Backing up multiple virtual machines in parallel (optimized backup)

With parallel backup processing, you can back up multiple virtual machines (VMs) at the same time to help optimize the performance of VM backup operations.

Before you begin

Review the information in Optimizing backup operations.


Complete the following steps on the data mover system:

  1. Go to the C:\Program Files\IBM\SpectrumProtect\baclient directory.
  2. Open the data mover options file (dsm.hostname_HV_DM.opt) with your preferred text editor.
  3. Enter the option name and one or more blank spaces, followed by the option value.
    For example:
    vmmaxparallel 5
    vmmaxbackupsessions 10
  4. Issue the backup vm command.
    For example:
    dsmc backup vm vm1
    Using the examples provided, the backup operations for the VM vm1 at the VM, virtual disk, or subdisk level can include 5 VMs and 10 sessions. Backup operations are limited to 5 VMs per host.