QUERY DB (Display database information)

Use this command to display information about the database.

Privilege class

Any administrator can issue this command.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-Query DB--+-------------------------+-----------------------><


Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The default is STANDARD. The following values are possible:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.

Example: Display summary statistics about the database

Display statistical information about the database. Issue the command:
query db
Database Name  Total Pages  Usable Pages  Used Pages  Free Pages
-------------  -----------  ------------  ----------  ----------
       TSMDB1       32,776        32,504      24,220       8,284
See Field descriptions for field descriptions.

Example: Display detailed database information

Display detailed statistical information about the database. Issue the command:
query db format=detailed
                    Database Name: TSM_DB2
  Total Space of File System (MB): 1,748,800
   Space Used on File System (MB): 2,304,355
      Space Used by Database (MB): 448
        Free Space Available (MB): 235,609
                      Total Pages: 32,776
                     Usable Pages: 32,504
                       Used Pages: 24,220
                       Free Pages: 8,284
            Buffer Pool Hit Ratio: 99.3
            Total Buffer Requests: 204,121
                   Sort Overflows: 0
          Package Cache Hit Ratio: 89.8
     Last Database Reorganization: 05/25/2009 16:44:06
           Full Device Class Name: FILE
Number of Database Backup Streams: 4
     Incrementals Since Last Full: 0
   Last Complete Backup Date/Time: 05/18/2009 22:55:19
        Compress Database Backups: Yes
    Protect Master Encryption Key: No
See Field descriptions for field descriptions.

Field descriptions

Database Name
The name of the database that is defined and configured for use by the IBM Spectrum Protect™ server.
AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemsTotal Space of File System (MB)
AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemsThe total space, in megabytes, of the file systems in which the database is located.
Windows operating systemsTotal Space of File System (MB)
Windows operating systemsThe total space, in megabytes, of the drives on which the database is located.
Space Used on File System (MB)
The amount of database space, in megabytes, that is in use.
Space Used by Database (MB)
The size of the database, in megabytes. The value does not include any temporary table space. The size of the database is calculated from the amount of space that is used on the file system containing the database.
Free Space Available (MB)
The amount of database space, in megabytes, that is not in use.
Total Pages
The total number of pages in the table space.
Usable Pages
The number of usable pages in the table space.
Used Pages
The number of used pages in the table space.
Free Pages
The total number of free pages in all table spaces. The IBM Spectrum Protect database has up to 10 table spaces.
Buffer Pool Hit Ratio
The total hit ratio percent.
Total Buffer Requests
The total number of buffer pool data logical reads and index logical reads since the last time the database was started or since the database monitor was reset.
Sort Overflows
The total number of sorts that ran out of the sort heap and might have required disk space for temporary storage.
Package Cache Hit Ratio
A percentage that indicates how well the package cache is helping to avoid reloading packages and sections for static SQL from the system catalogs. It also indicates how well the package cache is helping to avoid recompiling dynamic SQL statements. A high ratio indicates that it is successful in avoiding these activities.
Last Database Reorganization
The last time that the database manager completed an automatic reorganization activity.
Full Device Class Name
The name of the device class that is used for full database backups.
Number of Database Backup Streams
The number of concurrent data movement streams that were used during the database backup.
Incrementals Since Last Full
The number of incremental backups that were completed since the last full backup.
Last Complete Backup Date/Time
The date and time of the last full backup.
Compress Database Backups
Specifies whether database backups are compressed.
Protect Master Encryption Key
Specifies whether database backups include a copy of the server master encryption key.

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to QUERY DB
Command Description
BACKUP DB Backs up the IBM Spectrum Protect database to sequential access volumes.
EXTEND DBSPACE Adds directories to increase space for use by the database.
QUERY DBSPACE Displays information about the storage space defined for the database.