Problems opening protected queues when using AMS with JMS

Various problems can arise when you open protected queues when using Advanced Message Security.

You are running JMS and you receive error 2085 (MQRC_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_NAME) together with error JMSMQ2008.

You have verified that you have set up your AMS as described in Quick Start Guide for AMS with Java clients.

There are a number of IBM® MQ options that are either not supported, or have limitations for Advanced Message Security; details are described in Known limitations of AMS.

You have not set the AMQ_DISABLE_CLIENT_AMS environment variable.

Resolving the problem

There are four options for working around this problem:
  1. Start your JMS application under a supported IBM Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
  2. Move your application to the same machine where your queue manager is running and have it connect using a bindings mode connection.

    A bindings mode connection uses platform native libraries to perform the IBM MQ API calls. Accordingly, the native AMS interceptor is used to perform the AMS operations and there is no reliance on the capabilities of the JRE.

  3. Use an MCA interceptor, because this allows signing and encryption of messages as soon as they arrive at the queue manager, without the need for the client to perform any AMS processing.

    Given that the protection is applied at the queue manager, an alternate mechanism must be used to protect the messages in transit from the client to the queue manager. Most commonly this is achieved by configuring TLS encryption on the server connection channel used by the application.

  4. Set the AMQ_DISABLE_CLIENT_AMS environment variable if you do not want to use AMS.

For more information, see Message Channel Agent (MCA) interception and AMS.

Note: A security policy must be in place for each queue that the MCA Interceptor will deliver messages onto. In other words, the target queue needs to have an AMS security policy in place with the distinguished name (DN) of the signer and recipient matching that of the certificate assigned to the MCA Interceptor. That is, the DN of the certificate designated by property in the keystore.conf used by the queue manager.