Linux operating systems

Installing the backup-archive client on Linux on Power Systems (Little Endian)

You can install the backup-archive client from the product installation media.

Before you begin

You must be logged in as root user to install the product.

If you plan to install the client on the same system as the IBM Spectrum Protect server V8.1.2 or later level, ensure that you halt the IBM Spectrum Protect server before you install the client. This action will prevent the client installation process from forcing the system to reboot. After you install the client, you can restart the IBM Spectrum Protect server.

This installation procedure can be used to install new distributions or updates from downloaded installation media. The downloaded files that you use to install the client might be compressed. Depending on the package file format, either copy or extract the files to disk and use these instructions to install the components.

You can download the appropriate package file from one of the following websites:

About this task

The following installation options are available in uncompressed packages on the installation media.

Table 1. Package names, contents, and default directory
Package Name Contents Default directory
64-bit Global Security Kit (GSKit) packages /usr/local/ibm/gsk8
TIVsm-API64.ppc64le.rpm Application programming interface (API), which contains the shared libraries and samples for the IBM Spectrum Protect API. /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64
TIVsm-BA.ppc64le.rpm Backup-archive client (command-line and GUI), administrative client (dsmadmc), and the web client. /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin

This directory is typically the default installation directory for many backup-archive client files. The sample system-options file (dsm.sys.smp) is written to this directory. If you do not set the DSM_DIR environment variable, the dsmc executable file, the resource files, and the dsm.sys file are stored in this directory.

If you do not set the DSM_CONFIG environment variable, the client user-options file must be in this directory.

If you do not set the DSM_LOG environment variable, the backup-archive client writes messages to the dsmerror.log and dsmsched.log files in the current working directory.



These files provide the Common Inventory Technology components that you can use to obtain information about the number of client and server devices that are connected to the system, and the utilization of processor value units (PVUs) by server devices. These files are optional. For more information about PVUs, see Estimating processor value units in the IBM Spectrum Protect server documentation.

APIcit is installed in /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64/cit

BAcit is installed in /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/cit



Files that are needed for journal-based backups.

Filepath is installed in /opt/filepath

The TIVsm-JBB.ppc64le.rpm package is installed in /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin.

TIVsm-WEBGUI.ppc64le.rpm Provides the files required to perform file-restore operations by using the web user interface. /opt/tivoli/tsm/tdpvmware


  1. Mount the volume that you are installing the packages from.
  2. Change to the directory where the installation packages are stored.
  3. Install the 64-bit GSKit packages. In the following command example, the 8.x.x.x characters represent the GSKit version:
    rpm -U gskcrypt64-8.x.x.x.linux.ppcle.rpm gskssl64-8.x.x.x.linux.ppcle.rpm
  4. Install the IBM Spectrum Protect API, and optionally install the Common Inventory Technology package that is necessary to support processor value unit (PVU) calculations.
    1. Required: Install the API:
      rpm -ivh TIVsm-API64.ppc64le.rpm
    2. Optional: Install the Common Inventory Technology package that is used by the API. This package depends on the API so it must be installed after the API package is installed.
      rpm -ivh TIVsm-APIcit.ppc64le.rpm
    Tip: If you are upgrading the API and the Common Inventory Technology package was previously installed, you must upgrade both the API and Common Inventory Technology packages. For example, you can run the following command:
    rpm -U TIVsm-API64.ppc64le.rpm TIVsm-APIcit.ppc64le.rpm

    If you need only the API installed, you can stop here. The rest of the steps in this procedure describe how to install the backup-archive client components and an optional client package that is needed only if you want the client to send PVU metrics to the server. Also described in subsequent steps are the installation of the packages that are needed if you want to perform journal-based backups.

  5. Install the backup-archive client, and optionally install the Common Inventory Technology package that is necessary to support processor value unit (PVU) calculations.
    1. Install the backup-archive client components.
      rpm -ivh TIVsm-BA.ppc64le.rpm
    2. Optional: Install the Common Inventory Technology package the client uses to send PVU metrics to the server. This package depends on the client package so it must be installed after the client package is installed.
      rpm -ivh TIVsm-BAcit.ppc64le.rpm
  6. Optional: If you want to use journal-based backups, install the packages that are needed for the filepath component and journal-based backups.
    1. Extract TIVsm-filepath-source.tar.gz and see the README file for compile and install instructions.
      The filepath kernel module is licensed pursuant to the terms of the GNU General Public License ("GPL").

      Occasionally, build problems can occur due to the dynamic nature of the Linux kernel. If the source does not build correctly on your Linux distribution, send an email to to request the latest source file. Include the version of the Linux distribution and the output of the uname -a command along with the version of the IBM Spectrum Protect client that you are installing.

    2. Install the journal-based backup package:
      rpm -ivh TIVsm-JBB.ppc64le.rpm
  7. Install the files required to perform file-restore operations by using the web user interface by entering the following command:
    rpm -ivh TIVsm-WEBGUI.ppc64le.rpm