C declaration

This declaration is the C declaration for the MQCD structure.

[MQ 9.2.0 Jul 2020]

typedef struct tagMQCD MQCD;

 struct tagMQCD {
   MQCHAR    ChannelName[20];           /* Channel definition name */
   MQLONG    Version;                   /* Structure version number */
   MQLONG    ChannelType;               /* Channel type */
   MQLONG    TransportType;             /* Transport type */
   MQCHAR    Desc[64];                  /* Channel description */
   MQCHAR    QMgrName[48];              /* Queue manager name */
   MQCHAR    XmitQName[48];             /* Transmission queue name */
   MQCHAR    ShortConnectionName[20];   /* First 20 bytes of */
                                        /* connection name */
   MQCHAR    MCAName[20];               /* Reserved */
   MQCHAR    ModeName[8];               /* LU 6.2 Mode name */
   MQCHAR    TpName[64];                /* LU 6.2 transaction program */
                                        /* name */
   MQLONG    BatchSize;                 /* Batch size */
   MQLONG    DiscInterval;              /* Disconnect interval */
   MQLONG    ShortRetryCount;           /* Short retry count */
   MQLONG    ShortRetryInterval;        /* Short retry wait interval */
   MQLONG    LongRetryCount;            /* Long retry count */
   MQLONG    LongRetryInterval;         /* Long retry wait interval */
   MQCHAR    SecurityExit[128];         /* Channel security exit name */
   MQCHAR    MsgExit[128];              /* Channel message exit name */
   MQCHAR    SendExit[128];             /* Channel send exit name */
   MQCHAR    ReceiveExit[128];          /* Channel receive exit name */
   MQLONG    SeqNumberWrap;             /* Highest allowable message */
                                        /* sequence number */
   MQLONG    MaxMsgLength;              /* Maximum message length */
   MQLONG    PutAuthority;              /* Put authority */
   MQLONG    DataConversion;            /* Data conversion */
   MQCHAR    SecurityUserData[32];      /* Channel security exit user */
                                        /* data */
   MQCHAR    MsgUserData[32];           /* Channel message exit user */
                                        /* data */
   MQCHAR    SendUserData[32];          /* Channel send exit user */
                                        /* data */
   MQCHAR    ReceiveUserData[32];       /* Channel receive exit user */
                                        /* data */
   /* Ver:1 */
   MQCHAR    UserIdentifier[12];        /* User identifier */
   MQCHAR    Password[12];              /* Password */
   MQCHAR    MCAUserIdentifier[12];     /* First 12 bytes of MCA user */
                                        /* identifier */
   MQLONG    MCAType;                   /* Message channel agent type */
   MQCHAR    ConnectionName[264];       /* Connection name */
   MQCHAR    RemoteUserIdentifier[12];  /* First 12 bytes of user */
                                        /* identifier from partner */
   MQCHAR    RemotePassword[12];        /* Password from partner */
   /* Ver:2 */
   MQCHAR    MsgRetryExit[128];         /* Channel message retry exit */
                                        /* name */
   MQCHAR    MsgRetryUserData[32];      /* Channel message retry exit */
                                        /* user data */
   MQLONG    MsgRetryCount;             /* Number of times MCA will */
                                        /* try to put the message, */
                                        /* after first attempt has */
                                        /* failed */
   MQLONG    MsgRetryInterval;          /* Minimum interval in */
                                        /* milliseconds after which */
                                        /* the open or put operation */
                                        /* will be retried */
   /* Ver:3 */
   MQLONG    HeartbeatInterval;         /* Time in seconds between */
                                        /* heartbeat flows */
   MQLONG    BatchInterval;             /* Batch duration */
   MQLONG    NonPersistentMsgSpeed;     /* Speed at which */
                                        /* nonpersistent messages are */
                                        /* sent */
   MQLONG    StrucLength;               /* Length of MQCD structure */
   MQLONG    ExitNameLength;            /* Length of exit name */
