
Telemetry messages

Reference information to help you identify and interpret the messages for MQ Telemetry.

MQXR service unexpectedly caught communications exception={0}(Exception).
An exception was caught by the Communications Manager and it was not able to take a reasonable action in response to the exception.
User action
Investigate and resolve the cause of the underlying exception.
A selection key={0} was found in an unexpected state.
A selection key was found in a state that was not expected.
User action
Contact your IBM support center.
Connection={0}(Connection) has insufficient data available to satisfy a get request.
The application tried to read more data than is immediately available. After the application has processed the information available to it, it should release control and wait to be called again when more data is available.
User action
Change the application to handle this exception, or use Connection.available() before the get() method is called in order to determine if the get() will succeed.
Connection Close error: {0}.
An error occurred when a connection was closed. The session might not have completed normally.
User action
Check that the session completed normally.
SSL key repository file invalid or not found for channel ''{1}''. The following exception was thrown: {0}
The SSL key repository file specified for the channel is not valid.
User action
Check the validity of the specified SSL key repository file.
Channel ''{0}'' has stopped.
The channel has stopped. No further communication with clients will occur on this channel.
User action
No action is required.
Connection ''{0}'' did not send or receive data for ''{1}'' milliseconds and has been closed.
The application set the idle timer on the connection to {1} milliseconds, but did not send or receive any data within this time, so the connection was closed.
User action
Determine why the connection did not send or receive data and if appropriate set the idleTimer to a longer value.
An SSL Handshake error occurred when a client at ''{1}'' attempted to connect to channel ''{0}'': {2}.
An error occurred when performing an SSL handshake with a client application. This is often because the client is presenting certificates that the MQXR service does not trust.
User action
Use the information in the exception to diagnose and fix the problem.
An invalid keystore name=''{1}'' was specified.
The keystore name or the pass phrase specified is not valid.
User action
Specify a valid keystore file name and password.
An SSL Exception occurred when a client at ''{1}'' attempted to connect to channel ''{0}'': {2}.
An error occurred when performing an SSL operation with a client application.
User action
Use the information in the exception to diagnose and fix the problem.
An error (probe: {0}) occurred and a Failure Data Capture (FDC) file has been written.
A problem was detected and a FDC file was written to aid diagnostics.
User action
Look at the FDC file and attempt to resolve the problem. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact your IBM support center.
Trace is disabled.
Tracing the MQXR Service (used in order to diagnose problems) is not currently running.
User action
No action is required.
Trace is enabled.
Tracing the MQXR Service (used in order to diagnose problems) is currently running.
User action
No action is required.
''{0}'' instances of message ''{1}'' were suppressed.
The number {0} of message identifier ''{1}'' were suppressed from the log since the last message with this identifier was written.
User action
No additional action is required beyond that for the suppressed message.
If the message does not give sufficient information, check previous messages for further help.
User action
See previous messages for further information.
Invalid text={0}(String) was found in an HTTP request or response.
An HTTP request or response contained unexpected data not described in "https://www.w3.org/Protocols/".
User action
Check that the originator or source of the HTTP request or response is producing valid requests or responses.
HTTP header text={0}(String) was invalid.
An HTTP request or response contained unexpected text.
User action
Check that the originator or source of the HTTP request or response is producing valid requests or responses.
Invalid text at location={0} in string={1}(String).
A Java Script Object Notation (JSON) string contained unexpected data not described in "https://www.json.org/".
User action
Check that the originator or JSON is producing valid data.
WebSocket Close, status code= {0}
The websocket was closed by the remote end.
User action
Examine the Websocket status code and determine why the Websocket was closed if this was not expected.
If the message does not give sufficient information, check previous messages for further help.
User action
See previous messages for further information.
Client {0} disconnected normally.
An MQTT disconnect flow was received and processed.
User action
On channel {2}, a throwable {1} resulted when the MQXR service received a message from an MQTT client {0}.
