Installing IBM Edge Computing for servers

Follow these steps to configure and enable the use of IBM Edge Computing for servers.


Before you begin installation, ensure that your environment meets the requirements for IBM Edge Computing for servers and that you correctly sized your cluster. For more information, see Preparing to install IBM Edge Computing for servers.

To install IBM Edge Computing for servers, you must install IBM Cloud Private with IBM Multicloud Manager enabled at the hub cluster.

With your hub cluster set up, install IBM Cloud Private and the IBM Multicloud Manager Klusterlet at each of your remote edge server locations.

When you are installing an instance of IBM Cloud Private at each of your edge server locations, you can choose any configuration of IBM Cloud Private to deploy. For instance, you can select to deploy a full IBM Cloud Private configuration or select a deployment that uses the IBM Cloud Private minimum required services for operating the edge server for a smaller resource footprint. You can use the edge computing profile to deploy IBM Cloud Private and the IBM Multicloud Manager Klusterlet with a smaller resource footprint.

The edge computing profile is designed specifically for IBM Edge Computing for servers to place only the minimum required services that are needed for supporting edge server management and for supporting business-critical applications that you host on IBM Cloud Private. With this profile, you are still able to authenticate users, collect log and event data, and deploy workloads in a single node or a set of clustered worker nodes.

For more information about the available configurations of IBM Cloud Private, see Sizing your IBM Cloud Private cluster.

Note: If you install the management components and master components on the same node, the node should have a minimum of 16GB of memory in the sizing section.

Installing Edge Server Hub with IBM Cloud Private and IBM Multicloud Manager

Complete these steps to enable IBM Edge Computing for servers.

Note: This procedure is for a non-HA installation of IBM Cloud Private 3.2.1 running on a Linux-based VMs. This simple installation requires minimal configuration changes and is based on following configuration that is running on Fyre:

Note: An external IP address must be specified for Master node. See Enabling and disabling IBM Cloud Private management services

  1. Install IBM Cloud Private. For more information, see Installing IBM Cloud Private Cloud Native, Enterprise, and Community editions.

  2. Replace the default config.yaml file with the edge.config.yaml file. You must use the settings within the edge.config.yaml file to use the edge computing profile when you are deploying your cluster as an edge server.

    1. Open a terminal on your edge server and run the following command to rename the default config.yaml file to be config.yaml.orig:

      sudo mv /<installation_directory>/cluster/config.yaml  /<installation_directory>/cluster/config.yaml.orig

      Replace <installation_directory> with the path to your installation directory.

    2. Run the following command to rename the edge.config.yaml file to config.yaml:

      sudo cp /<installation_directory>/cluster/edge.config.yaml  /<installation_directory>/cluster/config.yaml

      Replace <installation_directory> with the path to your installation directory.

  3. If you are installing on IBM Cloud Private Enterprise edition, you must set up an external Docker registry with authentication enabled and ready for use. Update the new config.yaml file to include your external Docker registry settings. For example:

     image_repo:  "__REGISTRY_SERVER__/__ORGANIZATION__"
     docker_username:  "__DOCKER_USER__"
     docker_password:  "__DOCKER_PASS__"

    The installer process pushes all IBM Cloud Private images to this external registry for future use.

  4. You can add the management services by setting them to enabled status in the management_services section of the config.yaml file. For more information about management services and adding or removing management services after installation, see Enabling and disabling IBM Cloud Private components.