Enabling JMS tracing for the Liberty embedded messaging

JMS traces can be used in Liberty for problem determination and troubleshooting.

Setting JMS traces

The following trace strings can be set in the server.xml file to obtain the required information.

Connection problems
Use the following trace string to gather information about connection issues.
Communications and TCP/IP
Use the following trace string to gather information about the application server channel framework and TCP/IP network communications.
JMS client applications
Use the following trace string to gather information about requests from JMS applications.

Locked messages
Use the following trace string if messages that are being delivered to MDBs and applications are locked for longer than you expect.
Message-driven beans
Use the following trace string to gather information about MDBs that are configured by using an Activation Specification against a message destination.
Message format and schema
Use the following trace string if there is a problem in parsing or handling message data.
Message processor
Use the following trace string to gather information about the core functions of the messaging engine. Gathering this data is helpful, but might be potentially large.
Message store
Use the following trace string to gather information about persistent message data, which is written out to storage so that it can be recovered if there is a failure.
Performance and message tracking
Use the following trace string to determine the delay in passing of messages or if you need to find where the messages are going.
Use the following trace string if subscribers are not getting the proper publications for their topic.
Use the following trace string if a user is authenticated incorrectly or is incorrectly allowed or disallowed access to resources.