   MQLONG    ExitDataLength;            /* Length of exit user data */
   MQLONG    MsgExitsDefined;           /* Number of message exits */
                                        /* defined */
   MQLONG    SendExitsDefined;          /* Number of send exits */
                                        /* defined */
   MQLONG    ReceiveExitsDefined;       /* Number of receive exits */
                                        /* defined */
   MQPTR     MsgExitPtr;                /* Address of first MsgExit */
                                        /* field */
   MQPTR     MsgUserDataPtr;            /* Address of first */
                                        /* MsgUserData field */
   MQPTR     SendExitPtr;               /* Address of first SendExit */
                                        /* field */
   MQPTR     SendUserDataPtr;           /* Address of first */
                                        /* SendUserData field */
   MQPTR     ReceiveExitPtr;            /* Address of first */
                                        /* ReceiveExit field */
   MQPTR     ReceiveUserDataPtr;        /* Address of first */
                                        /* ReceiveUserData field */
   /* Ver:4 */
   MQPTR     ClusterPtr;                /* Address of a list of */
                                        /* cluster names */
   MQLONG    ClustersDefined;           /* Number of clusters to */
                                        /* which the channel belongs */
   MQLONG    NetworkPriority;           /* Network priority */
   /* Ver:5 */
   MQLONG    LongMCAUserIdLength;       /* Length of long MCA user */
                                        /* identifier */
   MQLONG    LongRemoteUserIdLength;    /* Length of long remote user */
                                        /* identifier */
   MQPTR     LongMCAUserIdPtr;          /* Address of long MCA user */
                                        /* identifier */
   MQPTR     LongRemoteUserIdPtr;       /* Address of long remote */
                                        /* user identifier */
   MQBYTE40  MCASecurityId;             /* MCA security identifier */
   MQBYTE40  RemoteSecurityId;          /* Remote security identifier */
   /* Ver:6 */
   MQCHAR    SSLCipherSpec[32];         /* TLS CipherSpec */
   MQPTR     SSLPeerNamePtr;            /* Address of TLS peer name */
   MQLONG    SSLPeerNameLength;         /* Length of TLS peer name */
   MQLONG    SSLClientAuth;             /* Whether TLS client */
                                        /* authentication is required */
   MQLONG    KeepAliveInterval;         /* Keepalive interval */
   MQCHAR    LocalAddress[48];          /* Local communications */
                                        /* address */
   MQLONG    BatchHeartbeat;            /* Batch heartbeat interval */
   /* Ver:7 */
   MQLONG    HdrCompList[2];            /* Header data compression */
                                        /* list */
   MQLONG    MsgCompList[16];           /* Message data compression */
                                        /* list */
   MQLONG    CLWLChannelRank;           /* Channel rank */
   MQLONG    CLWLChannelPriority;       /* Channel priority */
   MQLONG    CLWLChannelWeight;         /* Channel weight */
   MQLONG    ChannelMonitoring;         /* Channel monitoring */
   MQLONG    ChannelStatistics;         /* Channel statistics */
   /* Ver:8 */
   MQLONG    SharingConversations;      /* Limit on sharing */
                                        /* conversations */
   MQLONG    PropertyControl;           /* Message property control */
   MQLONG    MaxInstances;              /* Limit on SVRCONN channel */
                                        /* instances */
   MQLONG    MaxInstancesPerClient;     /* Limit on SVRCONN channel */
                                        /* instances per client */
   MQLONG    ClientChannelWeight;       /* Client channel weight */
   MQLONG    ConnectionAffinity;        /* Connection affinity */
   /* Ver:9 */
   MQLONG    BatchDataLimit;            /* Batch data limit */
   MQLONG    UseDLQ;                    /* Use Dead Letter Queue */
   MQLONG    DefReconnect;              /* Default client reconnect */
                                        /* option */
   /* Ver:10 */
   MQCHAR64  CertificateLabel;          /* Certificate label */
 /* Ver:11 */
   MQLONG    SPLProtection              /* AMS Security policy protection */
 /* Ver:12 */    