Commands for displaying GPFS information

General Parallel File System (GPFS™) commands are provided to display General Parallel File System (GPFS) information.

The following commands yield GPFS information for troubleshooting. The commands are organized by the type of information that they yield.

Cluster-specific information
Enter these commands on one node in the cluster.
  • To display the configuration information for a GPFS cluster, enter the following command:


  • To display the available file space on a GPFS file system, enter the following command:

    /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmdf device

  • To display all the GPFS policy information for a specified file system, enter the following command:

    /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmlspolicy device –L

  • To display the state of the GPFS daemon on all nodes in the cluster, enter the following command:

    usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmgetstate –a

  • To display the cluster configuration data for a GPFS cluster, enter the following command:


  • To create a memory dump of the GPFS DMAPI information, enter the following command:

    /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmfsadm dump dmapi

Node-specific information
To display the GPFS node configuration, enter the following command on all nodes in the cluster:
/usr/bin/cat /var/mmfs/gen/mmsdrfs

For information about GPFS commands and GPFS requirements for IBM Spectrum Protect™ space management client, go to the General Parallel File Systems product information and see mmbackup command: IBM Spectrum Protect requirements.