Bad data was received from a network connection and could not be processed, the connection is closed by the server.
User action
Determine why the client sent the uninterpretable data.
MQXR JAAS {0} : {1}.
The JAAS callback in the MQXR service requested that the message is displayed to the user.
User action
Determine the cause of the security problem described in the text of the message issued by JAAS.
MQSeries verb={0}(String) returned cc={1}(int) {2} rc={3}(int) {4}.
A WebSphere MQ verb returned an unexpected reason and completion code.
User action
Look up the reason code to determine what caused the error.
Running {0} version {1}.
The command is running.
User action
Invalid argument {0} Usage: runMQXRService -m queueManagerName -d QmgrDataDirectory -g MQGlobalDataDirectory
The runMQXRService command arguments are incorrect.
User action
Correct the command.
Invalid argument {0} Usage: endMQXRService -m queueManagerName -d QmgrDataDirectory -g MQGlobalDataDirectory
The endMQXRService command arguments are incorrect.
User action
Correct the command.
Exception during start of MQXR service: {0}
The MQXR service was starting but encountered a problem. Previous errors or FDCs will provide more detail.
User action
Use previous errors or FDCs to diagnose and address the problem then restart the MQXR service.
Exception during shutdown of MQXR service: {0}
The MQXR service was shutting down but encountered a problem. Previous errors or FDCs will provide more detail.
User action
Use previous errors or FDCs to diagnose and address the problem.
An invalid ClientIdentifier {0} was received from ''{1}'' in an MQTT CONNECT packet on channel {2}.
The MQXR service received a ClientIdentifier that is not valid because it contains too few, or too many characters, or the characters are not valid in a queue manager name.
User action
Change the ClientIdentifier to use valid characters.
An error occurred during a publish on topic ''{3}'' from ClientIdentifier ''{0}'' UserName ''{1}'' on channel ''{2}''. A reason code of ''{5}'' ''{6}'' was received during an ''{4}'' operation.
The publication from the client was not able to be completed
User action
Using the reason code, diagnose the cause of the problem, alter the configuration (of the client or the server as appropriate) and then retry the publish.
An error occurred whilst subscribing on topic(s) ''{3}'' for ClientIdentifier ''{0}'' userNamer ''{1}''on channel ''{2}''. A reason code of ''{5}'' ''{6}'' was received during an ''{4}'' operation.
The subscription from the client was not able to be completed
User action
Using the reason code, diagnose the cause of the problem, alter the configuration (of the client or the server as appropriate) and then reconnect the client and retry the subscription.
Error starting channel ''{0}'' (on host: ''{1}'' and port ''{2}''). The exception was ''{3}''.
The service was unable to listen for connections on the specified port
User action
Use the exception to diagnose and rectify the problem then restart the affected channel.
Error starting channel ''{0}''. See earlier errors or FDCs for more details.
The service was unable to listen for connections on the specified port because of problems that have been reported in earlier errors or FDCs.
User action
Use the preceding errors or FDCs to diagnose and rectify the problem then restart the affected channel.
MQXR Service started successfully ({0} channels running, {1} channels stopped)
The MQXR service has completed the processing that occurs on startup
User action
No action is required.
Channel ''{0}'' has started
This channel is now available for client connections
User action
No action is required
A new channel (called ''{0}'') has been created
In response to a request from a user, a new channel has been created
User action
No action is required
Channel ''{0}'' has been altered
In response to a request from a user, some settings on the channel were changed. Some settings do not take effect until the channel is restarted.
User action
No action is required
Channel ''{0}'' has been deleted
In response to a request from a user, a new channel has been deleted
User action
No action is required
Channel ''{0}'' has been purged
Clients have been disconnected from this channel and state associated with them has been removed
User action
No action is required
Client ''{0}'' at network address ''{1}'' disconnected abnormally with exception ''{2}''.
An MQTT client was disconnected from the network for the reason shown by the exception.
User action
Look into the exception cause to determine if action is required.
Client ''{0}'' previously connected at network address ''{1}'' now connected at ''{2}''.
A new connection has been made for the client taking over from an existing one.
User action
None, if this was intentional.
Unsupported MQTT protocol version on channel {1}, the exception {0} was thrown.
An MQTT client attempted to connect using an unsupported protocol version, the connection is closed by the server.
User action
Reconfigure the client to use a supported protocol version.

