Import Job Code Default Data (JCDD) (Tier 5)

Product: Workbench


If you are a Workbench Tier 5 user and do not have access to import spreadsheets in Workbench, put a request into your IBM representative to enable the setting for your account and add some public profiles to enable successful imports.

The client settings
  1. Export the current Job Code Default Data by selecting Tools > Forms > Reqs > Req Forms. Select to Administer the fields for the req form to pull the JCDD for, and select Export job code defaults to Excel.
  2. Access the Task Manager by selecting Tools > Task Manager to access your spreadsheet.
  3. Prepare your spreadsheet by adding/modifying the JCDD that you would like to import.
  4. Select Tools > Import > Profiles.
  5. With Tier 5 access, you do not have the ability to create Import Profiles, this must be completed by an IBM representative. If you do not see a Job Code Default Data Import Profile, contact your IBM representative to have one added. If you do have one available, continue this process.
  6. Selecting Launch opens the Launch Import Profile window.
    1. Because JCDD is per req form, select the Req Form to apply this JCDD to.
    2. Reselect your spreadsheet.
    3. Select Launch.
      The launch import profile window
  7. The system processes the spreadsheet and sends you an email when the import is complete.
  8. Select Tools > Task Manager.
  9. On the Task Manager page, there is a Status column that indicates the status of your import. There are five potential Statuses you can encounter:
    • Pending. The import is waiting in line to be processed.
    • Running. The import is being processed. You can select Refresh display link to watch the progress. The number of rows increases as the file is processed.
    • Completed. The import has completed without errors. However, it is important to open the file by using the binoculars icon to review the results.
    • Completed with Errors. The import has completed and has errors that need to be resolved. Open the results file by using the binoculars icon, review the errors, correct them in the original file and reload the file. You can reload the entire original file, with the corrections, or just the JCDD that had to be corrected.
    • Failed. The import failed completely. This can be an issue with the extension of the excel file that you attempted to import, an overall system error or issue, or that the file was too large and timed out. See Reading the Results file and Common Errors for more information.
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