QUERY CLOPTSET (Query a client option set)

Use this command to query a client option set.

Privilege class

Any administrator can issue this command.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramQuery CLOptset*option_set_nameDESCription=description


Specifies the name of the client option set to be queried. You can use wildcard characters to specify this name. This parameter is optional. The default is option set names.
Specifies the description used on the DEFINE or UPDATE CLOPTSET commands to be used as a filter. If the description contains spaces, enclose it in quotation marks. This parameter is optional.

Example: Query a client option set

From a managed server, query a client option set named ENG. Issue the following command:
query cloptset eng
                      Optionset:  ENG
Last Update by (administrator): $$CONFIG_MANAGER$$
              Managing profile:
            Replica Option Set: Yes

                        Option: SCROLLINES
               Sequence number: 0
  Use Option Set Value (FORCE): No
                  Option Value: 40
                        Option: SCROLLPROMPT
               Sequence number: 0
  Use Option Set Value (FORCE): No
                  Option Value: yes  

Field descriptions

Specifies the name of the option set.
Specifies the description of the client option set.
Last Update by (administrator)
Specifies the name of the administrator that most recently updated the option set. If this field contains $$CONFIG_MANAGER$$, the client option set is associated with a profile that is managed by the configuration manager.
Managing profile
Specifies the profile to which the managed server subscribed to get the definition of the client option set.
Replica Option Set
Specifies the replica option set is replicated by the source replication server.
Specifies the name of the option.
Sequence number
Specifies the sequence number of the option.
Use Option Set Value (FORCE)
Specifies whether the server option setting overrides the option setting for the client. NO indicates that the server option setting does not override the client option. YES indicates that the server option setting overrides the client option setting. This option is set with the FORCE parameter on the DEFINE CLIENTOPT command.
Option Value
Specifies the value of the option.

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to QUERY CLOPTSET
Command Description
COPY CLOPTSET Copies a client option set.
DEFINE CLIENTOPT Adds a client option to a client option set.
DEFINE CLOPTSET Defines a client option set.
DELETE CLIENTOPT Deletes a client option from a client option set.
DELETE CLOPTSET Deletes a client option set.
UPDATE CLIENTOPT Updates the sequence number of a client option in a client option set.
UPDATE CLOPTSET Updates the description of a client option set.
DEFINE PROFASSOCIATION Associates objects with a profile.