ClientIdentifier <insert_0> used an invalid destination name <insert_1>.


The publication from the client was not able to be completed because the destination name was not valid.

User action

Change the destination name so that it is valid.


Unsupported application data type <insert_0> character <insert_1>.


The server does not support a message body of the type reported.

User action

Change the message body to be one of the supported types.


Unsupported AMQP settle mode <insert_0>.


The server does not support the given settle mode.

User action

Change the application to use one of the supported settle modes.


Unsupported AMQP terminus expiry policy of <insert_0>.


The server does not support the given expiry policy when supplying a time-to-live.

User action

Change the application to use the link-detach expiry policy.

Invalid Will Message from ClientIdentifier ''{0}''
The Will Message in the Connect packet is malformed, the client connection is closed by the server.
User action
Check the client application and make sure the will message has a non zero length topic name, and a valid Qos.

A connection from <insert_1> for client identifier <insert_2> was rejected for channel <insert_0> because of CONNAUTH or CHLAUTH rule configuration. <insert_3>


The AMQP channel rejected a connection attempt that failed to pass one or more CONNAUTH or CHLAUTH rules.

User action

View the reason for the authorization failure in the queue manager error logs. Examine the client eligibility and the CONNAUTH or CHLAUTH definitions and alter as appropriate.


A connection from <insert_0> was rejected for channel <insert_1> because of CHLAUTH rule configuration.


The AMQP channel rejected a connection attempt that failed to pass one or more CHLAUTH rules.

User action

View the reason for the CHLAUTH failure in the queue manager error logs. Examine the client eligibility and the CHLAUTH channel definitions and alter as appropriate.


Client <insert_0> already in use.


A connection cannot be made because the specified client identifier is already in use.

User action

Choose a different client identifier or contact the system administrator to resolve the problem.


Blocked takeover of client <insert_0> from network address <insert_1> over channel <insert_2> by user <insert_3>. The client identifier is already in use from network address <insert_4> over channel <insert_5> for user <insert_6>.


A new connection has been blocked because it specifies a client identifier that is already in use and the connection does not meet the configured criteria for client takeover.

User action

No action is required.


Connection not possible because the maximum number of permitted clients are already connected.


A connection cannot be made because the configured maximum number of client connections for the channel has already been reached.

User action

Either try again later or attempt to connect on a different channel.


ClientIdentifier <insert_0> used an invalid reply-to address <insert_1>.


The publication from the client was not able to be completed because the value of the reply-to address was not valid.

User action

Change the reply-to value to a plain topic string or a valid AMQP URL.


An invalid client identifier <insert_0> was received from <insert_1> on channel <insert_2>.


The AMQP service received a client identifier that is not valid because it contains too few, or too many characters, or the characters are not valid in a queue manager name.

User action

Change the client identifier to be less than 257 characters in length and to use valid characters.


Connection to the queue manager has broken.


The connection to the queue manager has been broken. This has most likely been caused by the queue manager being shutdown.

User action

Examine the logs to determine why the connection to the queue manager has been broken, and take any appropriate action. If the problem cannot be resolved contact your IBM® support center.


A connection from <insert_1> was rejected for channel <insert_0> because of CONNAUTH or CHLAUTH rule configuration. <insert_3>


The service rejected a connection attempt that failed to pass one or more CONNAUTH or CHLAUTH tests

User action

View the reason for the authorization failure in the queue manager error logs. Examine the client eligibility and the CONNAUTH or CHLAUTH definitions and alter as appropriate.


A subscribe request was not authorized for channel <insert_0> received from <insert_1>. <insert_2>


The AMQP service rejected a subscription attempt that failed to pass one or more MQ authority checks.

User action

Ensure the queue manager authority records are set up to allow the MQ identity to subscribe to the specific topic. See the MQ error logs for detail of the MQ authority check that caused the connection to fail.


An MQ object required by AMQP channel <insert_0> for a subscribe request from client <insert_1> could not be found. <insert_2>


One of the MQ objects the AMQP channel expects to exist when creating or resuming a subscription could not be found.

User action

Ensure the system objects required exist on the queue manager. Check the MQ and AMQP error logs for detail of the missing object.


A publish request was not authorized for channel <insert_0> received from <insert_1>. <insert_2>


The AMQP service rejected a publish attempt that failed to pass one or more MQ authority checks.

User action

Ensure the queue manager authority records are set up to allow the MQ identity to publish to the specific topic. See the MQ error logs for detail of the MQ authority check that caused the connection to fail.


A subscription request failed for channel <insert_0> received from <insert_1> because the combination of topic pattern and client ID exceeded 10230 characters. <insert_2>


When a subscription request is made to an AMQP channel an MQ managed subscription is defined. The subscription name takes the format :private:client-id:topic-pattern . The maximum length of the MQ subscription name is 10240 characters. Reserved characters take up 10 characters of the subscription name. The combination of the topic pattern and the client ID must be less than 10230 characters.

User action

Reduce the length of the topic pattern or the client ID that the application uses and retry the operation.


A shared subscription request failed for channel <insert_0> received from <insert_1> because the combination of topic pattern and share name exceeded 10232 characters. <insert_2>


When a shared subscription request is made to an AMQP channel an MQ managed subscription is defined. The subscription name takes the format :share:share-name:topic-pattern. The maximum length of the MQ subscription name is 10240 characters. Reserved characters take up 8 characters of the subscription name. The combination of the topic pattern and the share name must be less than 10232 characters.

User action

Reduce the length of the topic pattern or the share name that the application uses and retry the operation.


A subscription request failed for channel <insert_0> received from <insert_1> because a zero-length topic pattern was specified. <insert_2>


A topic pattern must be specified when subscribing to a destination.

User action

Ensure your application specifies a topic pattern to subscribe to and retry the operation.


An unknown error occurred during a subscription request for channel <insert_0> received from <insert_1>. <insert_2>


The queue manager failed to handle the subscribe request from an AMQP client.

