[V9.1.0 Jul 2018]

dspmqweb (display mqweb server configuration)

Display information about the status of the mqweb server, or about the configuration of the mqweb server. The mqweb server is used to support the IBM® MQ Console and administrative REST API.


Using the command on z/OS

Before issuing either the setmqweb or dspmqweb commands on z/OS®, you must set the WLP_USER_DIR environment variable, so that the variable points to your mqweb server configuration.

To do this, issue the following command:
export WLP_USER_DIR=WLP_user_directory
where WLP_user_directory is the name of the directory passed to [V9.1.0 Jul 2018]crtmqweb. For example:
export WLP_USER_DIR=/var/mqm/web/installation1

See Create the mqweb server for more information.

You must also set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to reference a 64 bit version of Java on your system.

Purpose - dspmqweb status

Use the dspmqweb command to view information about the status of the mqweb server.

The mqweb server must be running to use the IBM MQ Console or the administrative REST API. If the server is running then the available root context URLs and associated ports that are used by the IBM MQ Console and administrative REST API are displayed by the dspmqweb status command.

Purpose - dspmqweb properties

Use the dspmqweb properties command to view details of the configuration of the mqweb server. It is not necessary for the mqweb server to be running.

The following list outlines the available configuration properties on all platforms, including the IBM MQ Appliance:

