Transactions with heuristic outcome

Use this page to review transactions that completed with a heuristic outcome.

The page is provided for information purposes only. After you have reviewed the information in this page, then the only action required is to remove the transactions from the list. If you do not remove a transaction from the list, it is kept in the list for three days or until the server is shut down, whichever occurs first.

To view this administrative console page, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers [Content pane] server_name [Container Settings] Container Services > Transaction Service > Runtime > Heuristic transactions - Review.

To list the resources used by a transaction, click the transaction local ID in the list displayed.

To act on one or more of the transactions listed, select the check boxes next to the transactions that you want to act on, then use the buttons provided.

Local ID
The local identifier of the transaction.
Heuristic outcome
The outcome of the transaction.
Global ID
The global identifier of the transaction.
Remove the selected transactions from the list.