User action

Check the MQ return code included in the error message. Check the MQ logs or FFDC files for more information.


A connection from <insert_0> was rejected because the connection could not be authenticated.


The AMQP channel rejected a connection attempt that failed to pass a JAAS authentication step.

User action

Review the queue manager logs and check that your JAAS configuration is correct.


A connection from <insert_0> was rejected because no MQ identity could be found.


When a client connects to an AMQP channel, an MQ identity is required to check that the client has authority to publish and subscribe. No MQ identity has been configured for the AMQP channel.

User action

Ensure an MQ identity is set for the AMQP channel. Configure one or more of the following MQ features: the MCAUSER of the AMQP channel; the USECLTID attribute of the AMQP channel; a channel authentication rule that sets the MQ identity to use for the channel.


A connection from <insert_0> was rejected for channel <insert_1> because the SSL distinguished name <insert_2> does not match the channel's peer name <insert_3>.


The AMQP channel rejected a connection attempt because the distinguished name contained in the SSL certificate for the client end of the channel does not match the local SSL peer name for the channel.

User action

If the client should be allowed to connect, either change the channel SSL peer name specification so that it matches the distinguished name in the SSL certificate for the client, or obtain the correct certificate for the client end of the channel.


The AMQP channel that the client is connected to has been stopped.


The system administrator has stopped the AMQP channel that the client was connected to. As a result the client connection has been terminated.

User action

If this was unexpected, contact the MQ system administrator to understand why AMQP channel was stopped.


The AMQP channel that the client is connected to is being restarted.


The system administrator is restarting the AMQP channel that the client was connected to. As a result the client connection has been terminated. The AMQP channel might be being restarted because of a configuration change.

User action

If this was unexpected, contact the MQ system administrator to understand why AMQP channel is being restarted.


Supplied AMQP source timeout of <insert_0> is greater than the permitted server maximum of <insert_1>.


The server does not permit the given timeout.


Authentication failure. The user name or client identifier <insert_0> received from <insert_2> on channel <insert_3>, exceeds the maximum supported length of <insert_1> characters.


The server cannot support the supplied user name or client identifier because it exceeds the maximum supported length. If the channel has the USERCLTID parameter set to YES then it is the supplied client identifier that exceeds the maximum supported length. If the channel has the MCAUSER parameter set to a non-blank value then this is the user name that exceeds the maximum supported length. Otherwise it is the user name supplied to the connection request that exceeds the maximum supported length.

User action

Either reconfigure the channel as appropriate or attempt to reconnect with a different user name or client identifier that does not exceed the maximum supported length.


An attempt to alter a subscription to topic <insert_2> was not authorized for channel <insert_0> received from <insert_1>. <insert_3>


The AMQP service rejected an attempt to alter a subscription to a topic.

User action

Ensure the queue manager authority records are set up to allow the MQ identity to subscribe to the specific topic. See the MQ error logs for detail of the MQ authority check that caused the alter to fail.

User action

Change the application to supply a shorter timeout value.


A connection from <insert_0> was not authorized.


An attempt to connect to an AMQP channel was rejected because the connection failed one or more authentication or authorization checks.

User action

A detailed explanation of the reason why the connection was refused can be found in the queue manager logs. Contact the system administrator to determine the cause of the failure.


A request by client <insert_0> to subscribe to topic <insert_1> was not authorized. <insert_2>


An attempt to connect to an AMQP channel was rejected because the connection failed one or more authentication or authorization checks.

User action

A detailed explanation of the reason why the connection was refused can be found in the queue manager logs. Contact the system administrator to determine the cause of the failure.


A request by client <insert_0> to publish to topic <insert_1> was not authorized. <insert_2>


An attempt to connect to an AMQP channel was rejected because the connection failed one or more authentication or authorization checks.

User action

A detailed explanation of the reason why the connection was refused can be found in the queue manager logs. Contact the system administrator to determine the cause of the failure.


The service has shut down because the QM process is no longer available.


The service was unable to communicate with the queue manager and has shut down as a result.

User action

No action is required.


A client attempted to unsubscribe but an active subscription could not be found.


An AMQP client attempted to unsubscribe from a topic it is not subscribed to.

User action

Check that the application logic is correct, and check for earlier errors that could have caused the application to get into an inconsistent state. If the client is using the JMS API ensure it is not calling unsubscribe for a non-durable subscription.


AMQP filters not supported (<insert_0>).


The server does not support AMQP source filters.

User action

Change the application so that it does not specify an AMQP source filter. Alternatively set the system property com.ibm.mq.MQXRService.ignoreamqpunsupported=true to ignore the filter.


The user ID and password for the client application <insert_0> running on host <insert_1> cannot be checked by the queue manager.


