dspmqver (display version information)

Display IBM® MQ version and build information.


Use the dspmqver command to display IBM MQ version and build information.

By default, the dspmqver command displays details of the installation from which it was invoked. A note is displayed if other installations exist; use the -i parameter to display their details.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram dspmqver   -a   -p components  -f fields-b-v-i

Optional parameters

Display information about all fields and components.
When 32-bit support is missing from a 64-bit system, the dspmqver -a command might issue a message suggesting that the 32 bit version of IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) is not installed. For more information, see the Command failure section of this topic.
-p Components
Display information for the components specified by component. Either a single component or multiple components can be specified. Enter either the value of a single component or the sum of the values of all the required components. Available components and related values are as follows:
Value Description
1 IBM MQ server, or client.
2 IBM MQ classes for Java.
4 IBM MQ classes for Java Message Service.
8 WebScale Distribution Hub
16 1 [Windows] IBM MQ custom channel for Windows Communication Foundation
32 [Windows] IBM Message Service Client for .NET (XMS .NET) - this component is only available on Windows
64 GSKit

When 32-bit support is missing from a 64-bit system, the dspmqver -p 64 command might issue a message suggesting that the 32 bit version of GSKit is not installed. For more information, see the Command failure section of this topic.

128 Advanced Message Security
256 IBM MQ AMQP Service
512 IBM MQ Telemetry Service
1024 Other bundled components that are used by IBM MQ
[V9.1.0 Jul 2018]2048 [V9.1.0 Jul 2018]WebSphere® Liberty profile
[V9.1.0 Jul 2018]4096 [V9.1.0 Jul 2018]IBM MQ Java Runtime Environment
[V9.1.0 Jul 2018]8192 [V9.1.0 Jul 2018]IBM MQ Replicated Data Queue Managers
  1. [Windows]Supported by IBM MQ for Windows only. If you have not installed Microsoft.NET 3 or later, the following error message is displayed:

    Title: WMQWCFCustomChannelLevel.exe - Application Error

    The application failed to initialize properly (0x0000135).

The default value is 1.

-f Fields
Display information for the fields specified by field. Specify either a single field or multiple fields. Enter either the value of a single field or the sum of the values of all the required fields. Available fields and related values are as follows:
Value Description
1 Name
Version, in the form V.R.M.F:
Where V =Version, R =Release, M =Modification,
and F =Fix pack
4 Level
8 Build type
16 Platform
32 Addressing mode
64 Operating system
128 Installation path
256 Installation description
512 Installation name
1024 Maximum command level
2048 Primary installation
4096 Data Path
8192 License type
Information for each selected field is displayed on a separate line when the dspmqver command is run.

The default value is 8191. This displays information for all fields.

Omit header information from the report.
Display verbose output.
Display information about all installations. You cannot use this option with other options. The installation from which the dspmqver command was issued is displayed first. For any other installations, only the following fields are displayed: Name, Version, Installation name, Installation description, Installation path, and Primary installation.

Return codes

Table 1. Return code identifiers and descriptions
Return code Description
0 Command completed normally.
10 Command completed with unexpected results.
20 An error occurred during processing.


The following command displays IBM MQ version and build information, using the default settings for -p and -f:

The following command displays information about all fields and components and is the equivalent of specifying dspmqver -p 63 -f 4095:

dspmqver -a
The following command displays version and build information for the IBM MQ classes for Java:

dspmqver -p 2
The following command displays the Common Services for Java Platform Standard Edition, IBM MQ, Java Message Service Client, and IBM MQ classes for Java Message Service:

dspmqver -p 4
The following command displays the build level of the WebScale Distribution Hub:

dspmqver -p 8 -f 4
[Windows]The following command displays the name and build type for IBM MQ custom channel for Windows Communication Foundation:

dspmqver -p 16 -f 9
The following command displays information about installations of IBM MQ.

dspmqver -i
[V9.1.1 Nov 2018]Example output for MQ.NET Standard classes:

Name:        IBM Message Service Client for .NET Standard
Level:       p911-LXXXX
Build Type:  Production

Command failure

Failure when 32-bit support is missing from a 64-bit system

In IBM MQ 8.0, 9.0 and 9.1, the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) are bundled together. When you run dspmqver -a or dspmqver -p 64, the command checks both versions of GSKit. When 32-bit support is missing from a 64-bit system, you might get a message suggesting that the 32-bit version of GSKit is not installed. For information about 64-bit Linux® distributions that might no longer support 32-bit applications by default, and guidance on manually loading the 32-bit libraries for these platforms, see Hardware and software requirements on Linux systems.

[V9.1.0 Jul 2018]Failure when viewing the IBM MQ classes for Java

[V9.1.0 Jul 2018]The dspmqver command can fail if you try to view version or build information for the IBM MQ classes for Java, and you have not correctly configured your environment, or if the IBM MQ JRE component is not installed, and an alternative JRE could not be located.

[V9.1.0 Jul 2018]For example, you might see the following message:

[root@blade883 ~]# dspmqver -p 2
AMQ8351: IBM MQ Java environment has not been configured 
correctly, or the IBM MQ JRE feature has not been installed.
To resolve this problem, consider installing the IBM MQ JRE component if it is not already installed, or ensure that the path is configured to include the JRE, and that the correct environment variables are set; for example, by using setjmsenv or setjmsenv64.
For example:

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/mqm/java/jre/bin
cd /opt/mqm/java/bin/
. ./setjmsenv64

[root@blade883 bin]# dspmqver -p 2
Name:       IBM MQ classes for Java
Level:      k000-L110908
Build Type: Production

[UNIX]Note that the setjmsenv and setjmsenv64 commands apply to UNIX only.

[V9.1.0 Jul 2018][Windows]On Windows, if the IBM MQ JRE component is installed, you need to issue the setmqenv command to resolve error AMQ8351.