Creating schedules with additional backup servers

After you set up the default backup server, use the IBM Spectrum Protect vSphere plug-in to configure additional backup servers.

Before you begin

The initial default schedule has no object. A schedule must have a tagged object to start backups.

About this task

After you configure one or more backup servers, you can create a default schedule. This schedule can be used to define additional backup servers. If additional schedules are required, follow the instructions in Creating a schedule that is compatible with tagging.

Each schedule is associated with a particular datacenter. Each schedule can have one or more data movers.


  1. To add an object for the schedule to back up, go to the datacenter associated with that schedule. Select an object at the datacenter level or lower, right click on the object and click IBM Spectrum Protect -> Configure Data Protection.
  2. In the Configure Backup Policies pane, select the new schedule to start backing up that object.
  3. After the object has been associated, verify the following items:
    • Verify that the object shows the correct information when you click Configure -> IBM Spectrum Protect screen.
    • Verify that the schedule now has the object selected listed when you click Menu -> IBM Spectrum Protect -> Configure -> Schedules.
    • After the schedule runs, go to the object and click Monitor -> IBM Spectrum Protect.
    Hint: Optionally, to update the start time for the schedule from the command line, take the following actions:
    1. Go to the dsmadmc location: C:/Program Files/Tivoli/TSM/baclient
    2. At the prompt, find the dsm*opt file for the data mover associated with that server. (dir * opt)
    3. Issue the command dsmadmc - optfile=dsm.datamovername.opt
    4. Type the following command to start the schedule in 10 minutes:

      update schedule policyDomain scheduleName StartTIME=NOW+00:10