Enable and Validate Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus Operation

After you initially configure the local and remote nodes for Sterling Connect:Direct® Secure Plus for z/OS® , save and submit the parameter file and prepare Sterling Connect:Direct for operation. As a final step, validate and test connections between you and your business partners to establish secure communications and then test to make sure you can change your security defaults for a session.

During normal maintenance after you make changes to the parameter file, you can use the Save Active option to dynamically save updates without having to restart Sterling Connect:Direct. See Saving Changes to Node Records Using the Save Active Option.

If Sterling Connect:Direct is running and Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus is enabled, you must use the Save Active option. Otherwise, you must use the Save As option. (When Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus is enabled, the Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus parameter file is open and Sterling Connect:Direct cannot perform the Save As option since that option deletes, redefines, and reloads the parameter file.)