Testing your deployment

Verification of the installation is necessary to ensure IBM Docs is operational. Follow this procedure to verify that all components of IBM Docs are working.


Deployment verification steps:

  1. For the IBM Docs, Conversion, and File Viewer components, there are "sanity checks" provided to help verify whether the deployment is functional. To perform the sanity checks, from a browser, use these URLs to check the IBM Docs, Conversion, and File Viewer servers:
    • IBM Docs server:
      • http://Docs01.renovations.com:<WC_defaulthost port>/sanity/check?app=docs&querytype=report or
      • http://DocsWin01.renovations.com:<WC_defaulthost port>/sanity/check?app=docs&querytype=report
      Here Docs01.renovations.com is the docs server host name, DocsWin01.renovations.com is the conversion server host name. That means you can get the same sanity check result from different servers. Thus, you will not need to switch server host to get expected results.
    • Conversion server:
      • http://DocsWin01.renovations.com:<WC_defaulthost port>/sanity/check?app=conversion&querytype=report or
      • http://Docs01.renovations.com:<WC_defaulthost port>/sanity/check?app=conversion&querytype=report to check all conversion servers
    • Both IBM Docs and Conversion servers:
      • http://Docs01.renovations.com:<WC_defaulthost port>/sanity/check?app=all&querytype=report or
      • http://DocsWin01.renovations.com:<WC_defaulthost port>/sanity/check?app=all&querytype=report
    • File Viewer server
      • http://Docs01.renovations.com:<WC_defaulthost_port>/vsanity/check
      Here, Docs01.renovations.com is the Viewer server host name.
    • Before running sanity check, for example, http://<docs-server-hostname>:<WC_defaulthost port>/sanity/check, make sure the <docs-server-hostname>:<WC_defaulthost port> has been created in consoleEnvironment > Virtual hosts > default host > Host Aliases. Otherwise, create it first, and then restart Docs cluster to make the change work.
    • The domain of Conversion server host name (.renovations.com) must be the same as that used by the request URL. Otherwise, one of the Conversion sanity test cases will fail because of the security constraint. If the domain that you set up for IBM Docs environment and Conversion server is different from sanity check request URL, you can add a machine host name in the host file, for example:
      # IP address and its host name in the same domain with the sanity check request URL.
      # If there are many host names defined in the Conversion Server host file, add it in the very beginning. DocsWin01.renovations.com DocsWin01.cn.ibm.com ...
      After modifying the Conversion host file, you must stop and restart IBMConversionSanity application from Websphere console to make the change take effect. After your verification, you'd better remove the added host name. It might cause other issues in your environment.
  2. Verify routing to the IBM Docs, Conversion, and File Viewer applications is working. From a browser, use the following URLs:
    • http://Connections.renovations.com/viewer/version
    • http://Connections.renovations.com/docs/version
    • http://Connections.renovations.com/conversion/version
    Note: The version installed for the server components should be returned. HTTPS can be used if your deployment uses HTTPS. If the installed version is not returned, verify that you successfully mapped the application to each web server and that the plugin-cfg.xml file has been correctly updated and propagated.
  3. Verify the IBM Docs and File Viewer extensions are installed and active within Connections. From a browser, perform the following steps to check for the extension jars:
    • - com.ibm.concord.lcfiles.extension.provision_RELEASE_VERSION.jar (IBM Docs Extension)
    • - com.ibm.concord.viewer.lcfiles.extension.provision_RELEASE_VERSION.jar (File Viewer Extension)
    Note: Both jarsThe jar should be shown and active. If they are not shown, recheck the extension install or upgrade logs for errors and verify that the appropriate Connections clusters were restarted (at a minimum, verify the cluster containing the Common application).
  4. Application verification: From the IBM® Connections Files application, complete the following steps:
    1. Create a new document:
      1. Click the New button and select a Document, Presentation, or Spreadsheet to create.
      2. Specify a file name for the new document.
      3. Verify that the IBM Docs application opens and that you can edit and save the document.
      4. Navigate back to the IBM Connections Files application to verify that the new document has been created and enrolled with IBM Connections.
      Note: This step verifies that the IBM Docs extensions and IBM Docs server are installed correctly. If any of these steps fail, first check for errors in the WebSphere® logs for the IBM Docs server and the Connections server (if necessary). Refer to the Troubleshooting and support section for common issues.
    2. Publish a document:
      1. Select the document you created in Step a, and then click the Edit in Docs button.
      2. Make changes to the document.
      3. Select File > Publish Version.
      4. Verify that a Version published message is displayed.
      5. Navigate back to the IBM Connections Files application to verify that there are now two versions of the document.
      6. Select the Versions Tab and click the download link for the second version.
      7. Open the file in OpenOffice, Microsoft Office, or Libre Office to verify that the new content is in the downloaded file.
      Note: This step verifies that the Conversion server and IBM Docs server are installed correctly. If any of these steps fail, first check for errors in the WebSphere logs for the Conversion server and the IBM Docs server (if necessary). Additionally verify that you do not have a virus scanner scanning the network drive and that (when possible in your environment), NETBIOS has been disabled.
    3. Co-edit a document:
      1. Select the document that you published in Step b, and then click the Edit in Docs button.
      2. Select File > Share. Type the person's name with whom you want to share the document as Editor.
      3. Log in with the shared editor's account, and open the document to enter the co-editing mode.
      4. Make changes to the document. The document owner sees the editor's highlighted changes.
      Note: This step verifies that co-editing works well in a large-scale deployment, and that the IBM Docs proxy server is installed correctly. Additionally, it verifies that the correct modifications to the plugin-cfg.xml have been completed and propogated to each web server.
    4. Upload an OpenOffice document:
      1. Click the Upload button to upload a document with OpenOffice format (.odt, .odp, or.ods file). Next, select and upload an appropriate file.
      2. Navigate to that newly uploaded document.
      3. Click the Edit in Docs button.
      4. Verify that IBM Docs opens and that you can edit and save the document.
      Note: This step verifies that the Conversion server is installed correctly. If any of these steps fails, first check errors in the WebSphere logs for the Conversion server.
    5. Upload a Microsoft Office Format Document
      1. Click the Upload button to upload a Microsoft Office format document (with a .doc, .docsx, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, or .xlsx file extension). Use the resulting dialog to select and upload an appropriate file.
      2. Navigate to that newly uploaded document.
      3. Click the Edit in Docs button.
      4. Verify that IBM Docs opens and that you can edit and save the document.
      Note: This step verifies that the Conversion server (specifically the Symphony® component for Microsoft Binary files and the Conversion Library for OOXML files) is installed correctly. If any of these steps fail, first check for errors in the WebSphere logs for the Conversion server. Additionally, verify that the soffice.bin processes are active on the Conversion server.
    6. View a document:
      1. Select the document you created in Step a, and then click the View button.
      2. Verify that the File Viewer opens and that the document's content is correctly displayed.
      3. Click the Edit button on the toolbar.
      4. Verify that IBM Docs opens.
      Note: This step verifies that the File Viewer extensions, File Viewer server, Conversion server, and IBM Docs server are installed correctly. If any of these steps fail, first check for errors in the WebSphere logs for the File Viewer server, followed by the Conversion and IBM Docs servers (if necessary).