Editing policies

To change the rules that apply to a policy domain, edit the active policy set for the policy domain. You can also activate a different policy set for a domain.

Before you begin

Changes to policy can affect data retention. Ensure that you continue to back up data that is essential to your organization so that you can restore that data if a disaster occurs. Also, ensure that your system has sufficient storage space for planned backup operations.

About this task

You edit a policy set by changing one or more management classes within the policy set. If you edit the active policy set, the changes are not available to clients unless you reactivate the policy set. To make the edited policy set available to clients, activate the policy set.

Although you can define multiple policy sets for a policy domain, only one policy set can be active. When you activate a different policy set, it replaces the currently active policy set.

To learn about preferred practices for defining policies, see Customizing policies.


  1. On the Services page of the Operations Center, select a policy domain and click Details.
  2. On the Summary page for the policy domain, click the Policy Sets tab.

    The Policy Sets page indicates the name of the active policy set and lists all of the management classes for that policy set.

  3. Click the Configure toggle. The policy set is editable.
  4. Optional: To edit a policy set that is not active, click the forward and back arrows to locate the policy set.
  5. Edit the policy set by completing any of the following actions:
    Option Description
    Add a management class
    1. In the Policy Sets table, click +Management Class.
    2. To specify the rules for backing up and archiving data, complete the fields in the Add Management Class window.
    3. To make the management class the default management class, select the Make default check box.
    4. Click Add.
    Delete a management class In the Management Class column, click -.
    Tip: To delete the default management class, you must first assign a different management class as the default.
    Make a management class the default management class In the Default column for the management class, click the radio button.
    Tip: The default management class manages client files when another management class is not assigned to, or appropriate for managing, a file. To ensure that clients can always back up and archive files, choose a default management class that contains rules for both backing up and archiving files.
    Modify a management class To change the properties of a management class, update the fields in the table.
  6. Click Save.
    Attention: When you activate a new policy set, data might be lost. Data that is protected under one policy set might not be protected under another policy set. Therefore, before you activate a policy set, ensure that the differences between the previous policy set and the new policy set do not cause data to be lost.
  7. Click Activate. A summary of the differences between the active policy set and the new policy set is displayed. Ensure that the changes in the new policy set are consistent with your data retention requirements by completing the following steps:
    1. Review the differences between corresponding management classes in the two policy sets, and consider the consequences for client files. Client files that are bound to management classes in the active policy set will be bound to the management classes with the same names in the new policy set.
    2. Identify management classes in the active policy set that do not have counterparts in the new policy set, and consider the consequences for client files. Client files that are bound to these management classes will be managed by the default management class in the new policy set.
    3. If the changes to be implemented by the policy set are acceptable, select the I understand that these updates can cause data loss check box and click Activate.