows the lanes described in the preceding steps.
  6. Click Save in the main toolbar.