GRANT PROXYNODE (Grant proxy authority to a client node)

Use this command to grant proxy authority to a client node on the IBM Spectrum Protect server.

Target client nodes own the data and agent nodes act on behalf of the target nodes. When granted proxy authority to a target client node, an agent node can perform backup and restore operations for the target node. Data that the agent node stores on behalf of the target node is stored under the target node's name in server storage.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have one of the following privilege classes:
  • System privilege
  • Unrestricted policy privilege


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramGRant PROXynode TArget=target_node_name AGent=agent_node_name


TArget (Required)
Specifies the name of the node that owns the data. Wildcard names cannot be used to specify the target node name.
AGent (Required)
Specifies the name of the node performing operations for the target node. The agent node does not have to be in the same domain as the target node. Wildcard characters and comma-separated lists of node names are allowed.

Example: Grant proxy authority to a client node

Assume that MOE and JOE are agent nodes in a NAS cluster and are used to backup and restore shared NAS data. To create a proxy authority relationship for target node NASCLUSTER, issue the following command:
grant proxynode target=nascluster agent=moe,joe
Issue the following command on agent node MOE to back up NAS cluster data stored on the E: drive. The name of the target node is NASCLUSTER.
dsmc -asnode=nascluster incremental e:

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to GRANT PROXYNODE
Command Description
QUERY PROXYNODE Display nodes with authority to act as proxy nodes.
REVOKE PROXYNODE Revoke proxy authority from an agent node.