Converting an enterprise application to an OSGi application

You convert an enterprise application to an OSGi application by completing manual tasks that convert the enterprise archive (EAR) file to an enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file.

To convert your enterprise application to an OSGi application, you must separately convert each of the components in the EAR file.

Complete the following tasks:

  1. Change the file extension from .ear to .eba.
  2. Convert any web application archive (WAR) files to OSGi web application bundles.
  3. Convert any enterprise bean (EJB) Java archive (JAR) files to OSGi EJB bundles.
  4. Convert any utility JAR files to OSGi bundles.
  5. Convert any persistence archive files to OSGi persistence bundles.
  6. Convert Java 2 security settings to OSGi.
These tasks are described in detail in the following subtopics: