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Using the MVS START command to schedule a new measurement

A new Application Performance Analyzer measurement request can be entered by using an MVS START command. The JCL procedure specified in the START command will run a REXX EXEC, which, in turn, calls CAZBATCH with the Application Performance Analyzer NEW command specification. The Application Performance Analyzer NEW command options may be coded in a PDS member (specified on the MVS START command) or as parameters on the MVS START command itself. When NEW command parameters are specified in both the SYSIN member and the START command, the START command parameters override the SYSIN member parameters.

A sample JCL procedure is provided in your.prefix.SCAZSAMP member CAZ$NEW.
//CAZ$NEW  PROC APARM=                                       
//STEPLIB  DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=#hlq.SCAZAUTH                     
//SYSEXEC  DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=#hlq.SCAZEXEC                     
//SYSTSPRT DD  SYSOUT=*                                       
//SYSTSIN  DD  DUMMY                                          
You must customize this sample as follows:
  1. Change your.prefix with high level qualifiers that are appropriate for your installation for the Application Performance Analyzer libraries.
  2. Update CAZSYSIN if a different library is to be used for the CAZBATCH statements.
When you complete the above changes, place this member in a library that is part of the JES procedure concatenation for started tasks.

A sample REXX EXEC is provided in your.prefix.SCAZEXEC member CAZSTART. This EXEC calls CAZBATCH. You need to customize this sample as follows:
  1. Change your.prefix with high level qualifiers that are appropriate for your installation for the Application Performance Analyzer libraries.
  2. Add a value for dsnHLQ if a value other than "sysuid" is required for the HLQ for work data sets.
Sample SYSIN members for procedure CAZ$NEW are provided in your.prefix.SCAZSAMP:
Syntax: S CAZ$NEW,APARM='MEMBER=pdsmembername NewCommandParms'
Specifies the SYSIN PDS member name that contains the NEW command options.
Options for the Application Performance Analyzer NEW command that override those coded in the CAZSYSIN member. A subset of NEW command options is supported in the CAZSTART EXEC with abbreviations, due to the 100-byte APARM length limitation. For more information, see your.prefix.SCAZEXEC(CAZSTART). Any other options will be passed to CAZBATCH as is.
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