Adding new nodes into IBM Docs clusters

To add servers into installed IBM Docs for workload balancing, for Docs and Conversion servers you need to add new cluster members into the cluster, and then run install_node.bat or on the new added machines. For Viewer and Proxy servers, you only need to add new cluster members.

About this task

For Conversion on Linux, the script installer is located at IBMConnectionsDocs_CR3/ During installation, if you have any version mismatching issues, refer to Troubleshooting.


  1. See Installing WebSphere Application Server to federate a new created node into the Deployment Manager.
  2. In the administrative console, click Servers > Clusters > WebSphere application server clusters > cluster_name > Cluster members(for Proxy, click Servers > Clusters > Proxy server clusters > cluster_name > Cluster members ).
  3. Click New to start the Create a new cluster member wizard. Follow the wizard to add a new cluster member into the cluster, make sure you are using the new federated node.
  4. In the administrative console, click System > Adminitration > Nodes, select the checkbox before the new added nodes, and then click the Synchronize button.
  5. For Docs and Conversion, copy the script installers (DocsApp_2.0.0/DocsConversion_2.0.0) to the new added machines, follow the guide to configure cfg.node.propertis, and then run the file on Linux or install_node.bat on Windows from the installation directory.
    Note: For Viewer and Proxy, you do not need to perform step 5.
    Steps to configure cfg.node.propertis:
    1. Copy the content in to the file to replace existing content.
    2. Open the file to modify properties:
      • Change docs_install_root to the installation directory of IBM Docs on the Docs nodes.
      • Change was_install_root to the WebSphere profile path that is used to install IBM Docs servers.
  6. For Docs Nodes and Conversion Nodes, add the new node into Job Manager target list. Refer to Adding Docs Nodes, Conversion Nodes, Deployment Manager and web server into Job Manager target list.
  7. For Docs Nodes and Conversion Nodes, if you want to add sanity check for the new node, do the following steps:

    , add "WC_defaulthost" and "hostname" of the new node to "cluster_hosts", save the changes, from DMGR web console, synchronize the changes to all nodes, then restart IBMDocsCluster or IBMConversionCluster.

    1. Open {DMGR_INSTALL_ROOT}/config/cells/{CELL_NAME}/IBMDocs-config/docs_sanity.json or conversion_sanity.json.
    2. Add "WC_defaulthost" and "hostname" of the new node to "cluster_hosts", and save the changes.
    3. From DMGR web console, synchronize changes to all nodes, and then restart IBMDocsCluster or IBMConversionCluster.