The user ID and password for the client application cannot be checked. The channel authentication (CHLAUTH) record for the connection requires an authentication check, but the queue manager is not configured to use connection authentication for clients.

User action

Change the CHLAUTH configuration so that client authentication is not required, or alter the queue manager connection authority (CONNAUTH) configuration to enable client authentication checks.


The client application <insert_0> running on host <insert_1> did not supply a user ID and password.


The client application did not supply a user ID and password. The channel authentication (CHLAUTH) record for the connection requires a user ID and password, but none was supplied.

User action

Ensure that the application provides a valid user ID and password, or change channel authentication (CHLAUTH) record to allow client applications to connect which have not supplied a user ID and password.


The client user ID <insert_0> is unsupported. The maximum supported user ID length is <insert_1>


The client application user ID is greater then length of maximum supported user ID length

User action

Ensure that the client application user ID length is within the supported range.

MQTTV3Exception message={0}(String).
An instance of com.ibm.mqttv3.internal.MQTTException has been caught and wrapped.
User action
Contact your IBM support center.
MQTTV5Exception message={0}(String).
An instance of com.ibm.mqtt.encoding.internal.MQTTException has been caught and wrapped.
User action
Contact your IBM support center.
An invalid message type={0}(byte) was received.
An invalid MQTT message type was received. The connection is disconnected.
User action
The client connected to the MQXR service is sending invalid MQTT messages. \ Find out what client has connected to the MQXR service and what data it has sent. Contact the provider of the client code. If you are using a client provided in the WebSphere MQ installation, \ contact your IBM support center.
An invalid message version={0}(byte) subVersion={1}(byte) was received.
An invalid MQTT message version was received. The connection is disconnected.
User action
The client connected to the MQXR service is sending invalid MQTT messages. Find out what client has connected to the MQXR service and what data it has sent. Contact the provider of the client code. If you are using a client provided in the WebSphere MQ installation, contact your IBM support center.
An invalid message message={0}(Hex) was received.
An invalid MQTT message was received. The connection is disconnected.
User action
The client connected to the MQXR service is sending invalid MQTT messages. Find out what client has connected to the MQXR service and what data it has sent. Contact the provider of the client code. If you are using a client provided in the WebSphere MQ installation, contact your IBM support center.
An MQTT message with an invalid MultiByteLength={0}(long) was received.
An invalid MQTT message containing an invalid multi-byte length was received. The connection is disconnected.
User action
The MQTT client application might have sent incorrect data, which is interpreted as an incorrect length. Check your MQTT client application, and verify that it is sending correct data. Contact the provider of the client code. If you are using a client provided in the WebSphere MQ installation, contact your IBM support center.
An invalid Attribute type={0}(int) was found.
An invalid MQTT attribute was found processing of this message is abandoned and the connection closed.
User action
Gather diagnostics and contact your IBM support center.
An invalid mapped message was detected because of {0}(String).
An invalid Mapped message was found, it cannot be processed.
User action
Determine where the message came from and correct the messages so that they are not mapped messages or are created with the correct format.
An invalid WebSocket message was detected because of {0}(String).
An invalid WebSocket message was found, it cannot be processed.
User action
Determine where the message came from and correct the messages so that they are correctly formed.
An invalid message qos={0}(int) was received.
An invalid MQTT qos was received.
User action
The client connected to the MQXR service is sending invalid MQTT messages. Find out what client has connected to the MQXR service and what data it has sent. Contact the provider of the client code. If you are using a client provided in the WebSphere MQ installation, contact your IBM support center.
The command to end the MQXR service failed connecting to queue manager {0}. Exception: {1}
The administrative layer could not connect to the queue manager.
User action
If the queue manager is no longer running, no action is required. If the queue manager is still running, check why the administrative layer is unable to connect.
The command to end the MQXR service failed opening queue {0}. Exception: {1}
The administrative layer could not open the queue that is required to send a request end the MQXR service.
User action
Determine why the queue could not be opened and retry stopping the service.
The command to end the MQXR service failed: Failed Operation: {0} Exception ({1}): {2}
The administrative layer failed to put or get a message that is required to stop the MQXR service.
User action
Correct the problem and then try stopping the service again.
An error occurred while stopping the MQXR service. Completion Code: {0} Reason: {1}
An error occurred while the MQXR service was shutting down.
User action
Use the reason code to diagnose the problem.
An error occurred while releasing queue manager resources. Object: {0} Exception: {1}
While cleaning up resources the EndMQXRService command encountered a transient problem.
User action
The MQXR service could not access the file: {0}. Exception: {1}
The file is invalid, has an invalid format, or incorrect permissions.
User action
Check the file permissions and ensure the file is valid.
Property {0} value {1}
The runMQXRService command has read a property with the assigned value.
User action
Invalid property key={0} value={1}
The runMQXRService command read an incorrect properties file.
User action
Look at the property in error, correct it, and reissue the command.
Failed to rename {0} to {1}
The file could not be renamed
User action
Look at the permissions on the target file and directory and alter them if necessary
Duplicate authentication methods specified for channel={0}, previous={1} duplicate={2}
The runMQXRService command read a properties file that specifies two authentication methods, only one is allowed.
User action
Look at the properties file and locate the definition of the named channel. Correct the file to specify a single authentication method and restart the channel.
The following exception was thrown during the starting of an MQXR channel, channelName = ''{0}'' : {1}
An MQXR channel was starting up but encountered a problem. Previous errors or FDCs will provide more detail.
User action
Use earlier errors or FDCs to diagnose and address the problem then restart the MQXR channel.
The following exception was thrown during the stopping of an MQXR channel, channelName = ''{0}'' : {1}
An MQXR channel was stopping but encountered a problem. Previous errors or FDCs will provide more detail.
User action
Use earlier errors or FDCs to diagnose and address the problem then restart the MQXR channel.
Client {0} attempted to unsubscribe from the topic ''{1}'' which it is not subscribed to.
An MQTT client attempted to unsubscribe from a topic it is not subscribed to.
User action
Check that the application logic is correct, and check for earlier errors that could have caused the application to get into an inconsistent state.
Client {0} attempted to unsubscribe from the queue ''{1}'' which it is not subscribed to.
An MQTT client attempted to unsubscribe from a queue it is not subscribed to.
User action
Check that the application logic is correct, and check for earlier errors that could have caused the application to get into an inconsistent state.
Unable to load JAAS config: {0}. The following exception occurred {1}
The JAAS configuration tried to authenticate a user on a connection that was unable to load
User action
Check that the JAAS config selected by the channel exists in the jaas.config file and is valid.
Login failed for ClientIdentifier {0} with exception {1}.
The JAAS login failed with the exception shown.
User action
Check that the username and password sent by the client are correct.

