Service stanza format

The Service stanza contains the name of the service and the number of entry-points defined for the service.

The format of the stanza is as follows:

The name of the service. This is defined by the service.
The number of entry-points defined for the service. This includes the initialization and termination entry points.

[UNIX][Linux]On UNIX and Linux® systems: user, group, or default. The value specifies whether the queue manager uses user-based or group-based authorization. Values are not case sensitive. If you do not include this attribute, default is used, which uses group-based authorization. Restart the queue manager for changes to become effective. See also Configuring authorization service stanzas on UNIX and Linux.

[Windows]On Windows systems: NTSIDsRequired (the Windows Security Identifier), or Default. If you do not specify NTSIDsRequired, the Default value is used. This attribute is valid only if Name has a value of AuthorizationService. See also Configuring authorization service stanzas on Windows.