Defining the client-connection channel on the server

Having defined the server-connection channel, you now define the corresponding client-connection channel.

Before you begin

Define the server-connection channel.


  1. Define a channel with the same name as the server-connection channel, but a channel type of client-connection. You must state the connection name (CONNAME). For TCP/IP, the connection name is the network address or host name of the server machine. It is also advisable to specify the queue manager name (QMNAME) to which you want your IBM® WebSphere® MQ application, running in the client environment, to connect. By varying the queue manager name, you can define a set of channels to connect to different queue managers.
    CONNAME( QMNAME(QM2) DESCR('Client-connection to Server_2')
  2. Use the following command to allow the inbound connect access to your queue manager:
    • Where SET CHLAUTH uses the name of the channel defined in the previous step.
    • Where 'IP address' is the IP address of the client.
    • Where 'userid' is the ID you want to provide to the channel for access control to the target queues. This field is case-sensitive.

    You can choose to identify your inbound connection using a number of different attributes. The example uses IP address. Alternative attributes include client user ID and SSL or TLS Subject Distinguished Name. For more information, see Channel authentication records


On platforms other than z/OS®, this channel definition is stored in a file called the client channel definition table (CCDT), which is associated with the queue manager. The client channel definition table can contain more than one client-connection channel definition. For more information about the client channel definition table, and for the corresponding information about how client-connection channel definitions are stored on z/OS, see Client channel definition table.

Figure 1. Defining the client-connection channel
MQ client connected to QM2 on server, using MQI channel CHAN2. Channel has client-connection at client end, server-connection at server end.