Loading data to IBM Cloud

You can load data from a data file in a delimited format (CSV or TXT) located on a local network or in an object store (Amazon S3 or IBM Cloud Object Storage) to IBM® Db2® on Cloud. You can even migrate your data from an on-premises system.

Loading data from an object store

To load data from Amazon S3 or the IBM Cloud Object Storage, select one of the following methods:
  • From the web console. Load > Amazon S3.
  • For improved performance, the Db2 LOAD command can also be used to load data from Amazon S3 using the following example command:
    CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD('LOAD FROM "S3::<amazon-s3-URL>::<s3-access-key-id>::<s3-secret-access-key>:
    :<s3-bucket-name>::<path-to-data-file>" OF <filetype> <additional-load-options> INTO <table-name>)
    The following is an example usage of the Db2 LOAD command:
    CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD('load from "S3::s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com::<s3-access-key-id>:
    :<s3-secret-access-key>::ibm-state-store::bdidata2TB/web_site.dat" of DEL modified by codepage=1208 
    coldel0x7c WARNINGCOUNT 1000 MESSAGES ON SERVER INSERT into BDINSIGHTS2.web_site ');

    For supported command options. see: LOAD command.

  • External Tables directly. The following is an example SQL statement:
    INSERT INTO <table-name> SELECT * FROM EXTERNAL '<mys3file.txt>' USING
      (CCSID 1208 s3('s3.amazonaws.com', 
    To load data from IBM Cloud Object Storage by using External Tables directly, the following is an example SQL statement:
    INSERT INTO <table-name> SELECT * FROM EXTERNAL '<mys3file.txt>' USING
      (CCSID 1208 s3('s3-api.us-geo.objectstorage.softlayer.net', 
    Note: For IBM Cloud Object Storage, to create HMAC credentials when creating new service credentials, specify {"HMAC:true"} in the Add Inline Configuration Parameters field.

For more information about loading data from a data file on Amazon S3, see: Loading data from a file on Amazon S3.

Tutorial: Migrating data from on-premises relational databases

This tutorial demonstrates how to migrate data from on-premises relational databases into Db2 Warehouse on Cloud for business analytics applications: Hybrid data warehousing with Db2 Warehouse on Cloud