
Use the vmrestoretype option with the query VM or restore VM commands to specify the type of restore operation to perform or query.

Supported Clients

Windows operating systemsThis option can be used with supported Windows clients.

Options file

This option must be specified on the command line of a restore vm or query vm command. You cannot set this option in the client options file.


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Specifies that a regular full VM restore operation is performed. This is the default restore type.
Specifies that a VM backup is restored temporarily. Use this restore type when you want to restore a VM temporarily, to test the integrity of a backup, before you run an instant restore. Any changes that are made to the temporary VM are not saved.
When this restore type is specified on a query vm command, the command returns a list of VMs that are running an instant access operation.
Specifies that a cleanup of the selected VM and its components is performed.
For instant access operations, this option removes the temporary VM and all of its components.

Examples for Hyper-V VMs

Command line:
Perform an instant access of the VM named Oslo. The original VM still exists. As a result, the -vmname option is used to assign the new name Oslo_verify.
dsmc restore vm Oslo -vmrest=instantaccess -vmname=Oslo_verify
Perform a regular (full VM) restore of the virtual machine named San_Jose.
dsmc restore vm San_Jose
Alternatively, you can also use the following command to run a regular full VM restore operation:
dsmc restore vm San_Jose -vmrest=noninstant
Run a query to find all active instant access sessions. This query displays all temporary VMs that are running in instant access mode.
dsmc query vm * -VMRESToretype=INSTANTAccess
Clean up the VM named Oslo and all its components. These components include iSCSI mounts, devices, and temporary data that are associated with the VM name.
dsmc restore vm Oslo -vmrest=vmcleanup -vmname=Oslo_verify