Device drivers completion codes: Common codes

IBM Spectrum Protect device drivers provide completion codes that are common to all device classes.

The following table shows common completion code values for IBM Spectrum Protect device drivers. Each entry provides a description for the I/O error message and the recommended action. After completing the recommended action, try the failing operation again.

Table 1. Completion code values common to all device classes
Decimal Hexadecimal Description Recommended action
200 X'C8' The device indicated a failure condition, but sense data was unavailable. Try the failing operation again.
201 X'C9' The device driver failed. Contact IBM Spectrum Protect Support.
202 X'CA' The device EEPROM failed. Test the device. Service the device if necessary.
203 X'CB' Manual intervention is required. Correct the problem on the device. The problem can be a stuck tape, dirty heads, or a jammed library arm.
204 X'CC' The system recovered from an I/O error; for your information only. No action necessary.
205 X'CD' The SCSI adapter failed. Check for loose cables, bent pins, bad cables, bad SCSI adapters, improper termination, or bad terminators.
206 X'CE' A general SCSI failure occurred. Check for loose cables, bent pins, bad cables, bad SCSI adapters, improper termination, or bad terminators.
207 X'CF' The device cannot perform the requested action. Ensure that the device is on and ready. Ensure that the drive was defined appropriately with the DEFINE DRIVE command. Ensure that the device class was defined appropriately with the DEFINE DEVCLASS command.
208 X'D0' The command stopped. Contact IBM Spectrum Protect Support.
209 X'D1' A failure is detected in the device microcode. Check the microcode level of the drive. Contact the drive manufacturer and request the latest level.
210 X'D2' The device was reset due to device power-up, SCSI bus reset, or manual tape load/eject. Try the failing operation again.
211 X'D3' The SCSI bus is busy. Ensure that the SCSI IDs are correctly assigned to the correct device, and the device is not being accessed by another process.
212 X'D4' Persistent reservation is not supported on this device. No action is necessary.
213 X'D5' A persistent reservation operation failed. Reset the device and try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact IBM Spectrum Protect Support.