Verifying installation using the Installation Verification Program (IVP)

After you complete the SMP/E installation of ABO, use the ABO Installation Verification Program (IVP), BOZJIVP, to verify that ABO is installed correctly and is functional.

Overview of BOZJIVP

The ABO Installation Verification Program (IVP), BOZJIVP, is located in the ABO sample library HLQ.SBOZJCL, where HLQ is the prefix used for the target libraries in your ABO SMP/E installation.

Run the IVP on any system on which you plan to use ABO and on any system where the optimized modules produced by ABO will be running.
Note: ABO can run on any hardware level supported by the minimum z/OS level but the ABO generated optimized modules can only run on zEC12, zBC12, z13, z13s, z14, z14 ZR1, z15, and z15 T02 systems. See Target hardware levels for more information. Keep these minimum hardware requirements in mind when you examine the IVP results.


To proceed with the IVP process on the selected system, edit BOZJIVP according to the included JCL description, and then submit it.

This job contains the following steps:

  1. LKED - Link-edits the original COBOL program using as input the object BOZOBJ1 in the same sample library.
    Note: The BOZOBJ1 program was compiled using Enterprise COBOL for z/OS V4R2 with the OPT(STD) option in effect. The program source example, BOZSRC1, is also available in the same library for your convenience.
  2. GOBEFORE - Runs the original program. 
  3. VERIFY1 - Verifies z/OS version eligibility to run ABO.    
  4. OPTIMIZE - Optimizes the original program using ABO.
  5. VERIFY2 - Verifies IBM z server type eligibility to run ABO optimized modules.
  6. GOAFTER - Runs optimized version of the original COBOL program.
  7. EXCEPT - Notifies about possible MACHMIG VEF specification in SYS1.IPLPARM(LOADxx). Runs if step GOAFTER condition code is S0C7 only.
    Note: The LOADxx member may be located on some systems in SYS1.PARMLIB instead of SYS1.IPLPARM
  8. POSTABND - Notifies about possible machine architecture level or LE PTF level conflict. Runs if step GOAFTER condition code is S0C1, S0C4 or S0C6 only.
  9. REPORT - Reports IVP results.


You will receive a return code of 0 or 4 for each of the preceding steps when the IVP runs successfully. After the REPORT step completes, a report is available in the SYSTSRPT output file and in the JESMSGLG JOBLOG.

The following example shows a sample IVP report in the SYSTSRPT output file:

*** The original program start time is: 10:42:22.72     
*** The original program end time is: 10:44:10.71       
***                                                  ***
***            Optimization successful!              ***
***                                                  ***
*** The optimized program start time is: 10:44:11.41    
*** The optimized program end time is: 10:44:15.63      
***                                                  ***
*** The elapsed time is reduced by 103.77 sec        ***
***                                                  ***
***                                                  ***
***      Installation verification successful!       ***
***                                                  ***

The following example shows a sample JESMSGLG JOBLOG. Note that the Installation verification successful! message is present in both the JOBLOG and in the console.

10.42.22 JOB07227  HTRT01I                                         CPU (Total)  Elapsed     
10.42.22 JOB07227  HTRT02I Jobname  Stepname ProcStep  RC   I/O 
10.42.22 JOB07227  HTRT03I BOZIVP   LKED               00   176       00.01       00.10 
10.44.10 JOB07227  HTRT03I BOZIVP   GOBEFORE           00   192    01:47.49    01:48.14 
10.44.11 JOB07227  HTRT03I BOZIVP   OPTIMIZE           00 13457       00.06       00.54 
10.44.15 JOB07227  HTRT03I BOZIVP   GOAFTER            00   205       04.21       04.37 
10.44.15 JOB07227  +***     Installation verification successful!      ***             
10.44.15 JOB07227  HTRT03I BOZIVP   REPORT             00    64       00.01       00.03 
If the VERIFY1 step fails, you will see the following message in both the JOBLOG and in the console:
z/OS version: xx.xx is not a supported z/OS version to run ABO.
If the VERIFY2 step fails, you will see the following message in both the JOBLOG and in the console:
IBM z server: type (name)
is not a supported hardware level to run ABO optimized modules.

For example:

IBM z server: 2817 (zEnterprise 196)
is not a supported hardware level to run ABO optimized modules.

If the OPTIMIZE step fails, verify the messages in this step log file to see which system or Language Environment component is possibly missing. Fix the problem, and then run the BOZJIVP job again.

If the GOAFTER step fails, verify if step EXCEPT or POSTABND was executed. If the step EXCEPT was executed, you will see the following message in both the JOBLOG and in the console:
If MACHMIG VEF is specified in SYS1.IPLPARM(LOADxx), then it must be removed for ABO optimization when ARCH >= 11.
Remove MACHMIG VEF specification from SYS1.IPLPARM(LOADxx), and then run the BOZJIVP job again.
If the step POSTABND was executed, you will see one of the following messages in both the JOBLOG and in the console:
IVP is incomplete. The ARCH level specified is 13 (z15), but the actual ARCH level is 12 (z14)
Correct ARCH specified and then run the BOZJIVP job again.
If any required LE PTFs is missing, then install it. Otherwise, contact IBM service to report the problem
Verify which Language Environment PTF is possibly missing. If one or more of the "Language Environment Automatic Binary Optimizer Runtime Engine" PTFs listed in Supported operating systems are not installed, an 0C1 abend is likely to occur. If the "Language Environment Automatic Binary Optimizer Runtime Engine" PTF is installed but is not the latest PTF listed in the Program Directory, a U4038 abend will occur and one of the following messages will be displayed:
IGZ0153S Program BOZSRC1 was compiled with a level of the compiler that requires service to be installed on Language Environment.
IGZ0355S Program BOZSRC1 was optimized with a level of the Automatic Binary Optimizer that requires service to be installed on Language Environment.
"Language Environment Automatic Binary Optimizer Runtime Engine" PTFs on z/OS 2.2 and 2.3 will cause the first message to be issued, and PTFs on z/OS 2.4 will cause the second message to be issued.
If instead of an abend the GOAFTER step fails with a non-zero return code, the return code corresponds to a missing Language Environment PTF as follows:
Table 1. Return code and corresponding missing LE PTFs
Return code z/OS 2.2 z/OS 2.3
17 PI84563 PI84561
Install the required PTFs, and then run the BOZJIVP job again.

An 0C1 abend will also occur if you attempt to run the ABO generated modules on a system that is not supported by ABO. See Target hardware levels for the supported systems.