IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.5.1

Detaching drawings and drawing objects with detach actions

Detach actions can be configured to run when drawings or drawing objects are detached in TRIRIGA® CAD Integrator/Publisher from IBM® TRIRIGA records. For example, a detach action might trigger a state transition to a Retire state or set an area to zero.

About this task

The following information applies to detach actions:
  • The specified state transition must be valid for the record state.
  • The detach action applies to detach drawing, detach all, detach object, and detach pop-up menu drawing or object actions.
  • Use asynchronous detach actions. Synchronous detach actions might cause the detach process, especially a detach all with a space detach action, to run slowly.
  • When a space is detached, the detach action applies to the space and any attached items in the space.
  • A detach all action applies the detach action to the drawing and to all of the attached entities in the drawing.


  1. Select Tools > Administration.
  2. In the CAD Integrator menu, select CAD Mapping.
  3. Select the mapping to configure a detach action for. For example, select Space Mapping.
  4. In the Form Actions section, in the Detach field, specify the name of the form action that triggers the state transition workflow to run when detach actions are made in TRIRIGA CAD Integrator/Publisher.
