Migrating IBM MQ Telemetry from Version 7.0.1 to Version 8.0

Migrate IBM® MQ Telemetry from Version 7.0.1 to Version 8.0 by completing the tasks in this section. You must stop all IBM MQ activity on the system before migrating.

About this task

In IBM WebSphere® MQ 7.0.1, IBM MQ Telemetry was a separate feature. Because IBM MQ Telemetry is a component of IBM WebSphere MQ 7.1 and later, upgrading is essentially uninstalling IBM MQ Telemetry and installing a later version of IBM MQ. IBM MQ Telemetry can either be installed with the main product, or installed after the main product has been installed.

After the successful upgrade, Linux® systems retain all telemetry data kept in /var/mqm, and the Windows systems retain the telemetry data in the installation directory of the product, for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\WebSphere MQ. Telemetry data is migrated to the later version of the product when the queue manager is started again.
  1. You can administer IBM MQ Telemetry Version 7.0.1 only from the Version 7.0.1 MQ Explorer. If you connect the Version 8.0 explorer remotely to a Version 7.0.1 queue manager, no telemetry resources are displayed. You cannot connect a Version 8.0 MQ Explorer locally to a Version 7.0.1 queue manager on the same server.
  2. From IBM MQ 8.0, the Client Software Development Kit (SDK) is no longer supplied as part of the product. MQTT client libraries are freely available from Eclipse Paho and MQTT.org. See IBM MQ Telemetry Transport sample programs.

The migration tasks, depending on your platform, are described in the subtopics.