What is new for deployers

Version 9 contains some new features for application deployers.

  • [ or later]Java virtual machine custom properties

    Use the com.ibm.ws.logging.iso.date.format custom property to specify whether the date and time format in the logs uses a locale-specific format or the ISO-8601 format.

  • [ or later]Tuning the deployment of EJB applications

    Improve deployment times for Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) applications. Use MANIFEST.MF file attributes to enable and specify a list of remote EJBs. When these attributes are present, the product uses the specified list instead of searching through the EJB JAR files. Even if your application does not contain any remote EJBs, you can override the search behavior and improve deployment times by enabling the list attribute without specifying any remote EJBs.

  • [ or later]Java virtual machine custom properties

    Use the com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet30compatibility Java virtual machine custom property to deploy an application that has multiple servlets that are mapped to the same URL. Such an application fails to deploy in version 9.0 because of clarifications in the servlet 3.1 specification. This custom property is provided to allow for compatibility with earlier versions. The default value is false.

  • Java EE default bindings

    By default, preconfigured default resources are not used for Java EE bindings. To have generated bindings be Java EE defaults, select to use Java EE default bindings in the administrative console during application deployment or after deployment.

    For wsadmin AdminApp commands to install and update applications, specify the defaultbinding.ee.defaults option to use the preconfigured default resources for Java EE. For details on this option, see information about AdminApp commands and the usage table for AdminApp command options.