The following properties can be returned by the dspmqweb properties command on all platforms, including the IBM MQ Appliance:
This configuration property is used to specify the time, in seconds, before the LTPA token expires.
The value for this property is an integer value.
This configuration property is used to specify the maximum number of mqweb server log files that are generated by the mqweb server.
The value for this property is an integer value.
This configuration property is used to specify the maximum size, in MB, that each mqweb server log file can reach.
The value for this property is an integer value.
This configuration property is used to specify the origins that are allowed to access the REST API. For more information about CORS, see Configuring CORS for the REST API.
The value for this property is a string value.
This configuration property is used to specify the time, in seconds, that a web browser can cache the results of any CORS pre-flight checks.
The value for this property is an integer value.
This configuration property is used to specify whether CSRF validation checks are performed. A value of false removes the CSRF token validation checks.
The value for this property is a boolean value.
This configuration property is used to specify whether the administrative REST API gateway is enabled.
The value for this property is a boolean value.
This configuration property is used to specify the name of the queue manager to use as the gateway queue manager. This queue manager must be in the same installation as the mqweb server. A blank value indicates that no queue manager is configured as the gateway queue manager.
The value for this property is a string value.
This configuration property is used to specify whether the messaging REST API is enabled.
The value for this property is a boolean value.
[V9.1.2 Mar 2019]mqRestMessagingFullPoolBehavior
[V9.1.2 Mar 2019]This configuration property is used to specify the behavior of the messaging REST API when all connections in the connection pool are in use.
[V9.1.2 Mar 2019]The value can be one of the following values:
When all the connections in the pool are in use, wait for a connection to become available. When this option is used, the wait for a connection is indefinite.
Inactive connections are closed and removed from a queue manager pool automatically. The state of each queue manager pool is interrogated every 2 minutes, and any connections that have been inactive for the last 30 seconds are closed and removed from the associated pool.
When all the connections in the pool are in use, return an error.
When all the connections in the pool are in use, create a non-pooled connection to use. This connection is destroyed after it is used.
[V9.1.2 Mar 2019]The value for this property is a string value.
[V9.1.2 Mar 2019]mqRestMessagingMaxPoolSize
This configuration property is used to specify the maximum connection pool size for each queue manager connection pool.
The value for this property is an integer value.
This configuration property is used to specify the name of the coordination queue manager from which transfer details are retrieved by the REST API for MFT.
The value for this property is a string value.
This configuration property is used to specify whether the REST API for MFT is enabled.
The value for this property is a boolean value.
This configuration property is used to specify the length of time, in minutes, after which the REST API for MFT stops trying to connect to the coordination queue manager.
The value for this property is an integer value.
This configuration property is used to specify the time, in seconds, before a REST request times out.
The value for this property is an integer value.
This configuration property is used to specify the level of trace that is generated by the mqweb server. For a list of possible values, see Configuring logging for the IBM MQ Console and REST API.
The value for this property is a string value.
[UNIX, Linux, Windows][z/OS]
The following properties are the additional properties that can be returned by the dspmqweb properties command on z/OS, UNIX, Linux®, and Windows:
This configuration property is used to specify the HTTP host name as an IP address, domain name server (DNS) host name with domain name suffix, or the DNS host name of the server where IBM MQ is installed.
You can use an asterisk in double quotation marks to specify all available network interfaces.
You can use the value localhost to allow only local connections.
The value for this property is a string value.
This configuration property is used to specify the HTTP port number that is used for HTTP connections.
You can use a value of -1 to disable the port.
The value for this property is an integer value.
This configuration property is used to specify the HTTPS port number that is used for HTTPS connections.
You can use a value of -1 to disable the port.
The value for this property is an integer value.
This configuration property is used to specify the name of the LTPA token cookie name.
By default, the value of this property is LtpaToken2_${env.MQWEB_LTPA_SUFFIX} on UNIX, Linux, and Windows , or LtpaToken2_${httpsPort} on z/OS, . The variable after the LtpaToken2_ prefix is used by the mqweb server to generate a unique name for the cookie. You cannot set this variable, but you can change the ltpaCookieName to a value of your choosing.
The value for this property is a string value.
This configuration property is used to specify the maximum number of messaging trace files that are generated by the mqweb server for the IBM MQ Console.
The value for this property is a integer value.
This configuration property is used to specify the maximum size, in MB, that each messaging trace file can reach.
This property only applies to the IBM MQ Console.
The value for this property is a integer value.
This configuration property is used to specify whether the IBM MQ Console automatically starts when the mqweb server starts.
The value for this property is a boolean value.
[V9.1.3 Jul 2019]mqConsoleFrameAncestors
This configuration property is used to specify the list of origins of web pages which can embed the IBM MQ Console in an IFrame.
The value for this property is a string.
This configuration property is used to specify whether the REST API automatically starts when the mqweb server starts.
The value for this property is a boolean value.
This configuration property is used to specify whether the LTPA token is secured for all requests. An unsecured LTPA token is required in order send HTTP requests from a browser.
The value for this property is a boolean value.
[UNIX, Linux, Windows][V9.1.1 Nov 2018]
The following properties are the additional properties that can be returned by the dspmqweb properties command on [UNIX, Linux, Windows] UNIX, Linux, and Windows:
This configuration property is used to specify whether queue managers and listeners are able to be created, deleted, started, and stopped by the IBM MQ Console.
The value for this property is a string value and can be one of the following values:
Queue managers and listeners can be created and administered in the IBM MQ Console.
Queue managers and listeners cannot be created in the IBM MQ Console. Only queue managers and listeners that are created outside of the IBM MQ Console can be administered.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram dspmqweb statusproperties-u-a-t-c -l

Optional parameters

Displays information about the status of the mqweb server. That is, whether the mqweb server is running. If the mqweb server is running, information about the available root context URLs and associated ports that are used by the IBM MQ Console and administrative REST API are displayed. The command returns non-zero if the mqweb server is not running, or its status could not be successfully queried.
For example:
Server mqweb is running.
Displays information about the configurable properties of the mqweb server. That is, which properties are configurable by the user and those that have been modified. It is not necessary for the mqweb server to be running.
Displays only the configurable properties that have been modified by the user.
Displays all available configurable properties, including those which have been modified by the user.
Formats the output as text name-value pairs.
Formats the output as command text which can be used as input to the corresponding setmqweb properties command.
Enable verbose logging. Diagnostic information is written to a mqweb server log-file.

Return codes

Table 1. Return code identifiers and descriptions
Return code Description
0 Command successful
>0 Command not successful.
For a full list of server command exit codes, see Liberty:server command options in the WebSphere® Application Server documentation.

Related commands

Table 2. Related commands and descriptions
Command Description
strmqweb Start the mqweb server.
endmqweb Stop the mqweb server.
[V9.1.0 Jul 2018] setmqweb [V9.1.0 Jul 2018]Configure the mqweb server.