DEFINE MGMTCLASS (Define a management class)

Use this command to define a new management class in a policy set. To allow clients to use the new management class, you must activate the policy set that contains the new class.

You can define one or more management classes for each policy set in a policy domain. A management class can contain a backup copy group, an archive copy group, or both. The user of a client node can select any management class in the active policy set or use the default management class.

Attention: The DEFINE MGMTCLASS command fails if a copy storage pool is specified as the destination for files that were migrated by an IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management client.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the management class belongs.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramDEFine MGmtclassdomain_namepolicy_set_name class_nameSPACEMGTECHnique=NONESPACEMGTECHnique=AUTOmaticSELectiveNONEAUTOMIGNOnuse=0AUTOMIGNOnuse=daysMIGREQUIRESBkup=YesMIGREQUIRESBkup=YesNoMIGDESTination=SPACEMGPOOLMIGDESTination=pool_nameDESCription=description


domain_name (Required)
Specifies the policy domain to which the management class belongs.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the policy set to which the management class belongs. You cannot define a management class to the ACTIVE policy set.
class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the new management class. The maximum length of this name is 30 characters. You cannot use either default or grace_period as a class name.
Specifies whether a file that is using this management class is eligible for migration. This parameter is optional. The default is NONE. This parameter is effective only for IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management clients, not for backup-archive clients or application clients. Possible values are:
Specifies that the file is eligible for both automatic migration and selective migration.
Specifies that the file is eligible for selective migration only.
Specifies that the file is not eligible for migration.
Specifies the number of days that must elapse since a file was last accessed before it is eligible for automatic migration. This parameter is optional. The default value is 0. If SPACEMGTECHNIQUE is not AUTOMATIC, the server ignores this attribute. You can specify an integer in the range 0 - 9999.

This parameter is effective only for IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management clients, not for backup-archive clients or application clients.

Specifies whether a backup version of a file must exist before a file can be migrated. This parameter is optional. The default is YES. This parameter is effective only for IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management clients, not for backup-archive clients or application clients. Possible values are:
Specifies that a backup version must exist.
Specifies that a backup version is optional.
Specifies the primary storage pool where the server initially stores files that are migrated by IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management clients. This parameter is effective only for IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management clients, and is not effective for backup-archive clients or application clients. The default is SPACEMGPOOL.
Your choice for the destination might depend on factors such as the following:
  • The number of client nodes that are migrated to the storage pool. When many user files are stored in the same storage pool, volume contention can occur as users try to migrate files to or recall files from the storage pool.
  • How quickly the files must be recalled. If you need immediate access to migrated versions, you can specify a disk storage pool as the destination.

The command fails if you specify a copy storage pool or an active-data pool as the destination.

Specifies a description of the management class. This parameter is optional. The maximum length of the description is 255 characters. Enclose the description in quotation marks if it contains any blank characters.

Example: Define a management class for a specific policy set and policy domain

Define a management class that is called MCLASS1 for policy set SUMMER in the PROG1 policy domain. For IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management clients, allow both automatic and selective migration, and store migrated files in the SMPOOL storage pool. Add the description, Technical Support Mgmt Class.
define mgmtclass prog1 summer mclass1 
spacemgtechnique=automatic migdestination=smpool 
description="technical support mgmt class"

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to DEFINE MGMTCLASS
Command Description
ASSIGN DEFMGMTCLASS Assigns a management class as the default for a specified policy set.
COPY MGMTCLASS Creates a copy of a management class.
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive processing within a specified management class.
DEFINE POLICYSET Defines a policy set within the specified policy domain.
DELETE MGMTCLASS Deletes a management class and its copy groups from a policy domain and policy set.
QUERY COPYGROUP Displays the attributes of a copy group.
QUERY MGMTCLASS Displays information about management classes.
QUERY POLICYSET Displays information about policy sets.
UPDATE COPYGROUP Changes one or more attributes of a copy group.
UPDATE MGMTCLASS Changes the attributes of a management class.