Retrieving replies to your commands

The command server sends a response to a reply queue for each request message it receives. Any administration application must receive, and handle the reply messages.

When the command processor processes your commands, any reply messages are put onto the reply-to queue specified in the MQPUT call. The command server sends the reply messages with the same persistence as the command message it received.

Waiting for a reply

Use the MQGET call to retrieve a reply from your request message. One request message can produce several reply messages. For details, see Interpreting the reply messages from the command server.

You can specify a time interval that an MQGET call waits for a reply message to be generated. If you do not get a reply, use the checklist beginning in topic If you do not receive a reply.

To use the MQGET call:
  1. Set these parameters:
    The connection handle returned by the MQCONN or MQCONNX call.
    The object handle returned by the MQOPEN call for the reply-to queue.
    The name of the area to receive the reply.
    The length of the buffer to receive the reply. This must be a minimum of 80 bytes.
  2. To ensure that you only get the responses from the command that you issued, you must specify the appropriate MsgId and CorrelId fields. These depend on the report options, MQMD_REPORT, you specified in the MQPUT call:
    Binary zero, '00...00' (24 nulls).
    Binary zero, '00...00' (24 nulls).

    This is the default if none of these options has been specified.

    The MsgId from the MQPUT .
    The MsgId from the MQPUT call.
    The MsgId from the MQPUT call.

    This is the default if none of these options has been specified.

    The CorrelId from the MQPUT call.

    For more details on report options, see Report options and message flags.

  3. Set the following GetMsgOpts fields:

    If you are not using the same code page as the queue manager, set MQGMO_CONVERT, and set CodedCharSetId as appropriate in the MQMD.

    For replies from the local queue manager, try 5 seconds. Coded in milliseconds, this becomes 5 000. For replies from a remote queue manager, and channel control and status commands, try 30 seconds. Coded in milliseconds, this becomes 30 000.
Discarded messages
If the command server finds that a request message is not valid, it discards this message and writes the message CSQN205I to the named reply-to queue. If there is no reply-to queue, the CSQN205I message is put onto the dead-letter queue. The return code in this message shows why the original request message was not valid:
The command server reply message descriptor
For any reply message, the following MQMD message descriptor fields are set:

The command server sets the Options field of the MQPMO structure to MQPMO_NO_SYNCPOINT. This means that you can retrieve the replies as they are created, rather than as a group at the next syncpoint.