IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.5.3

Contract maintenance

To ensure the accuracy of your contracts, you can revise each contract through proposed change requests and adjustments.

Contract maintenance process flow

Figure 1. Flow diagram for requesting data changes
An image that shows the path for requesting data changes.
Figure 2. Flow diagram for requesting lease assumption changes
An image that shows the path for requesting lease assumption changes.

Real estate contract maintenance

In the application, real estate contract maintenance includes the following elements:
  • Contract notifications that can be sent to any number of defined roles,
  • Real estate data change requests that are sent to the Contract Administrator role,
  • Real estate lease assumption change requests that are sent to the Lease Accountant role, and
  • Adjustments to the real estate contract that might be necessary after these events.

Asset lease contract maintenance

In the application, asset lease contract maintenance includes the following elements:
  • Contract notifications that can be sent to any number of defined roles,
  • Asset lease data change requests that are sent to the Contract Administrator role,
  • Asset lease assumption change requests that are sent to the Lease Accountant role, and
  • Adjustments to the asset lease contract that might be necessary after these events.
