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QUERY DAMAGED (Query damaged data in a directory-container or cloud-container storage pool)

Use this command to display information about damaged data extents in a directory-container or cloud-container storage pool. Use this command together with the AUDIT CONTAINER command to determine a recovery method for the damaged data.

Privilege class

Any administrator can issue this command.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramQuery DAMagedpool_nameType=StatusType=INVentoryNodeACONTAinerA
A (Additional filter by node name)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramNodename=node_name


pool_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the directory-container or cloud storage pool.
Specifies the type of information to display. This parameter is optional. Specify one of the following values:
Specifies that information is displayed about damaged data extents. For cloud storage pools, orphaned extents are also displayed. This is the default.
Specifies that information about the number of damaged files per node is displayed.
Specifies that inventory information for each damaged file is displayed.
Specifies that the containers that contain damaged data extents or cloud orphaned extents are displayed. For directory-container storage pools, storage pool directories are also displayed.
Specifies that damaged file information for a single node is displayed.
Restriction: You cannot specify this parameter if the TYPE=CONTAINER or TYPE=STATUS parameter is specified.

Example: Display status information about damaged or orphaned data extents

Display information about the status of damaged data extents that are stored in a container.
query damaged pool1 type=status
Storage Pool     Non-Dedup Data    Dedup Data     Cloud Orphaned  
Name             Extent Count      Extent Count   Extent Count    
---------------  -------------     ----------     -------------
POOL1                  58                145           

For cloud storage pools, the number of orphaned extents is also displayed.

Storage Pool     Non-Dedup Data    Dedup Data     Cloud Orphaned   
Name             Extent Count      Extent Count   Extent Count  
---------------  -------------     ----------     -------------
POOL1                  65                238           18

Example: Display information about a damaged file for a node type

Display information about damaged files that are stored in a node.
query damaged pool1 type=node
Node Name      Number of        
               Damaged Files     
-------------  -----------------
POOL1                  37

Example: Display information about a damaged file for an inventory type

Display information about damaged files that are stored in an inventory.
query damaged pool2 type=inventory
       Client's Name for File: /data/files/10.out
                         Type: Bkup
                    Node Name: NODE1
               Filespace Name: /data/space
                        State: Available
               Insertion time: 01/19/2015 16:01:35
                    Object ID: 2073

Example: Display information about a damaged file for a container type

Display information about damaged files that are stored in a container.
query damaged pool3 type=container
         Directory ID: 1
            Directory: /abc/space/container1
            Container: /abc/space/container1/00/0000000000000022.dcf
                State: Unavailable
For cloud containers, only the name of the container is displayed.
         Directory ID: 
            Container: ibmsp.12520ae05b4011e613320a0027000000/

For local storage, the following information about a damaged container is displayed.

                Directory ID: 1
                   Directory: localdirectory
                   Container: localdirectory/00/00000000000011.ncf
                       State: Unavailable 

Field descriptions

Client's Name for File (TYPE=INVENTORY only)
The name of the file.
Cloud Orphaned Extent Count (TYPE=STATUS only)
The number of orphaned extents in a cloud storage pool. Extents are considered orphaned if they do not have a corresponding database entry.
Container (TYPE=CONTAINER only)
The name of the container.
Deduplicated Extent Count (TYPE=STATUS only)
The number of damaged extents in the storage pool for deduplicated data.
Directory (TYPE=CONTAINER only)
The name of the storage pool directory.
Directory ID (TYPE=CONTAINER only)
The identification number of the storage pool directory.
Filespace Name (TYPE=INVENTORY only)
The name of file space.
Insertion time (TYPE=INVENTORY only)
The date and time that the object was stored on the server.
The name of the node.
Non-Deduplicated Extent Count (TYPE=STATUS only)
The number of damaged extents in the storage pool for data that is not deduplicated, such as metadata and client-encrypted data.
Number of Damaged Files (TYPE=NODE only)
The number of damaged files per node.
The identification number of the object.
The state of the data in either the inventory or the container, depending on the type of data you are querying. The field can contain one of the following values:
The version of the file in the inventory is active. There can be only one active version of the file in the inventory.
The version of the file in the inventory is inactive. There can be multiple inactive versions of the file in the inventory.
The state of the container is available.
The state of the container is unavailable. For example, a container might be unavailable if the header is corrupted or if the container cannot be opened.
The container is in a read-only state. Data in the container can be read, but data cannot be written to the container.
The container is pending deletion. The contents of the container were moved to a different container, and the container is ready to be deleted.
The type of data in the file.
Table 1. Commands related to QUERY DAMAGED
Command Description
AUDIT CONTAINER Audit a directory-container storage pool.
QUERY CLEANUP Query the cleanup status of a source storage pool.
QUERY CONTAINER Displays information about a container.
REMOVE DAMAGED Removes damaged data from a source storage pool.