The TPROOT attribute for channel <insert_0> specifies topic name: <insert_1>, which is not a local topic. This is not supported.


The topic specified for the channel's TPROOT attribute is not a local topic. Only local topics can be used for the TPROOT attribute.

User action

The MQ system administrator should update the channel's TPROOT attribute value to specify a valid local topic and restart the channel.

Error in a trace factory. The following exception occurred {1}
There was a problem starting or stopping trace.
User action
Use the exception to diagnose and rectify the problem and then restart trace.
If the message does not give sufficient information, check previous messages for further help.
User action
See previous messages for further information.

Login failed on channel <insert_0>, no MCA user identity could be resolved.


The AMQP channel is not configured with an MQ user identity. An MCA user identity is required so that MQ can complete the relevant authority checks.

User action

Configure one or more of the following MQ features: the MCAUSER of the AMQP channel; the USECLTID attribute of the AMQP channel; a channel authentication rule that sets the MQ identity to use for the channel.


The TPROOT attribute for channel <insert_0> specifies an unknown topic name: <insert_1> (MQ reason code: <insert_2> <insert_3>)


The configured TPROOT attribute for the AMQP channel does not reference a known topic or the topic could not be accessed. Use the given MQ reason code information to understand the actual cause of the error.

User action

The MQ system administrator should update the channel's TPROOT attribute value to specify a valid topic name and restart the channel.


The connection to the queue manager has been terminated.


The connection to the queue manager has been terminated by the system administrator or has been terminated because of a queue manager connection issue.

User action

If this was unexpected the MQ system administrator should be contacted to understand why the connection to the queue manager was terminated. If this was not a deliberate action, the MQ system administrator should examine the queue manager logs to understand the reason.


The AMQP channel that the client is connected to has been purged.


The system administrator has purged the AMQP channel that the client was connected to and as a result the client connection has been terminated.

User action

If this was unexpected, contact the MQ system administrator to understand why AMQP channel was purged.


A message from client <insert_0> has been rejected. Reason: <insert_1>


A message from the identified client was rejected because of an illegal state.

User action

Examine the reason for the error and take appropriate action. If the problem cannot be resolved contact your IBM support center.


A message from client <insert_0> has been rejected because of a message decoding problem. Reason: <insert_1>


A message from the identified client was rejected because the message could not parsed because of the given reason.

User action

Examine the reason for the error and take appropriate action.


A message from client <insert_0> has been rejected because the specified AMQP message-id property <insert_1> has been specified with a data type of <insert_2>, which is not supported.


A message from the identified client was rejected because the message contains an AMQP message-id property with a data type that is not supported. Only an AMQP message-id property with a data type of String or Binary is currently supported.

