Windows: Preparing the database manager for database backup

To back up the data in the database to IBM Spectrum Protect™, you must enable the database manager and configure the IBM Spectrum Protect application programming interface (API).

About this task

If you use the configuration wizard to create an IBM Spectrum Protect server instance, you do not have to complete these steps. If you are configuring an instance manually, complete the following steps before you issue either the BACKUP DB or the RESTORE DB commands.

Attention: If the database is unusable, the entire IBM Spectrum Protect server is unavailable. If a database is lost and cannot be recovered, it might be difficult or impossible to recover data that is managed by that server. Therefore, it is critically important to back up the database.
Windows operating systemsRestriction: Database backup and restore over shared memory are not available on Windows systems.
Windows operating systems
  1. Determine the location of your Db2® instance directory by issuing the following command, where tsminst1 is the name of the database instance:
    db2set -i tsminst1 db2instprof 

    By default, the client options file that you create in Step 2 is named dsm.opt and is located in a subdirectory that has the same name as the database instance. The subdirectory is located in the Db2 instance directory path that is returned when this command is issued.

    For example, if your database instance name is tsminst1 and your Db2 instance directory is c:\programdata\ibm\db2\db2tsm1, the client options file is stored at the following location with the default name dsm.opt:
    Tip: Optionally, configure the DSMI_CONFIG environment variable to specify an alternative name and location for the client options file.
  2. Create an API client options file that is called dsm.opt in the c:\programdata\ibm\db2\db2tsm1\tsminst1 directory with the following contents:
    nodename $$_TSMDBMGR_$$
    commmethod tcpip
    tcpserveraddr localhost
    tcpport 1500
    • nodename specifies the node name that the client API uses to connect to the server during a database backup. To ensure that the database can be backed up, this value must be $$_TSMDBMGR_$$.
    • commmethod specifies the communication method that the client API uses to contact the server.
    • tcpserveraddr specifies the server address that the client API uses to contact the server for database backup. To ensure that the database can be backed up, this value must be localhost.
      Important: If your server is using a CA-signed certificate, you must specify the server's external IP address for the tcpserveraddr option.
    • tcpport specifies the port number that the client API uses to contact the server for database backup. Ensure that you enter the same tcpport value that is specified in the dsmserv.opt server options file.
Tip: The steps above use tsminst1 for the database instance name and c:\programdata\ibm\db2\db2tsm1 for the Db2 instance directory. Replace these values with your actual values.