Starting a web user interface session for file-restore operations

The web user interface feature can be started and managed independent of web browser software. After you install and configure the web user interface on your workstation, you can use the web user interface for file-restore operations. With the web user interface application, you can perform file-restore operations on behalf of an end user from a File Restore User Interface, without the need to have access to the web user interface machine. The web user interface feature only supports client-to-server communication using TLS/SSL.

Before you begin

Refer to the software requirements topic for your operating system to determine which browsers are supported by this software.

Linux operating systemsTo run the web user interface from Firefox browsers, the option for Enable JavaScript must be enabled. By default, this option is enabled in Firefox.


  1. In the default installation directory, configure your client options file dsm.opt or dsm.sys. For more information, see Client options file overview.
  2. In addition, add the HTTPPORT option to your client options file. For example, httpport 1581.
    Windows operating systemsNote:

    If you are changing the HTTPPORT in your client options file, ensure that the port number for your service is also updated. You can check the port number by using the dsmcutil query CAD /name:<your service name> command. You can update the port number by using the dsmcutil update CAD /name:<your service name> /httpport:<new HTTPPORT> command.

  3. Run the dsmc command to verify your configuration.
    Windows operating systemsNote:

    In addition, run the dsmc query session command to validate that TLS/SSL is used, for example, SSL Information.........: TLSv1.2 TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA.

  4. Start the client acceptor daemon by:
    • Windows operating systemsFirst using the dsmcutil command to create a dsmcad and dsmagent service from a command prompt window. For more information, see the INSTall CAD and INSTall REMOTEAgent commands in Dsmcutil commands: Required options and examples. For example, dsmcutil start /name:<client acceptor daemon service name>.
    • Windows operating systemsYou can then run the dsmcad command from a command prompt window.
    • Linux operating systemsRunning the dsmcad command from a terminal window.
  5. Enter the following IBM Spectrum Protect™ server commands to register an administrator to access the client data, and perform the file-restore operations on behalf of the node:
    1. reg admin <admin ID> <password>
    2. grant auth <admin ID> cl=node auth=access node=<your node>
  6. If you have registered a new node, and do not have backup data stored on the IBM Spectrum Protect server for that node, perform a backup. This backup will provide you with test data that can be used for file-restore operations with the web user interface. Perform a backup as follows:
    1. From the command line, run the dsmc command, or
    2. Using the backup-archive client GUI.
  7. To start the File Restore User Interface, enter the following URL:
  8. On the login screen, enter the <admin ID> and <password> (as specified in step 5), and click Sign In.