User action

Examine the reason for the error and take appropriate action.


A message from client <insert_0> has been rejected because the specified AMQP correlation-id property <insert_1> has been specified with a data type of <insert_2>, which is not supported.


A message from the identified client was rejected because the message contains an AMQP correlation-id property with a data type that is not supported. Only an AMQP correlation-id property with a data type of String or Binary is currently supported.

User action

Examine the reason for the error and take appropriate action.


A message from client <insert_0> has been rejected because it exceeds the maximum message size of <insert_1>.


A message from the identified client was rejected because it exceeds the MAXMSGL attribute of the channel, the queue manager or the destination queue.

User action

If you wish to allow messages of this size to be sent by AMQP clients, ensure that the MAXMSGL attribute of the channel, the queue manager and the destination queue (which may be the model queue used to create subscription destinations) is increased to a large enough value. Some of the MQ message is taken up message properties so the MAXMSGL may need to be larger than the size of the message data.


A message for client <insert_0> could not be delivered because it is too big.


When the AMQP client attached a link to subscribe for messages it specified a value for max-message-size. The value is too small to receive one or more messages published on the topic.

User action

If the client cannot consume messages larger than the size set for the max-message-size attribute, ensure publishing applications do not publish messages greater than that size. Alternatively increase the value of max-message-size.


An attempt to publish a last will and testament message from Client Identifier <insert_0> on channel <insert_1> failed as the user identifier <insert_2> performing the operation was not authorized to access the topic <insert_3>.


The last will and testament message could not be published.

User action

Ensure that the user id used to publish the message is authorized to access the last will and testament topic.


Channel <insert_0> attribute MCAUSER has not been set.


The MCAUSER attribute for the channel specifies the user for authorization to access IBM MQ resources. If this is not set then the user for authorization to access IBM MQ resources will be determined by the client identity.

User action

To improve channel security it is recommended to configure the MCAUSER channel attribute to specify an authorized user with suitably restricted access.


No required authentication method set for channel <insert_0>. Client connections might be unauthenticated.


The channel is configured to not authenticate, or optionally authenticate, clients on connection.

User action

To improve channel security it is recommended to configure the JAASCFG channel attribute (MQTT channels only) or, with SSL/TLS enabled, set the SSLCAUTH channel attribute to REQUIRED.


No SSL/TLS configuration set for channel <insert_0>. Client data over the channel will not be encrypted.


The channel is configured to not encrypt data when communicating with clients.

User action

To communicate securely with clients it is recommended to configure SSL/TLS for the channel by setting the SSLCIPH, SSLKEYR and SSLKEYP channel attributes appropriately.


The AMQP service task scheduler limit has been exceeded.


The AMQP service only queues up a certain number of asynchronous tasks. When that limit is reached, new tasks are rejected. This can occur if too many client applications attempt to connect at the same time.

User action

Try the client connection attempt again at a later time.


A message received from Client Identifier <insert_0> on channel <insert_1> contained invalid UTF-8 encoded textual data. The client has been disconnected.


The message contains textual data, UTF-8 encoded, using a character set that is invalid within the MQTT specification.

User action

Work with the user running the MQTT client application, and ensure that the messages that it sends are valid within the MQTT specification. For more information on valid and not valid characters, please refer to the MQTT documentation.


An unexpected error has occurred on the server.


The server has encountered an unexpected error and written details to the error log.

User action

Contact the MQ system administrator for further investigation. If the problem cannot be resolved contact your IBM support center.


An error occurred putting a message to queue <insert_3> from Client Identifier <insert_0> UserName <insert_1> on channel <insert_2>. A reason code of <insert_5> <insert_6> was received during an <insert_4> operation for object <insert_7>.


The put from the client was not able to be completed.

User action

Using the reason code, diagnose the cause of the problem, alter the configuration (of the client or the server as appropriate) and then retry the operation.


Put message request was not authorized for channel <insert_0> received from <insert_1>. <insert_2>


The AMQP service rejected a put attempt that failed to pass one or more MQ authority checks.

User action

Ensure the queue manager authority records are set up to allow the MQ identity to put to the specific queue. See the MQ error logs for detail of the MQ authority check that caused the connection to fail.


A request by client <insert_0> to put a message to queue <insert_1> was not authorized. <insert_2>


An attempt to connect to an AMQP channel was rejected because the connection failed one or more authentication or authorization checks.

User action

A detailed explanation of the reason why the connection was refused can be found in the queue manager logs. Contact the system administrator to determine the cause of the failure.


An error occurred getting a message from queue <insert_3> for Client Identifier <insert_0> User Name <insert_1> on channel <insert_2>. A reason code of <insert_5> <insert_6> was received during an <insert_4> operation for object <insert_7>.


The get from the client was not able to be completed

User action

Using the reason code, diagnose the cause of the problem, alter the configuration (of the client or the server as appropriate) and then reconnect the client and retry the operation.


A get message request from queue <insert_3> was not authorized for channel <insert_0> received from <insert_1>. <insert_2>


The AMQP service rejected a get attempt that failed to pass one or more MQ authority checks.

User action

Ensure the queue manager authority records are set up to allow the MQ identity to get from the specific queue. See the MQ error logs for detail of the MQ authority check that caused the connection to fail.


A request by client <insert_0> to get a message from queue <insert_1> was not authorized. <insert_2>


An attempt to connect to an AMQP channel was rejected because the connection failed one or more authentication or authorization checks.

User action

A detailed explanation of the reason why the connection was refused can be found in the queue manager logs. Contact the system administrator to determine the cause of the failure.


An MQ queue <insert_3> required by AMQP channel <insert_0> for a get message request from client <insert_1> could not be found. <insert_2>


One of the MQ objects the AMQP channel expects to exist when creating or resuming a get could not be found.

User action

Ensure the system objects required exist on the queue manager. Check the MQ and AMQP error logs for detail of the missing object.


An unknown error occurred during a get message request for channel <insert_0> received from <insert_1>. <insert_2>


The queue manager failed to handle the get request from an AMQP client.

User action

Check the MQ return code included in the error message. Check the MQ logs or FFDC files for more information.


An error occurred while creating Temporary Queue from Client Identifier <insert_0> User Name <insert_1> on channel <insert_2>. A reason code of <insert_3> <insert_4> was received during an <insert_5> operation.


The client failed to create a Temporary Queue.

User action

Using the reason code, diagnose the cause of the problem and as appropriate alter the configuration of the client or contact the MQ system administrator to alter the configuration of the server. Then retry the operation.


CreateTemporaryQueue request was not authorized for channel <insert_0> received from <insert_1>. <insert_2>


The AMQP service rejected a CreateTemporaryQueue attempt that failed to pass one or more MQ authority checks.

User action

Ensure the queue manager authority records are set up to allow the MQ identity to create a Temporary Queue. See the MQ error logs for detail of the MQ authority check that caused the connection to fail.


Client Identifier <insert_0> rejected the message because the state of the AMQP message was modified.


The client had rejected the message and marked it as undeliverableHere, because of an invalid attribute value in the AMQP message.

User action

If the problem persists then contact your IBM support center.


An MQ message for client <insert_0> did not have the required MQHRF2 header, and has been discarded.


The MQ message received by the AMQP service for the specified client did not contain an MQHRF2 header. As the header was not available, the AMQP service was unable to build a corresponding AMQP message to send to the client. The MQ message has been discarded.

User action

Contact your IBM support center.


MQ message with message id <insert_0> for client <insert_1> did not have the required MQHRF2 header, and has been discarded.


The MQ message received by the AMQP service for the specified client did not contain an MQHRF2 header. As the header was not available, the AMQP service was unable to build a corresponding AMQP message to send to the client. The MQ message has been discarded.

User action

Contact your IBM support center.


An error occurred while starting the <insert_1> service because command queue <insert_0> is in use.


The service was unable to open the specified queue. It is likely another service is already running.

User action

Check if another service is already running and stop it first, if this service needs to be started. If no service is running then investigate why the queue is open on another application (the service requires exclusive access to the queue). If the problem cannot be resolved contact your IBM support center.

[MQ 9.2.3 Jul 2021]AMQXR2105E

The TMPMODEL attribute for channel <insert_0> specifies queue name: <insert_1>, which is not a model queue. This is not supported.


The queue specified for the channel's TMPMODEL attribute is not a model queue. Only model queues can be used for the TMPMODEL attribute.

User action

The MQ system administrator should update the channel's TMPMODEL attribute value to specify a valid model queue and restart the channel.

[MQ 9.2.3 Jul 2021]AMQXR2106E

The TMPMODEL attribute for channel <insert_0> specifies an unknown model queue name: <insert_1> (MQ reason code: <insert_2> <insert_3>)


The configured TMPMODEL attribute for the AMQP channel does not reference a known model queue or the model queue could not be accessed. Use the given MQ reason code information to understand the actual cause of the error.

User action

The MQ system administrator should update the channel's TMPMODEL attribute value to specify a valid model queue name and restart the channel.


Attempt to resume subscription <insert_0> failed because the requested topic string <insert_1> did not match the administered sub topic string <insert_2>.


Attempt to resume subscription failed because the requested topic string didn't match the administered sub topic string.

User action

Verify that the requested topic string matches the administered sub topic object.




If the message does not give sufficient information, check previous messages for further help.

User action

See previous messages for further information.